The expectation of a child is associated with many worries. Often, a future mother is worried that she should not eat during pregnancy and what foods will be beneficial for the health of her future baby. It's time to learn all about good nutrition during this period.
Cardinal changes
The fact that the expectation of a child changes the life of a married couple is known to everyone. Particularly dramatic changes concern the health of women. Her body is completely rebuilt to bear and have a baby. Do not bypass the changes and the digestive system. Now everything that happens to a pregnant woman indirectly concerns the future baby.
For 9 months, much attention is paid to rest, sleep and proper nutrition. Many women hang on the refrigerator the so-called black list. What can not be eaten during pregnancy and lactation?
The diet of a pregnant woman initially raises many questions, since early toxicosis, weight gain, and other "charms" of an interesting position often form bizarre eating habits. It often happens that you don’t want anything useful at all, but some kind of nasty thing - without fail. So what can not be eaten during pregnancy? If you responsibly approach the answer to this question, you can find a solid list of products that are extremely undesirable to eat.
Fatty and fried, spicy and salty
Perhaps this is the first thing that comes to mind when they raise the question of what should not be eaten during pregnancy. And indeed it is. During the period of gestation, the liquid is retained in the body of a woman, so salty foods will only aggravate puffiness. With special care, you should eat fried and fatty foods - it overloads the liver, which is already unsweetened due to fetal pressure. In addition, these products provoke the formation of heartburn and gastritis. The liver, kidneys and stomach, and so suffer because of the position of the woman - they have to work in crushed conditions.
Extreme caution should be taken in smoked meats. Firstly, they also load the liver. And secondly, it is now difficult to find natural smoked products for sale - in order to give the meat a piquant aroma, various chemical additives are added to it, which is harmful to the health of the expectant mother.
What is strictly forbidden to use?
There are some products that in no case should be eaten by a woman who is expecting the appearance of a baby:
- Alcohol. With this, everything is clear. If a glass of good red wine once a week does not hurt, then regular consumption of alcoholic beverages can adversely affect the baby's development.
- Raw fish and meat. These products can become a source of a dangerous disease - listeriosis. Even the mildest form can lead to a miscarriage or the birth of a dead child.
- Raw eggs, fresh milk and any products containing them. All of them can be a source of salmonellosis. The disease is very dangerous even for an ordinary person. What can I say about a pregnant woman?
- Forest mushrooms also can not be consumed in anticipation of a small miracle. They are poorly digested and can be a source of toxic substances.
What should not be eaten during pregnancy? Illegal foods include any raw vegetables and fruits that have not been sufficiently processed. In addition, you should be very careful about those fruits and vegetables that contain the slightest signs of a poor-quality product.
What foods are not allowed during pregnancy?
To feel good throughout all 9 months, you should adhere to certain recommendations that will allow you to get all the necessary elements for the proper development of the child:
- it is better to eat everything boiled, baked or steamed than fried or smoked;
- should be eaten more often, but not much (5-6 small snacks are better than 3 full meals);
- from the table you need to get up a little hungry;
- if something is impossible, but really want, then you can treat yourself, but in reasonable quantities;
- lack of sweets can affect overall health (there is a feeling of drowsiness and lethargy);
- you need to drink plenty of fluids, but a pregnant woman should remember that her excess turns into swelling on her legs.
Many, seeing the treasured stripes on the test, think about what can and cannot be eaten during pregnancy. It turns out that there is a whole list of products that are undesirable to consume during the period of gestation.
Foods to Be Used with Great Care
There is a so-called yellow list of what should not be eaten during pregnancy, or rather products that should be consumed with great care:
- Elite varieties of cheeses, which contain white or blue mold.
- Products that include raw eggs (mousses, smoothies and home-made mayonnaises).
- Everyone's favorite sushi and raw meat (these products can be a source of pathogens).
- Chocolate, strong tea and coffee are a big burden on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
- Fatty and gourmet fish (they may contain mercury).
- Canned food (in their composition E-additives and preservatives are most often present, which do not have a beneficial effect on the intrauterine development of the child).
- Products that are strong allergens.
Proper nutrition of the expectant mother
Knowing that you can’t eat and drink during pregnancy, many will ask: "What should expectant mother eat?" It should immediately be noted that in the first trimester it is impossible to radically revise your diet. It is best to come to terms with the needs of the pregnant body and give time for it to get used to the new condition.
Incidentally, it is these "eccentricities" that are the body's natural reaction to the lack of any components. For example, an increased interest in dairy products may indicate that a woman lacks calcium in her body. An acute desire for seaweed is the clearest evidence that the body lacks iodine. So what should a pregnant woman eat?
Diet of a pregnant woman in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters
With what you can not eat in the early stages of pregnancy, have already decided. It remains only to figure out what should be the diet of the future mother. Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman should be a little stricter about her diet. Indeed, many products are capable of delivering tangible discomfort.
So, for example, it should be remembered that fried or smoked food enhances the feeling of thirst, and the body during this period does not quickly remove excess fluid, which provokes the formation of edema. For the same reason, you should refrain from taking salty foods. Doctors recommend undersalting meals. The maximum amount of water is one and a half liters per day.
What you can not eat during pregnancy: list
There are some products that are strictly prohibited for pregnant women. These include alcohol, raw meat and fish, raw milk and eggs, as well as mushrooms and foods that are not benign.
Many people think about whether pregnant women can drink coffee. It is possible, but undesirable. Indeed, strong tea and coffee contains caffeine, which has an exciting effect on the child’s nervous system. If a woman is used to pampering herself with a tasty and aromatic drink regularly, then it is worth reducing the use of these drinks to two cups per day.
Physical activity: what is possible and what is not
Can pregnant women lift weights? Extremely undesirable. Even a familiar grocery set can provoke premature birth. In addition, the back of a pregnant woman is already experiencing severe stress during the period of bearing a child, so it is definitely not worth straining it with weights.
Can pregnant women have sex? It is possible if there are no contraindications. It should be remembered that sex during pregnancy should be as careful and gentle as possible. No sudden movements and experiments.
Can pregnant women wash by hand? Absolutely forbidden. Firstly, it is a very heavy load on the lower back and back. Secondly, hand washing is very tiring. And thirdly, water with detergents can greatly harm the health of the unborn baby.
Overfatigue should be avoided at any stage of pregnancy. You can delegate part of the housework to your spouse - he probably will not ask stupid questions, but will kindly agree to help the woman he loves. For purchases in the store you can send an older child.
What about drugs?
Pregnant women should not be vaccinated. No one can say how the body of a pregnant woman will react to the introduction of the drug. In addition, do not forget that inside lives a little man who can be seriously harmed even by the most harmless flu shot.
A woman during the period of bearing a child should be attentive to her own health. Any cold can cause serious consequences. Moreover, during pregnancy, women are highly undesirable to take any medication.
Other restrictions
Many believe that pregnant women should not dye their hair. It is possible, but best of all, to use paint that does not contain potent components. For the health of the future mother and her baby, the vapors that the woman inhales during the application of paint are harmful.
A woman in an “interesting position” is extremely undesirable to sunbathe. Sunbathing is useful, but in a reasonable amount. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays leads to an increased risk of cancer.
Pregnant women should not take a hot bath and go to the bath. High temperatures can greatly worsen overall well-being, as well as cause premature birth or miscarriage.
Expecting a baby is a happy period that gives you even more pleasure as your tummy grows. One can only hope that these 9 months will be truly beautiful and easy.