HD video is a high definition recording with a higher resolution than standard. However, there is no unambiguous definition regarding HD. What permission corresponds to it depends on the specific region. So, in the countries of North America, traditionally any video containing more than 480 horizontal lines was considered a high-definition recording. In the countries of Europe it should have totaled 570 such units. However, today these figures are much higher.
Recordings with HD-resolution can have various sources: terrestrial or direct satellite broadcasting, digital cable television, disks (CDs), digital cameras, Internet content and the latest generation of game consoles. Most computers can play this kind of video thanks to VGA, DVI and / or HDMI.
Blu-Ray . Digital Versatile DVD ( 4,7 8,5 ) , 36 (91 ), HD ( ).
720p/24 , 1080 p/24. – 25 30 . 480 576 . 720 p, , . HDTV HD- 720 1080 p.
, 720 , . 1080, , , . 720 p, , , 1080 p – Blu-Ray.
, , . , , , HD-. - , , DVD-Video.
, . HD- , . . , .
, 1080 p. . , HD- PlayStation Network. PlayStation 3 Blu-Ray, HD-.