When can I plant a baby? Answers and recommendations to parents

The question "When can I plant a baby?" excites all parents. We can give recommendations on solving the main problems that can help adults in the proper upbringing of a child up to one year.

When to plant a baby? You can’t categorically do this from birth to 5 months, because in this case the baby can “earn” curvature of the spine, improper skeleton development, and in girls early sitting can become the main factor in the formation of the uterine bend.

Another thing is when the child himself gradually learned to sit and hold this position with the help of muscles. In this case, starting from the fourth month, you can give your baby freedom of movement, because, trying to take an upright position, he trains his body.

But in general, the professional answer to the question "When can I put a child?" boils down to the following. It is recommended to do this from five months, at the initial stage, wrapping pillows around the baby and using a special device. Better yet, wait for the moment when the child can sit himself - in this case, you can be completely sure that the crumb muscles are ripe for such a load.

Many parents are concerned about the question: " Is it possible to put a child in a kangaroo, and from what month? ". The problem is very relevant and important, since this is a complex device for transferring a child, you need to choose wisely.

You can only purchase such a model, in which it is assumed that the child is carried up to three months in a horizontal position. In the "kenguryatnik" there must be a rigid back, the ability to establish the position in which the already grown up child will be a little reclining, leaning back. It is recommended to wear only in front of you and not a very long period of time so as not to cause harm.

It must be borne in mind that such a vehicle is strictly forbidden to children with reduced muscle tone.

When can I put my child in jumpers? The answer to this problem is ambiguous. The main reason for this situation is that the instructions contain one information, and the recommendations of pediatricians are somewhat different. If such a dilemma arises, one must rely on the opinion of the district police officer, since he sees the level of development of the motor abilities of the child.

The fact is that you can put a child in jumpers when he is able to sit well, stands firmly near the support and holds his back. Only under such conditions can this entertainment tool become useful and not harm the development of the child’s bone system. Many mothers are in a hurry, trying to secure a long-awaited rest, while the baby is jumping.

Moreover, the following rules must be observed. Firstly, a day is allowed to stay in jumpers for no more than half an hour, breaking this time into three doses. Secondly, there should be a hard back and seat belts.

Only when these points are taken into account, jumpers will become not only a fascinating activity, but also a way to develop coordination, motor skills and motor activity of the baby.

When can I put a child on a walker? Modern pediatricians claim that a child will be able to move safely with this fashionable method only when he is firmly standing, and moves with support. Typically, this occurs in seven to eight months. From now on, walkers are considered a way to “speed up” walking training.

There are also a number of opinions that crawling is the best way to develop the bone and muscle systems. Since only in this case there is a uniform, focused and proper development of the baby’s body.

The correct approach to choosing a solution to the questions posed is the use of an integrated approach that includes modern means of education and traditional, familiar ways. Find a middle ground will be able to all parents.

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