WHOIS: domain information

The Internet is built from unique elements that have their own digital designation in the form of an IP address and its symbolic designation - a domain name. Information on the structure of the Network is generated and used decentralized in special databases.

domain information

Domain names are painted by zone. Basically, this distribution by country: .ru, .by, .ua, .kz, .eu, ... There are international designations: .com, .gov, .org, .info, .edu, ... There are also geographical options: .eu, .asia, .berlin, .london - and names provided by special servers. This is the first level.

Domain name

- (Regional Internet Registry, RIR). RIR, . .

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find out domain information

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Data on registration details, on the owner of the resource that do not affect its functioning, - information on domains - is provided by the provider, registrar or the owner of the resource. The third and higher level is usually referred to as subdomains, information about them is provided by the owners.

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