If a rat sneezes, then this is always a sign of pathology or improper conditions of the animal. It is believed that these animals have strong immunity. However, decorative domestic rats are also prone to colds and infections. This is especially true of older animals and cubs. With frequent sneezing, you need to look at your pet and pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.
Allergic reaction
You can often notice that the rat sneezes and itches. Most often, this is a sign of an allergy. Various substances can irritate a pet's body:
- The animal may react to the smell of tobacco or air fresheners.
- If newspapers are used as bedding for the cell, then an allergic reaction to the printing ink is possible.
- Household chemicals used to care for the cell can cause irritation of the nasal mucosa and skin.
- Often the cause of allergies is a filler from hay or sawdust.
In case of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to find out exactly which substance caused it. The exposure to the allergen must be excluded. You need to use a different type of filler, as well as change the type of feed. The diet of rats should include foods rich in vitamins. You can give your pet a small grain of Suprastin tablets. If the allergy continues, then you need to show the animal to the veterinarian.
Parasite infection
The rat sneezes when infected with skin parasites (fleas, lice, ticks). This is accompanied by severe itching. Vital products of insects cause a strong allergic reaction.
You can detect fleas and lice eaters with the naked eye. To do this, carefully examine the pet, spreading the wool. As for ticks, this parasite has microscopic dimensions. It can be detected only with the help of a special analysis in a veterinary clinic.
In case of infection with parasites, the animal must be washed with zoo shampoo. It is also useful to use Front Line or Bars spray.
Birth Defects
Sometimes it can be difficult for the owner to figure out why the rat is sneezing. The animal may not have other signs of malaise. The cause of sneezing may be due to the abnormal structure of the nasal septum. Such a defect is a congenital feature. Due to the curvature of the septum, the nasal passages cannot be cleaned of mucus naturally. And the animal has to periodically sneeze to get rid of nasal secretions.
If the animal feels good, then there is no reason for concern. However, it is important to remember that sneezing associated with defects in the structure of the nose has been observed in the rat since childhood. If such a symptom first appears in an adult animal, then it is associated with other causes.
Sometimes a rat sneezes due to a lack of healthy nutrients. Vitamin A deficiency often leads to this symptom. At the same time, deterioration in the quality of coat and vision, lacrimation, and weight loss are noted. In rat pups, growth is slowed down.
With vitamin deficiency A, carrots, liver, fish oil, and egg yolk should be included in the diet of the animal. If necessary, you can give your pet vitamins in tablet form. The dosage of drugs should be determined by the veterinarian.
Often, a domestic rat sneezes due to stress. Decorative rodents are much more timid than their wild relatives. Their nervous system is quite sensitive.
Rats are painfully experiencing any changes. These animals can react negatively to the rearrangement of the cage, the appearance of new people and animals in the house, as well as to sharp sounds and smells.
It often happens that you have a rat, and after a while it starts to sneeze. This may be an animal’s reaction to a change of scenery. You need to try to calm the animal and enrich its diet with vitamins. If the cause is stress, then sneezing will soon pass.
If the pet continues to sneeze, then most likely it is sick. In this case, it must be shown to the veterinarian.
Red sneezing
What should I do if a rat sneezes, and at the same time, red discharge comes out of her nose? Usually, owners take this symptom for bleeding. But this is far from always the case. With inflammation in a rat, a red substance comes out of the nose - porphyrin. This is a sign of viral diseases of the nose. This symptom is quite dangerous, since the infection can pass into the respiratory tract, and then into the lungs.
The allocation of porphyrin is also a sign of a dangerous disease - mycoplasmosis. With this infection, the rat looks apathetic, its hair is ruffled. The animal eats poorly, his breathing becomes difficult and hoarse.
Viral diseases and mycoplasmosis cannot be cured at home. It is necessary to show the pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Infectious diseases without treatment can cause severe lung complications.
Sneezing and grunting
If the rat sneezes and grunts, then this is always a symptom of respiratory diseases. Often owners confuse sneezing and coughing with a rodent. In such cases, you need to pay attention to the breathing of the pet. If shortness of breath and wheezing is noted, then this indicates an inflammatory and infectious process in the respiratory tract.
In such cases, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. If the infection enters the lungs and leads to pneumonia, the pet may die. Especially dangerous is pneumonia for elderly animals.
For infections of the respiratory tract, the doctor prescribes a course of antibacterial therapy. In no case should you prescribe antibiotics to your pet yourself. Only a specialist can choose the right drug and calculate the right dosage. In addition, the introduction of antibiotics at home can lead to anaphylactic shock.
Are rat diseases transmitted to humans?
Is it dangerous for humans if a rat sneezes? Many pet owners mistakenly believe that rodent diseases are not transmitted to humans. There are a number of infectious and parasitic pathologies that are common to rats and humans. For example, a scabies mite can be transmitted from rodents to humans. Rat fleas can bite a person, this leads to severe itching and an allergic reaction to the skin.
Of particular danger to humans is rat pneumonia caused by mycoplasma. When the animal sneezes, the pathogen spreads by airborne droplets. Especially often people with weak immunity become infected. Mycoplasma in humans causes severe pneumonia.
How to protect yourself from infection? To do this, observe the following recommendations:
- daily cleanse the cell of dirt and stool;
- keep your face away from the muzzle of a sick animal;
- wash hands after talking with a pet and applying medical products.
It is also important to consult your veterinarian at the first sign of infection in your pet. This is especially true for such a serious disease as mycoplasma pneumonia.