Overweight during pregnancy. Questions and answers

Overweight during pregnancy is a fairly common and serious problem that many women face.

Reasons for Overweight

Overeating is one of the common causes of the phenomenon of being overweight during pregnancy. The thing is that in the human brain there is a special center (hypothalamus) that regulates the feeling of hunger. With systematic overeating, the work of the hypothalamus fails, as a result of which the human body needs portions that are constantly increasing for saturation. And in the case when all the energy generated as a result of food consumption is not used up, fat deposits begin to accumulate. The second reason leading to obesity is inactivity. Also, the causes of such an unpleasant phenomenon as excess weight during pregnancy can be endocrine system disorders or a woman's genetic predisposition.

What is the best weight gain for pregnancy?

The optimal weight gain of a pregnant woman is from 9 to 15 kilograms. In the event that the expectant mother is overweight, the increase should not exceed 10 kilograms, and with a phenomenon like obesity, the permissible figure is 6 kilograms. If, in two weeks, the pregnant woman did not get heavier at all or the weight gain in seven days is more than a kilogram, you should consult a doctor.

As you know, the pace of weight gain for each woman is individual, which must be taken into account. Therefore, a deviation from the optimal weight with a difference of several kilograms absolutely does not threaten either the expectant mother or the baby.

There are groups of pregnant women who should pay particular attention to this parameter. At the same time, they should not independently, without consulting a doctor, take any action to correct weight. These groups include:

- women who have a serious lack of weight and who need more calories;

- overweight women (the number of calories they consume should be less);

- Young mothers who are still growing and need good nutrition;

- women who carry more than one fruit (must add three hundred calories for each).

What is the danger of being overweight during pregnancy?

- diseases of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, dysfunctions of the endocrine system;

- phlebeurysm;

- diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia (toxicosis in late pregnancy), hypercoagulation;

- the threat of premature birth or miscarriage;

- the occurrence of indications for caesarean section;

- various complications during childbirth;

- difficult postpartum rehabilitation;

- pregnancy or miscarriage;

- premature exit of amniotic fluid;

- the birth of a baby with a body weight of more than 4000 grams, a delay in the development of the fetus.

How to avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon as excess weight during pregnancy?

Naturally, it is not recommended to make any restrictions on the nutrition of a pregnant woman , but there are times when the doctor makes an individual diet for the expectant mother. Gymnastics for pregnant women, walks in the air will also be useful. The effect of water is unique, as it relaxes the muscles of the back and legs, and also has a calming effect.

Remember, overweight during pregnancy requires systematic monitoring of a woman's health. Therefore, it is imperative to register with a hospital early in pregnancy and be regularly observed by a doctor to identify the smallest pathologies. Monitoring specialists will not only detect problems, but also eliminate them in a timely manner. Remember that this is necessary for the health of the child.

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