Many parents note how fast their children grow. And yesterday’s baby, who had just recently learned to hold his head, stands firmly on his feet and begins to speak his first sentences. Parents at the same time begin to care about such a moment as the development of young children. It must be said that from one to three years old kids go through three stages of their lives. The first of them lasts up to one and a half years, the second - from this moment to two years, the third ends at the age of about three years.
So, after a year, the field of activity expands for children, since usually by this moment they begin to walk and speak on their own. When the baby turns one and a half years old, he continues his research activities, and after two there is a significant leap in his intellectual development.
The speech development of a child at 2 years old is becoming more active. By this time, he has already accumulated a small vocabulary. Of course, it is still difficult for him to pronounce all the sounds, but the speech becomes relatively clear. After two years, children begin to actively accumulate vocabulary. Even if the baby cannot repeat the spoken word immediately, he will reproduce it in his speech after a certain period of time, which will surprise his parents.
Adults should remember that the development of a 2-year-old child largely determines his future inclinations. Therefore, classes with him are very important at this time. It is best to pronounce all your actions, read poems aloud, tell tales. Parents should not be upset if the baby still says a few words. Indeed, despite this, he already understands a lot. For example, if he is asked to perform some action (give a toy, open the door, etc.), he will easily fulfill the request.
The development of a child at 2 years of age also presupposes his knowledge of the surrounding reality. He is interested in a lot. He touches objects and can even try them "by the tooth." Do not scold the baby for this. It is better to remove all things that could be potentially dangerous in advance and watch how the child learns the objects available to him. The best option would be to explain to him what this thing is and what it is intended for. It should be noted that toys for a child at this age are not only bunnies and dolls bought by parents. It can be such ordinary things as plates, spoons, pots and other household items. No need to take them from the child, it is better to try to come up with new games with him, using these items. After all, the baby’s imagination is thus activated.
The development of a child at 2 years old differs from other periods in active growth. Almost all the time the baby is moving. He is inwardly inclined to move, though he doesn’t always do it well. Parents who seek to protect their children from falls and bruises, try to control their every step, doing wrong. The child must learn by this age not only to walk, but also to fall, as well as to rise and continue to move.
The task of adults at this stage is to raise and help (but only if absolutely necessary). You can lend a hand to the baby, but he will be able to stand up independently.
The physical development of the child at 2 years should be approximately as follows. He should already not only move independently, but also run, freely walk up the stairs, go backwards. All this is an achievement not only for babies, but also for their parents.
However, it should be noted that all children develop differently, so you do not need to demand a lot from the child. An alarm should be struck only in those cases when at one and a half years the baby does not walk on its own and does not even try to do it, but at the age of three practically does not speak. Then specialists in these areas should come to the rescue: speech therapist, orthopedist, neurologist and others.