Which sedative is better for dogs?

Dog sedative

Exhibitions, moving, thunderstorms, New Year’s fireworks ... Some dogs endure such a “shake-up” of the nervous system stoically, while others panic. It is not always possible to protect the animal from stress, but it is in our power to reduce the intensity of the attack, using sedatives for dogs. Fortunately, pharmacies today offer a decent selection of such drugs. But each organism is individual. It cannot be stated unequivocally: "This is a sedative for dogs - the best of all!" You may need to try several drugs before you find the one that is most suitable.

Let's look at the four most common types of sedatives, which are based on plant components. As a rule, their action is quite soft, and therefore consciousness remains clear, a state of lethargy is not observed.

Valerian - the most common sedative for dogs, gives a sedative effect, allowing you to achieve sedation and relaxation. It is advised by veterinarians during thunderstorms, before visiting a clinic, before trips, etc. With a correctly calculated dosage, several days can be used. In cases where stress can be foreseen (trips, exhibitions), it is better to start taking valerian on the eve (two days). Dosage - from 5 to 15 drops (by weight). Another advantage of valerian is that it acts as an antispasmodic, which is important in cases where the excitement of the animal is also accompanied by a violation of the digestive tract (diarrhea). Aggressive dogs Valerian is not suitable.

Dogs with intense jealousy and aggression that flare up during stress and fear may have a passion flower.

Dog sedatives

Motherwort is another sedative for dogs. Sometimes it even surpasses Valerian in its actions. Indications and dosage are the same.

Scutellaria baicalensis is considered the most spectacular calming herb. He is able to fight even with acute and chronic cases of nervous tension. Not only that, it alleviates pain. Scutellaria baicalensis is indicated for severe excitability, accompanied by trembling and hypersensitivity of peripheral nerves. Tincture is prepared for alcohol (70%, 1: 5). The dosage for dogs is slightly less than for humans. It is from 5 to 20 drops (by weight) twice a day.

In veterinary pharmacies, the sedative preparations Kot Bayun and Fiteks are especially in demand, which are based on the valerian and motherwort listed above. The dosage for each dog is different depending on the weight and nature (strength) of the anxiety (read the instructions).

For dogs

All of the above funds are used only when actually necessary (not for prevention and not "just in case"). The effect is noticeable within half an hour after administration (sometimes later). Accordingly, if you know for sure that stress is inevitable for your pet, give one of these drugs in advance (in an hour) - and the dog will endure the excitement much easier.

However, we recall once again: the drug that came up with one dog may not have an effect on another. In addition, some components can lead to an allergic reaction. In this case, it is better to try something else.

If there is no effect at the maximum dosage, do not increase the dose. Give up this tool and try a new one.

Dog sedatives are not used after operations with anesthesia. A combination of soothing herbs with antidepressants or sedatives is also unacceptable.

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