Have you ever wondered why it is customary to rejoice at your birth and annually celebrate this fact? Do you think that a person is happy because he is a year older? Nothing like this. It's just that birthday is the only holiday that belongs only to you. Agree, anyone is pleased to be the center of attention and receive congratulations and gifts just like that, and not because he deserves it. On this day, we are all like little children in anticipation of a miracle. And doubly nice if it really happens.
Today we’ll talk about how to wish a man a happy birthday. And let it be not banal poems from the Internet and cake with candles, but something really funny and interesting.
Of course, congratulations depend on the degree of your closeness with the birthday. You can present a gift with a hint of feelings to your beloved husband or young man. With a friend or recent acquaintances, you should be more restrained so that there is no misunderstanding. Do not forget also that when choosing a congratulation you need to take into account the personality of the birthday person.
Hollywood style
If you worry about how to originally congratulate a guy on his birthday, about a couple of weeks before the upcoming event, you will be able to organize a grand event. Moreover, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on this. Just call your friends for help and give out assignments. Your goal is to write posters with congratulations, inflate a lot of balloons, purchase crackers, sparklers and other holiday attributes. The main thing is that no one speaks out to the birthday man ahead of time about your plans.
On the day of this grand event, your task is to lure the hero of the occasion from home. For example, under the pretext of taking a walk. At this time, let friends and relatives decorate the room and set the table.
Well, when the birthday boy returns from a walk, a surprise will meet him on the doorstep of the house.
The script, of course, looks a lot like a movie, but this does not make it any less touching.
Romantic mood
It is believed that congratulations in verses, flowers and compliments are the prerogative of the fairer sex. Pampering young people in this way is somehow not accepted. However, believe me, most of them are no less romance than ladies. In addition, a kind word, as you know, is pleasant even to feline representatives. What can we say about the "reasonable man." Therefore, organize for your man a romantic birthday with all the necessary attributes: flowers, poems and a candlelit dinner. The first item will help you professional florists. Male floral arrangements also exist, but they are somewhat different from the options for women's bouquets.
If you have no idea how to congratulate a guy on his birthday in verse, contact people who offer similar services or look for something suitable on the Internet. But do not write off the first opus from the site. For the most part, this, so to speak, poetry has a place on the fence, and not on a greeting card.
Under the happy star
I’ll tell you a little secret - men also believe in horoscopes. Many, however, hide this. However, from your personal forecast for next year, compiled by Paul Globa himself, your adorable birthday boy will not refuse. Do not think bad, I do not call to disturb the astrology maestro with such requests. Moreover, I know for sure that the horoscope he compiled is far from cheap and very dubious. Therefore, I suggest you print the astrological chart yourself. A suitable picture can be found on the respective sites. And write the forecast yourself, and only positive. Promise the hero of the occasion a sea of happiness and positive for the whole year. The astrologer's signature with all ranks and regalia will have to convince him of the authenticity of the document.
Of course, one will have to confess to falsification anyway ... someday, in a more appropriate setting.
Such innocent pranks can be a good answer to the question of how to wish a guy a happy birthday if there is no money for expensive gifts. After all, with the help of a printer and computer programs, you can create anything you want, right down to the nominal currency.
Add pepper
Striptease is a banal congratulation, but still very juicy. There are few young people who would refuse to admire this spectacle. But do not rush to throw slippers at me, I do not at all suggest calling the performer of frivolous dances home. You can do a strip for your young man yourself. Of course, you have to train. But if you are flexible and musical, through several individual lessons with a strip dance instructor you will be able to show a very decent number. Just keep in mind that such a gift is not intended for prying eyes. This is exclusive for one and only one.
Extreme lovers dedicated
There are many ways to wish a guy a happy birthday. But if your lover or friend is a fan of adrenaline, ordinary gatherings in a warm company will seem boring to him. Therefore, invite him to master something new, according to the profile. For example, skydiving, scuba diving, kart racing. A full list of extreme entertainment will certainly be found on one of the portals of your city.
Hundreds of ideas on how to congratulate a guy on his birthday, it is impossible to fit into the framework of one small article. But at the first opportunity, we will certainly continue this fertile topic. We hope that our tips will help you organize a fun holiday that will be remembered for a long time by a birthday person.