Pregnancy is a very difficult, but at the same time the most amazing time for every woman. This is not about the case when the pregnancy is accidental and unwanted, but about the exciting expectation that a woman experiences all 9 months, carrying her child under her heart. But be that as it may, the onset of pregnancy is always unexpected, even if it is planned. And the feelings that the future mother experiences after learning about her interesting situation cannot be compared, perhaps, with any other emotions.
So how can a woman independently determine the onset of this wonderful moment - to understand that she is pregnant? As a rule, in the very first days after the fertilization of an egg, a woman does not feel any changes in her own body. Although already on the second day, the embryo begins to synthesize special substances - hormones that can affect the female body, preparing it for global restructuring.
The first signs of pregnancy after conception clearly begin to appear on the sixth to twelfth day. A woman feels an increase in body temperature, which holds steady for about two weeks. It is due to the production of progesterone, which is responsible for the increase in basal body temperature. After this time, the embryo is fixed in the uterine mucosa, the placenta is formed, the corresponding hormones begin to be produced and the body temperature stabilizes. Also, the first symptoms of pregnancy can be expressed in the appearance of a small amount of bloody discharge from the genital tract. This is implantation bleeding, which is provoked by the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall. Many women take it for the onset of menstruation. But such secretions are short-lived and not abundant, are smearing in nature, therefore, special attention should be paid to them.
After a few days, the woman notices a delay in menstruation. This is the most famous and absolutely objective sign of a pregnancy only if the woman has a stable monthly cycle. Even a delay of 4-6 days gives reason to think about the conception. All of the above first symptoms of pregnancy are necessarily observed at the onset of conception and the normal development of the embryo. Their presence is mandatory, and they are the first bell that forces a woman to pay attention to her condition.
The first symptoms of pregnancy may also include sensations such as swelling of the mammary glands. A woman notes an increased sensitivity of breasts, which become painful. Possible darkening of the areola of the nipples or its increase. Almost simultaneously, drowsiness, apathy, a constant feeling of tiredness, weakness, dizziness, increased fatigue, and even fainting are added to these signs of pregnancy. These first symptoms of pregnancy are due to the onset of hormonal changes in the body of a woman. She becomes irritable, she experiences frequent mood swings in combination with restless sleep.
A faithful companion to the onset of pregnancy is nausea in the morning, often ending with vomiting. As a rule, women suffer from it in the first 2-8 weeks. To these sensations salivation is often added, heaviness in the epigastric region, a characteristic metallic taste in the mouth, as well as indigestion, constipation, bloating.
Also, the very first symptoms of pregnancy can be detected by a sharply increased appetite, the development of hypersensitivity to odors or a complete aversion to some of them. Often there is a craving for unusual flavor combinations.
Of course, all of the above conditions and feelings of a woman can be both symptoms of the immediate onset of pregnancy, and signs of any disease or, simply, self-hypnosis. Therefore, if any of the symptoms appears, you must do a pregnancy test or consult a doctor.