How to unpack a friend's chest in Minecraft

When you install the repository in this game, then it automatically goes into your property, since it is you who own it. Often the question arises of how to open a chest in Minecraft, for example, for your friend or loved one. In other words, if you want to make sure that your friend can use the repository, then you need to register a special command. Right now we will solve the question of how to straighten the chest for a friend.

Core team

how to straighten a chest for a friend

First you need to enter the game itself and open a chat. As we wrote above, you will need to use the special command / cmodify [nickname of the person to whom you want to entrust or pass the chest]. Naturally, you need to register the comrade’s login without quotes, otherwise you will not succeed. The question of how to open the chest for a friend was practically resolved, but you still need to know some more important facts.

General Invintar

, /cremove. , . , - /cprivate. «». , , , , . . , /cmodify , «» .

how to straighten a chest in minecraft

Be sure to remember that the described solution to the question of how to open a chest for a friend does not allow you to make doors private or shared. For these actions another command is already used. In order to privatize the doors, you need to use the / cprivate command in the chat, after which we select the “gate” we need. In order to add a friend to the white list, thereby allowing him to go to visit you, a procedure is used that will not differ practically from the one described above. Game developers and server administrators are constantly improving protection so that the kidnappers do not have a chance to use other people's resources, while friends have access to them at any time, if you allow it.

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