How to take birth at York at home

Yorkshire terriers are extremely cute. But the trouble with them is almost more than with a large dog. Especially when it comes to childbirth.

It's no secret that little dogs have eternal problems with this matter. Either they forget about the terms of their childbirth, or they will take on giving birth in splendid isolation, or they cannot be born. Joking as a joke, but the owners of the future mother York need to be alert. Therefore, let's talk about what awaits the owner and the dog.

Ready for childbirth

Where does it all start?

If three weeks after breeding, the York dog becomes lethargic and sad, you can congratulate the owners. After another five weeks, puppies will appear.

The future mother refuses food. She does not want to play at all, often ignores the host society and shows with her whole appearance how she suffers. The owner, of course, begins to worry and try to find out what is with the darling. There is nothing wrong with her. After a painful week, the future mother will begin to eat with a vengeance.

If, after the declared period has passed, the behavior of the pet does not change, the owner will have to contact veterinary specialists.

A little bit about pregnancy

What day do yorkies give birth? As a rule, the interval varies from 58 to 64 days. In some cases, childbirth can begin on the 57th day.

Until the thirtieth day, the belly of the pet is not noticeable. But then the dog slowly and smoothly turns into a living pear. At the same time, it maintains mobility, as the stomach grows, and a good appetite.

Starting from the 55th day, the dog is regularly measured temperature. A sure sign of an approaching birth is a decrease in temperature from 38 degrees to 36.8-37.2.

On birth day, the animal becomes restless. The future mother is rushing around, trying to build a "nest", it is clear that the dog is trembling. Apparently York gives birth, what should the owner do? Before we get to the answer to this question, let's talk about how to prepare for the birth of a pet.

And here are the puppies

What do you need to have on hand?

How to take birth in York? What needs to be prepared? Record or memorize.

  • Absorbent disposable diapers, the more the better.
  • Clean rags.
  • Cotton swabs and alcohol.
  • Sharp nail scissors.
  • Zelenka.
  • Common thread.
  • Box with a heating pad for newborns.
  • The most basic thing is the vet's phone number. If the dog gives birth for the first time, a specialist is needed. For very often Yorkies have problems with labor.

It seems to have begun

Have the birth of York begun? So, no panic. First of all, we define the dog in a quiet, calm and familiar place. If there is an opportunity to close with your darling in the room, do so. Cover your sofa or chair with disposable diapers, put a pet on them.

The dog should lie on its side. Fights go first. They are not very noticeable, but over time, the interval between them decreases, and the fight is visible to the naked eye. The dog is nervous, licking a loop.

After fights - attempts. This process cannot be confused with anything. The animal as if pulls the stomach into itself. The pet can squeal and whine in pain, do not be scared. You can’t leave her alone at the time of birth.

Waiting for puppies

Puppy went

Delivery at York at home is not so easy to take. Especially in a bitch giving birth for the first time. It is very, very desirable that a veterinarian be nearby at this moment.

But what should the owner do if there is no vet? Is it really impossible to help a pet? In the case of normal childbirth - it is possible. The dog does everything herself, pushes the puppy out of the birth canal, and the owner only has to accept the newborn.

So, the puppy can go forward head or hind legs. After the baby has left, the owner cuts the umbilical cord. This is done as follows: at a distance of 1 cm, the umbilical cord is tied with thread. Then it is cut with manicure scissors, previously rubbed with alcohol, and cauterized with brilliant green.

Process has begun

More puppy manipulations

Delivery of York is a long process, sometimes up to a day. The owner will have to be patient.

After the umbilical cord is cut, the amniotic fluid is torn. The puppy is released from it and the mucus is removed from its muzzle. Experienced breeders do it this way: they wrap their lips around the baby’s nose and mouth and suck out the mucus, after which they spit it out.

After this procedure, the baby is wiped dry with a soft cloth. And they put it on the mother’s nipple. As soon as the dog starts trying again, the puppies are cleaned in a separate box with a heating pad. Inside the box should be a soft cloth or several disposable diapers.

