In terms of obstetric periods, the 37th week of pregnancy is considered to be the ninth month of a condition special for a woman. Behind most of the deadline, but it is important to continue to take care of your health and listen to the behavior of the crumbs.
The condition of the future mother
What happens in the 37th week of pregnancy with the expectant mother? If everything is normal, then the woman:
- Gains weight up to 13.5 kg at this moment. The abdomen at 37 weeks of gestation may be lower, under the weight of the fetus. And this facilitates the well-being of the mother, relieving some internal organs of pressure.
- The woman's bladder also gets a lot of stress, she needs to visit the toilet often.
- A new stage in the state of the placenta - it is aging, although it continues to fulfill its responsibilities.
- A woman may experience manifestations of intense heat, she becomes very stuffy, for this reason sweating increases. This is because the last stages of pregnancy are the time when the amount of blood increases significantly in volume.
You have to be careful
37th week of pregnancy is a dangerous time for bleeding from the vagina. This is the last time, for each woman they go their own way. As a rule, the cause of bleeding is the incorrect location of the placenta or the process of its detachment.
In the presence of bloody discharge, the first thing a woman should ensure is her supine position and call an ambulance. With the timely provision of medical care, pregnancy can develop further, and everything will be normal again. If you ignore the problem, serious complications can occur. The doctor will determine what happens to mom at 37 weeks of gestation in this situation. He may raise a question about performing a cesarean section or recommend a woman to lie down for preservation. For many women, childbirth is normal during this period.
If it's time to give birth
The manifestation of signs of premature birth can be different. It is important for a future mother to notice them on time.
There are several reasons for urgent medical attention or calling an ambulance:
- A lowered abdomen led to an increase in pain in the back and pressure on the perineum. The woman felt relieved. Such symptoms mean that the process of movement of the fetus to the exit has begun. And such a process never happens in the opposite direction.
- The appearance of digestive problems, nausea, diarrhea. The reason for this is the cleansing function of the body, which seeks to remove "all unnecessary" to an important moment in life.
- Exit mucous plugs. In appearance, it is a colorless or slightly yellowish mucus, with minor additions of blood. She will depart immediately or in parts and will be a sign of the opening of the cervix.
- Reduced fetal movements. The grown child is closely in the bosom of the mother. Already familiar to a woman, training contractions become permanent, pain is present.
How the expectant mother feels
What happens at 37 weeks of gestation with a woman? The expectant mother feels more and more tired. There is a desire to lie down and relax. And you need to listen to your desires, interrupt your vacation no less than every 20 minutes. Do not forget that an active lifestyle and at 37 weeks of pregnancy remains relevant. After all, every woman seeks to give birth easily and successfully.
Do not forget to do small workouts, monitor your diet, spend more time outdoors.
The nature of the feelings of the future mother
The 37th week of pregnancy is marked by further changes in the body of the expectant mother. We study the manifestations of physical sensations that may be present at a given time.
Pain at 37 weeks of pregnancy is associated with hormonal activity:
- In height, the uterus will not change its position, it is high. Between the pubic symphysis and the uterus should be 37 cm, the distance to the navel is 17 cm. The mass of the uterus increases and amounts to about 1 kg with a volume of 5 liters.
- The size of the abdomen remains the same, it is no longer growing. Now only the active process of development of the baby is actively taking place, actively gaining weight. He feels more and more constrained. There are women who already notice that their stomach fell. This is a sign of an approaching birth. But such signs are not natural for everyone. Sometimes abdominal prolapse occurs just before labor begins.
When the belly of a future woman is constantly growing and changing its shape, this leads to sensations of itching. To avoid stretch marks, it is necessary to use cosmetics specially designed for pregnant women. Do not worry about a belly button that may twist. Everything will fall into place when the baby is born.
Features of training fights
Reviews of the 37th week of pregnancy indicate that training fights have become longer and stronger. There are sensations of uterine contraction, alternating with subsequent relaxation. Training fights are characterized by short duration. If they are more intense, this may indicate the onset of labor.
Discharge analysis
It is important to observe the color and intensity of the discharge. Norm, if they:
- bright;
- no impurities;
- have a uniform consistency;
- sour in smell.
The appearance of red veins, an increase in mucus may indicate a process of rejection of the mucous plug. The result of this phenomenon is the opening of the cervix.
If blood is noticed in the secretions, the placenta may begin to exfoliate. Then you need to urgently call emergency doctors.
Nature of pain
Pain at 37 weeks of gestation can be observed in the perineum, lower abdomen. The reason for this is a lowered belly. What physical sensations are characteristic for this period:
- If the lower back, legs and region of the bosom hurts, it means that there is a divergence of cartilage and ligaments. They soften, preparing for labor.
- Some women are worried about severe pain affecting their legs. As a rule, this is most noticeable if a woman walked a lot.
- The occurrence of serious pain in the lumbar, dorsal and sacral region is also acceptable for this period.
- Breast preparation is completed, she is able to fulfill her main mission - breastfeeding a baby. The size of the breast has increased markedly, there is a swelling of the nipples, their slight elongation. This period is characterized by the appearance of colostrum.
- The nature of the movements has changed, they are no longer so smooth. Often this activity of the baby causes severe pain to the mother. It is important to control the frequency of movements. They should not be less than 10 times a day.
What are the emotions of the future mother
Pregnancy 37 weeks - a very emotional time. Most women begin to worry about future feelings. Sometimes this manifests itself even in the form of nightmares.
