How to create monsters in "Sims 3": secrets and recommendations

"Sims 3" - a game in which the player is offered a lot of various possibilities. This is a real simulator of a person’s real life, but with its own characteristics. Here you can not only live, but also develop, invent. Many players ask how to create monsters in Sims 3. This question will have to be answered further. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. But at the same time it is worth considering that it will not work quickly to realize the idea. What do you need to pay attention to? How to create a variety of monsters in "Sims 3"?

how to create monsters in sims 3

Not always available

First of all, you need to make sure that the player, in principle, has such an opportunity. To do this, the Sims 3: Career game must be installed on the computer. Only in it it will be possible to reflect on the creation of monsters.

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sims 3 invention skill

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How to create monsters in "Sims 3"? As soon as the sim has a core, it will be possible to work a little with the inventor's home laboratory. Just in it will appear the item "Create a mysterious invention." Next, you will be asked to choose a gender - a boy or a girl. That's all. It remains just to wait a bit. Once the invention is completed, the sim can continue to create simbots.

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