What does the user need to view the World Wide Web?

Today, working on the Internet, by many called the World Wide Web, which, in general, is somewhat incorrect, you will not surprise anyone. But here to view the World Wide Web requires a few prerequisites, which not all novice users know about. So, let's figure out exactly how we need the tools.

What is the World Wide Web?

In general, the term World Wide Web, today denoted by the abbreviation WWW, officially appeared back in 19989, when Tim Burns-Lee proposed to the world the use of, so to speak, a global and comprehensive project for the publication of linked text documents.

to view the world wide web required

HTML WWW HTTP. World Wide Web « ». , , -, (), . : World Wide Web . .

World Wide Web:

, . , , , . .

to view the world wide web what is required

, . , World Wide Web . , , .

World Wide Web. ? , , , -.

to view the world wide web you need

. Opera, Google Chrome, Chromium, Mozilla Firefox .., Internet Explorer, Windows ( Windows 10 Edge). , , .

, . World Wide Web (WWW) ? , URL-.

to view world wide web www required

, , ( ). , ( , ). , , , , . , , , , . , , . - ID.

, , http://www. ( www. ), https://www., .


, , World Wide Web , -.

, , «» Windows ActiveX , , .

what you need to view the world wide web

, () Adobe Flash Player, . , ( , , EXE-). .

, . World Wide Web . , «» Linux Mac OS X. - , .

world wide web you need to view

– Windows. . «» , , , , -. , , , , , «» .

Windows ( , , ) .

, World Wide Web . , , , , , , (upload) (download), CSS .. , , .

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