Our pets, especially cats, often get sick. And sometimes these pathologies become serious. Inverting the eyelids in a cat is a rather serious and complex eye disease that sometimes requires surgical treatment. Inversion of the eyelids is a disease consisting in the pathological condition of the eyelid, when its edge is wrapped inward towards the eyeball. There are several degrees of inversion: with an average, in addition to the edge of the eyelid, its skin surface is also wrapped, which is covered with eyelashes and hairs. In this position, the cornea of the eye is very irritated, resulting in inflammation of the visual organ.
Pathology Description
This disease occurs due to an imbalance in the size of the eyeball and eyelid. This is a fairly common occurrence, especially in rare cat breeds. Also, the causes of eyelid inversion can be the following factors: specific cat breed, heredity, foreign bodies getting into the organ of vision, corneal ulcers, dry eye syndrome, chronic eyeball diseases, conjunctivitis.
A set of diagnostic measures
Diagnosis of an animal with entropion must necessarily be complex, inspection alone is not enough. As a rule, cats with suspected illness are given a Schirmer test, biomicroscopy of the anterior segment of the damaged organ is taken to rule out dry eye syndrome. A fluorescein test is also taken to prevent ulcerative keratitis.
To compile a complete picture of the symptoms, a number of the following activities are mandatory: a general and biochemical blood test, urinalysis, an ultrasound examination of all organs of the abdominal region, an assessment of the condition and functioning of the heart are given. In case of suspicion of a bacterial infection, it is mandatory to sow bacteria, for successful treatment and further use of antibiotics.
Special membrane for cats
The cat has in its eye a thin, almost transparent film, which is located in the inner corner. It is called the blinking membrane. It moisturizes the cornea, serves as a barrier to foreign bodies and microparticles, and also relieves the eye of small insects, sand and household dust. This membrane is covered with lymphoid tissue, is fixed to the inner part of the lower and upper eyelids and flows a little on the cornea.
Eardrum Features
This membrane is involuntarily straightened, then folded, this is noticeable during blinking and when the pet's head is lowered. If the eye is irritated, then the film swells and grows in size. The membrane lubricates the cornea with a special tear fluid that protects the eye from the bacterial environment and fungal infections. Together with a tear, various specks and dead material are removed. Protecting the visual organ, the third eyelid itself can become inflamed and require urgent treatment.
Causes of pathologies of the third century
It is very rare to notice this film on the eye of an animal, but if it is clearly visible, then a loss or displacement of the blinking membrane occurred. If along with this symptom, the pupil narrows, and the upper eyelid or eye falls into orbit, this indicates damage to the optic nerve. In such a situation, you should immediately show the cat to the veterinarian. Entropion in cats is a common disease in our time. Unfortunately, the hereditary factor cannot be adjusted, because it is absolutely impossible to determine the specific gene that is responsible for the occurrence of this ailment. According to statistics, a century inversion in cats is more common among thoroughbred animals.
Entropion is accompanied by a set of characteristic anatomical signs: friability of the eyelids, an abundance of folds in the eyes, deep eye sockets, too long or thin rib of the eyelid. Most often, it is because of these features that the eyelid turns in, and it begins to touch the eyeball. There is an opinion that the disease occurs in all cats, however, practice has shown that animals that have a flattened muzzle are more likely to experience inversion of the eyelid. The brightest representatives of this type are Persian cats. They differ in a similar anatomical structure. Treatment for eyelid inversion in cats is widespread nowadays.
Types of pathologies and symptoms
There are two types of inversion:
- The primary factor is a genetic predisposition or a specific form of the eyelid, most often kittens and Persian cats are affected. First of all, the attending physician identifies the type of pathology, according to which treatment is prescribed to a small patient. The inversion of the eyelids in cats proceeds quite obviously, the main symptoms of this disease are redness of the eye, the cornea of the animal swells and swells, tearing begins, the shape of the eye and its section, visually become smaller, the ocular hair is moistened, mucous and purulent discharge is observed in the corners of the eyes, the animal has pain and sensations associated with inflammation of the cornea. In the advanced case, a corneal ulcer and conjunctival redness may appear. Past infectious disease can also cause entropion. In this case, the treatment should be directed to the main pathology, after which the inversion takes place independently. However, as practice shows, the inversion of the eyelid often requires surgical intervention.
Preparation and operation
The operation in the inversion of the eyelid in a cat is simple, but requires some preparation. What should be done before its implementation: to exclude any food from the pet's diet for 12-24 hours, leave only water in unlimited quantities. If the veterinarian prescribed some antiseptic drops or tetracycline ointment to the cat, then be sure to use them.
The need for surgery is not as dire as it might seem. During the operation, the wrapped eyelid is deployed, then using special sutures, it is fixed. In the event that the disease is not very neglected, a single operation is enough, but in a difficult case, several procedures may be required. Animals aged do not have such elastic skin as young individuals, so additional eyelid plastic may be required, in which excess skin is cut off, and then everything is fixed with sutures.
Postoperative outcome forecasts
In the vast majority of cases, the prognosis for cats is quite favorable. However, several factors influence the successful outcome: the age of the animal, the breed, the tendency to relapse, and the general state of health. Careful care after surgery is urgently needed. To exclude combing the wound, a special collar is put on the cat.
If the animal combes its eyes, then the problem may recur, and then again have to go to the clinic. Seams should be regularly treated with special solutions prescribed by your doctor. With proper care and successful healing, the sutures can be removed 10 days after the operation, and the cat will begin its full life again. Thus, we can conclude that the cat's inversion of the eyelid is a completely solvable problem that can be easily treated, without which the condition of the beloved pet can worsen, as a result of which he can completely lose his vision. Therefore, you should not delay this problem, but immediately contact a veterinary clinic.