Diarrhea during pregnancy in the third trimester: causes and treatment

Each person has diarrhea at least once in a lifetime. The phenomenon is quite unpleasant, but quite amenable to correction. However, it becomes much more complicated if diarrhea opens during pregnancy. This manifests itself in the form of a loose, watery stool, which can be quite frequent. Often it is accompanied by abdominal pain, and sometimes even temperature. Diarrhea during pregnancy in the third trimester is complicated by the fact that the expectant mother can not take some drugs. Taking medicines at an early stage is especially dangerous, but even by the end of the period it is necessary to coordinate treatment with an experienced doctor.

diarrhea during pregnancy in the third trimester

Causes of an unpleasant phenomenon

Diarrhea during pregnancy in the third trimester can be caused by a number of factors, therefore, only the attending physician can determine what is finally the case. According to statistics, diarrhea occurs in every person 2-3 times a year. This may be due to malnutrition or viral infection. Moreover, the severity of the course of the disease can also be different. There are acute diarrhea, which is most often the result of various infections and viruses entering the body. The duration of the course is usually several days.

With a prolonged course, up to several weeks, a persistent diarrhea is diagnosed. Finally, if this condition lasts more than a month, then chronic diarrhea, which is associated with serious illnesses, can be assumed.

But this is data that is fair to everyone. And diarrhea during pregnancy in the third trimester is an even more complex phenomenon, which may have its causes.

diarrhea during pregnancy in the third trimester of the cause

Digestion features of the expectant mother

Even the most insignificant causes can cause diarrhea in this difficult period. The body is undergoing major changes, and the woman is more susceptible to environmental influences than ever. All the forces go into the formation and development of the fetus, the immune system is greatly weakened, and digestion reacts sharply to any influences from the external environment.

That is why diarrhea during pregnancy, in the third trimester, can be caused by the most neutral causes. For example, regular exercise can increase motility and cause short diarrhea. A diet rich in vitamins and fiber is also able to stimulate the liquefaction of feces. And taking synthetic complexes (vitamins and minerals) can cause diarrhea precisely in the last weeks, even if before that you drank them throughout the entire period.

Hormonal restructuring of the body, which goes on throughout pregnancy, by itself can cause malfunctions in the intestines, which will result in diarrhea or constipation. And in the last weeks, just before the birth, this is generally a normal phenomenon that should not scare you. The body is just preparing for the upcoming birth.

diarrhea during pregnancy in the third trimester treatment

For a consultation with a doctor

Of course, we have listed far from all situations when diarrhea occurs during pregnancy in the third trimester. The reasons may be much more serious. Poisoning with any toxins can cause severe diarrhea, and also affect the baby's condition is far from the best way. The second option is the ingestion of protozoa, namely dysentery amoeba, which without proper correction can cause dehydration. Viral diseases at this stage of bearing a child can also be very dangerous, which means that do not waste time thinking, go to the hospital immediately.

diarrhea during pregnancy in the third trimester than to treat

Anxiety symptoms

Diarrhea during pregnancy in the third trimester can manifest itself in different ways. However, there are a number of symptoms that should not go unnoticed. Diarrhea is not a disease, but only a signal that signals the development of a particular ailment. If diarrhea occurs, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Severe nausea, possibly accompanied by vomiting.
  • Increase in general body temperature.
  • Strong gassing.
  • Pain and general weakness.
  • Chills and headache.

The last two symptoms indicate that the condition may still worsen, therefore, without wasting time, you need to see a doctor. In addition, alarming symptoms are the appearance in the feces of mucus with blood, fever and vomiting that accompany diarrhea, as well as the dark, almost black color of the feces.

Depending on a number of factors, diarrhea can last from one to ten days. Of course, you can’t expect that everything will go away by itself. Now we will consider what diarrhea can be for a future mother.

diarrhea during pregnancy in the third trimester

You need to know

In the early stages, any bacteria, viruses, and toxins that enter the body enter the fetus. Therefore, even with a minor disorder, you should immediately contact specialists and follow all the recommendations that will be prescribed. Diarrhea during this period can block the access of vitamins and nutrients to the fetus, as well as cause severe dehydration. Moreover, with severe diarrhea, the uterus will spontaneously contract, which means that this will lead to improper development of the fetus in the early stages or even miscarriage.

What is the danger of diarrhea in the later stages

Of course, at this time the baby is already protected by the placenta, which means that bacteria and viruses are not so bad for him. Moreover, at this time it is already allowed to take certain drugs, which greatly facilitates therapy. By the way, diarrhea at week 30 does not always indicate a viral disease. Often it is during this period that late toxicosis manifests itself. So, you will experience nausea, weakness, and diarrhea is quite possible. But, despite this, everything is not so rosy.