Psychologists recommend not to be captured by unpleasant emotions and think in a positive way. After all, childbirth is a natural process that is characteristic of all women. Without enduring these moments, you will not be able to feel all the joy of the baby's birth.
Be patient, stock up on optimistic mood and positive thoughts. A little time will pass, and the main meeting of your life will take place - with a newborn baby.
At this time, it is important that parents have a complete understanding. After all, the child feels the emotions of mom and surrounding people. He must know that the outside world will meet the baby with care and attention.
Baby's condition
What happens to the baby at 37 weeks of gestation? He is developing to see the world in full readiness. If the intrauterine development of the baby took place against a background of positive emotions, it will be more viable.
What is typical for crumbs at 37 weeks:
- Intensive development of internal organs and systems is noted.
- If the child receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, this allows the baby to develop actively.
- Frequent smiles of the baby appear when the mother is cheerful and joyful. A child at 37 weeks pregnant scans the mood of his mother.
- In size, the child’s body is approximately 48 cm with a weight of 3 kg. A daily weight gain of 30 g is characteristic, every 15 g of which is subcutaneous fat.
- The abdomen and head have the same circumference.
- Changes in the skin are its density and the acquisition of pink color.
- The baby already has its own face, the skin has an individual pattern.
- The development of the pulmonary system in the baby is fast enough, but so far without being connected to the circulatory system. During childbirth, the heart valve opens, which will lead to blood flow to the lungs, and it will be saturated with oxygen. At the moment, the baby’s pulmonary system is characterized by the development of a surfactant that ensures the baby’s breathing when it is born. After all, when the baby breathes, it becomes possible to get an amniotic fluid into his lungs when exhaling. For this reason, the baby sometimes starts to hiccup.
- Brain neurons begin the process of formation of the myelin sheath, which is a kind of protective membrane with a huge number of layers from membrane cells. The duration of this process is the first year of life. The myelin sheath is needed to coordinate the movement of crumbs.
- The development of the grasping reflex is completed, the baby is played by the umbilical cord, pulls it.
- The ossification of the skull is not yet complete, 2 fontanelles remain open. To overgrow these areas of the skull, it will take two months after the baby is born. Due to the softness of the bones of the skull, the head will be able to successfully advance along the entire length of the birth canal.
- Strengthening of the nasal and ear cartilage. A child can hear not only sounds inside the mother’s body, but also from the outside.
- Changes in the nature of the baby’s sleep are the appearance of a slow phase. Before that, only the fast was present. Now the child can relax. He calms down, because the uterus does not put so much pressure on the body of the crumbs. The duration of the slow phase is 40% of all sleep. But the child can also process information received from outside in a dream.
- There is a drawing of eyebrows and cilia, making the face similar to the image of a person. Hair grows on the head, sometimes reaching 0.5-4 cm.
- Primary lubrication remains either on the entire body of the child, or covers only the skin folds.
- It is noteworthy that the baby's ability to independently provide temperature for his body. The nature of its heat transfer processes equates the baby with an adult. The temperature at 37 weeks of gestation in a baby is the same as that of his mother.
- The readiness of all the baby's systems to fully work is noted.
- For the intestines, the appearance of clusters of the first feces is characteristic, which will be black in color and is called meconium. The inside of the intestinal mucosa is already covered with a layer of villi. Intestine and stomach movements are performed. This will help the crumb so that its food safely moves along the length of the digestive tract, showing a willingness to accept and assimilate food.
If the birth of a child happens in this period, for the baby it will not become very stressful. This has been taken care of by the greatly increased size of the adrenal glands. By intensively producing the hormone, they will ensure the adaptation of the baby to a new form of existence.
Doctors advice
The presence of some problems can be solved by listening to the advice of specialists:
- If a pregnant woman at 37 weeks is concerned about insomnia, she needs to be more active in the daytime. A woman should not avoid uncomplicated housework, air walks. Try not to sleep during the day. Just before bedtime, it is not advisable to eat or drink. Before going to bed, take care of airing the room.
- It is important to attend courses for pregnant women, study thematic literature in order to prepare for an important event. This will distract the woman from disturbing thoughts.
- Continuous monitoring of food should not stop even in this period. The need for a balanced diet is important for a woman and her baby. Control the volume of food, consider its calorie content. The cause of overeating may be manifestations of heartburn.
- It is important to consume fermented milk products daily in the form of natural yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, sour cream. Adding them to the daily diet will help provide the mother and baby with calcium. Vitamin C and iron should also be present in food.
- For intimate relationships there is no prohibition if everything is within normal limits. Sometimes this helps relieve stress. Choose a pose from behind so that the woman does not feel discomfort. This is even useful, because with the help of male sperm, the cervix becomes more elastic. This will help in the delivery process.
To summarize
The harbingers of childbirth at 37 weeks of gestation are a lowered abdomen, the presence of spotting and increased contractions. A woman can give birth to a full-fledged baby in this period and should be ready for a trip to the hospital. All things have long been stacked, a dowry prepared for the long-awaited crumbs.
But if the woman’s condition is not noticeable changes, she can continue to enjoy pregnancy. It is important to monitor nutrition, lead an active lifestyle, alternating it with relaxation, more to be in the fresh air. In the emotional sphere of the future mother there should be order, since the baby inside of her hears and understands everything. The support of loved ones is very important.
Take care of yourself and your child, try to experience only positive emotions. Soon the pregnancy will safely end with the birth of a lovely baby.