Most modern peripheral input systems have an Insert key. It can be used both singly and in combination with other buttons on the keyboard. Also, its purpose may vary depending on what software is currently running on a personal computer. It is the features of the use of this element of the device that will be dedicated to the small overview that is brought to your attention.
Main purpose
As previously noted, the Insert key can change its purpose depending on what software is currently in active mode on a personal computer. To begin, consider the algorithm for its use in text editors. This button on the peripheral set of information in this case switches the dialing and character substitution modes. In the first case, the letters are simply typed, and those that are to the right of the cursor are not replaced, but shifted. In the second case, the dialing order changes dramatically. When you turn on the replacement mode, the characters on the right will not shift. They will be replaced with those that were entered from the keyboard. You can determine the input mode of a text editor using the information panel, which is located directly above the taskbar. If the INS indicator is black, then the letters are replaced. Otherwise, dialing is performed normally with offset.
Additional use
The Insert button is used in a completely different way in various modifications of file managers. The latter include FAR, DOS Navigator and Norton Commander. Of course, now such software is rarely used, but knowing some of its features will not be out of place. If the cursor is located on one of the panels of such software, then pressing this button on the input subsystem will result in highlighting the element on which the marker is located. In this case, the pointer will move one position down. If you press this key again on a previously selected item, the previously performed action is canceled.
Within the operating system, the Insert key can be used in various key combinations. For example, if you hold down Ctrl and then Insert, and then simultaneously release them, then the selected fragment of the document or the file will be placed on the clipboard. Using another combination, you can perform the reverse operation. That is, extract information from the clipboard and set it to the location of the cursor. In this case, hold Shift immediately, then Insert, and then release them.
On a regular keyboard
Now we will deal with the location of the Insert key on the keyboard on the peripheral input subsystem of a regular personal computer. Moreover, you can find it in two places at once.
In one case, it is in the gap between the main and extended digital parts of the keyboard. Next to it is the Backspace, which is on the left. Under it, you can find Delete, and on the right - Home. A little higher, after a short gap above it is the Prn Scr key. That is, the developers of the standard peripheral input system included in this case it in the group of navigation buttons. This is what users use in most cases.
But there is an alternative in this case. To the right of the PC input device is a numeric keypad. But you can use the Num Lock key to change the order of its operation. If it is turned off, and the indicator associated with it does not light, then this part of the input system goes from the dialing mode to the navigation one. On one key with "0" is the inscription INS or Insert. This element of the keyboard is a possible alternative in this case.
On a mobile computing system
The Insert key on a laptop can be located in different places. If the mobile computer is equipped with a standard input subsystem, then the layout of the elements of the set is not significantly different. But when the laptop is equipped with an abbreviated keyboard, the button in question can be moved. Moreover, each manufacturer in this case acts at its discretion. It can also be part of the main character set or auxiliary. In the second case, simultaneously with it, you need to press the Fn key.
As part of this informative article, the Insert key was considered. Previously, it was often used in the process of working on a personal computer. It was used when typing textual information, and when processing directories and files in file managers, and when copying or pasting data in the operating system. Now there is no such urgent need for its active exploitation. A more convenient and practical alternative to it is a mouse. Using the manipulator today can significantly increase the speed of work on a personal computer. Therefore, some manufacturers are already excluding the key in question from the keyboard. Most likely, in the foreseeable future, it will begin to disappear on new keyboards, and in a few years it will become an extremely rare phenomenon.