Thirtieth week of pregnancy is a turning point, which means you need to be careful. On the one hand, with natural urges, the uterus begins to contract, and this is fraught with the onset of premature labor. And at this time it is still difficult for the baby to survive without additional medical assistance.

There is one more important point that should not be forgotten. At week 30, dehydration is very dangerous. It can cause thrombosis, and this is a dangerous complication that is not easy to eliminate without serious medical intervention.

diarrhea during pregnancy in the third trimester than to treat

Diarrhea before childbirth

From 35 to 41 weeks inclusive, sudden diarrhea can indicate that childbirth begins. Moreover, at 35 weeks this is still completely undesirable, since the baby may be born too weak. Therefore, during this period, you need to carefully monitor your diet and be less in public places where you can catch viral diseases.

The body is already tired of pregnancy, and the fetus has become large and strongly presses on the walls of internal organs. Therefore, diarrhea and constipation are not rare guests. This period is also distinguished by the fact that the baby is very actively gaining fatty tissue, which means that the need for nutrients is high. Diarrhea provokes a quick cleansing of the intestines, which means that few of the beneficial trace elements are delayed. And the fetus will suffer from a lack of vital substances. The dehydrated body of the mother is greatly weakened, and soon there will be a birth in which it will take a lot of strength. The danger of thrombosis also remains.

If diarrhea occurs at 38-40 weeks and is accompanied by cramping pains, then most likely you need to get together at the hospital. Everything is provided for in nature, and the body simply includes self-cleaning mechanisms. Doctors quite calmly respond to such incidents, advising them to drink more water. As you can see, in completely different circumstances, diarrhea can begin during pregnancy in the third trimester. The reasons for this may be very different, but the reaction of a woman should always be the same. Lie down, relax and analyze your condition. If besides loose stool you feel other symptoms (dizziness, pain, nausea), then call an ambulance.


What to expectant mother, if there was diarrhea during pregnancy, in the third trimester. Treatment begins with a special diet. It is the correction of nutrition that can quickly alleviate the condition. On the first day, limit the diet to a weak broth (best low-fat beef) and a few crackers. From drinks, weak tea and fruit drinks with natural berries (currants or cranberries) are well suited.

On the second day, if there is no severe nausea, you can gradually introduce boiled carrots and low-fat beef, light soups with vermicelli and rice into the diet. A sparing diet should be followed for about a week, based on noodles and rice, bananas and savory cookies, as well as the products listed.

diarrhea during pregnancy in the third trimester treatment

Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli

In parallel with the diet, it is very good to introduce foods that help digestion recover. These are natural yogurts, but not the ones in bright jars that are sold in bulk in stores. We are talking about living products whose shelf life does not exceed several days. This is a natural "Narine", which you can buy ready-made or cook at home from special sourdough. In mild cases, this is enough to quickly diarrhea receded during pregnancy in the third trimester. What to treat, only your personal doctor can advise. During pregnancy, no tablets should be taken without first consulting a specialist.

Recommended Drugs

First of all, you need to focus on what does not exactly harm the baby. Therefore, serious antibiotics (the popular "Levomycetin") should be ruled out before being prescribed by a doctor. If, against the background of a diet and taking a source of bifidobacteria, diarrhea continues during pregnancy in the third trimester, treatment may include the following: Smecta and Enterosgel, activated charcoal. And in order to replenish the reserves of liquid and salts, it is very useful to have "Rehydron" on hand.


Our grandmothers knew many recipes that can quickly and effectively stop diarrhea during pregnancy in the third trimester. How to treat diarrhea, we will now tell.

  • A decoction of oatmeal is very useful. To do this, fill in 50 g with two glasses of boiling water and let stand for 4 hours. The resulting infusion should be boiled until mucus is formed. Take 2 tablespoons, six times a day.
  • Kissel from blueberries and rose hips.
  • Thorn tea - if you managed to stock this berry in the summer, then you can make yourself a healthy drink. To do this, pour two teaspoons of crushed berries with a glass of boiling water and let stand over low heat for 15 minutes. This is a daily dose.

All medicinal medications can be used by a pregnant woman only after consulting a doctor and taking basic tests. But the most important thing is that you yourself must correctly assess your condition. If diarrhea is not pronounced, without pain and fever, then it may be enough to take "Smecta" and maintain a sparing diet for several days. But if the condition worsens, and diarrhea does not stop, then call an ambulance.

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