Newborn york

After childbirth

How does York feel after childbirth? Of course, that pet is tired. She can be given warm milk with a few drops of glucose and left to rest.

Make sure that all traces come out of the dog. Giving them all is not worth it. One or two is enough. The rest is collected in a bag and discarded.

In the first three days after birth, the pet and her offspring must be carefully monitored. You can not leave a bitch alone in this period of time. You never know, something will go wrong.

Bitch needs to calm

And if complications?

The dog York, as mentioned above, can hardly give birth without adventure. That is why it is necessary that a veterinarian be nearby. Can the owner help if the puppy, for example, gets stuck in the birth canal? Or the bitch is trying, but the baby is in no hurry to be born? It is unlikely that an inexperienced owner will help here.

Bitch Care

With the birth of York sorted out. And what about the recovery period? How to care for your pet?

Firstly, feeding. It is advisable to feed the young mother four times a day. Three is a minimum. If the owner adheres to a natural diet, then during lactation the basis should be products with a high content of protein and calcium: meat, boiled seafood, fish, cottage cheese, kefir. In second place are vegetables that are given to the dog in addition to the meat component of the diet. We don’t forget about cereals, two or three times a week will be quite enough.

Secondly, walks. It is better to bring your pet out for a walk more often, but not for long. After a walk, thoroughly wash her paws and wipe the abdomen, especially in inclement weather, when there is dirt and puddles under her feet.

Make sure your dog always has access to fresh water. During lactation, animals drink a lot.

The litter is changed every day for the first ten days. The best litter is soft fabric, on which absorbent diapers lie on top.

Bitch with puppies

Puppies in the first month of life

How are the births of York, we found out. And what about the first month of life of little Yorkshire terriers?

Like all puppies, babies are vulnerable at this time. Therefore, they need a mother. Eating her milk, puppies receive a significant strengthening of immunity.

The first 10-14 days, only the mother takes care of the puppies. And after the baby’s eyes open, they begin to actively explore the world and try to get out of their nest. This does not need to be disturbed, but it is necessary to monitor the kids.

Around the same age, they begin to feed them. The food should be warm and reminiscent of a mushy mixture. Ideally, baby food is ground with a blender.

How to teach dog kids new food? Everything is simple, take the mixture with your fingertip and put the puppy on the lips. The baby begins to lick, and then actively begins to lick a finger. In the same way puppies are taught to eat from a saucer or a bowl.

What is the food? You can cook liquid semolina in water and milk. A little later, porridge is cooked on a weak meat broth - beef or turkey. Chicken is not the best option for feeding dogs, because it is a source of allergen.

The first vaccination for babies is done at the age of 25 days, the second after 30 days.

When can you take puppies from their mother and look for good owners? Someone is selling puppies that are 30-35 days old. But this is not entirely true. Such a pet can not boast of strong immunity, because it was left without a mother, and therefore without milk. In addition, this baby may have problems with socialization both among other dogs and among people.


We told the reader what the birth of York is. How to take them, how to prepare, how long the pregnancy lasts for the pet. We highlight the main aspects:

  • Pregnancy lasts from 58 to 64 days.

  • A characteristic indicator of the approaching birth is a lower temperature in the dog. From 38 degrees, it drops to 36.8-37.2.

  • On birthing day, the bitch becomes restless. It must be taken to a familiar place and put on its side.

  • Very often, delivery in York occurs with complications. That's why the presence of a veterinarian is necessary, especially when the bitch gives birth for the first time.

  • The owner must be with the dog during her birth.

  • After the puppy appears, the amniotic fluid is torn, the umbilical cord is cut and the respiratory organs of the newborn are released from the mucus.


Taking birth with a York is not an easy task. Therefore, the ideal solution would be to call a veterinarian at home. Yes, and the owner does not hurt to prepare. What is needed in order to help the dog, we told in the article.

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