How to fish in the "Terraria"? Tips & Tricks

Sandbox games initially have enormous creative and design potential. In them, you can do almost anything the user wants. Such games have always been valued for non-linearity and freedom of action. A similar game can be considered the Terraria project, which has captured the hearts of millions of players. This is a unique 2D-game (of which much less has been released recently), which combines elements of survival, co-op and crafting. The last criterion is given quite a lot of attention to developers, since the passage of the game is directly tied to the creation of objects. Beginners probably faced with such a question, how to fish in the "Terraria". Items that are mined exclusively by fishing are used in crafting potions and elixirs.

House on the pond

How to fish in the "Terraria"

To start fishing, the player should acquire some components for catching fish:

  • Fishing rod. The game has a huge selection of fishing rods, however, you can create several types. The most budgetary option to start the game can be marked with a wooden fishing rod. An iron fishing rod has the greatest chance of catching fish from all fishing rods created. As the fisherman completes the tasks, the user is able to receive fishing rods that are much better than those created by the player as a reward.
  • Bait. Butterflies, worms and more should be taken for bait. At the initial stage, it is most convenient to break blocks located on the surface of the world. When they are destroyed, worms appear that can be collected with a scoop.
  • Water. Not every pond is one of those places where you can fish. Look for deep ponds that occupy at least 75 blocks. Some are guided by the rule - the larger the space, the easier it is to catch fish.
Map for fishing

The process of catching fish itself is carried out by activating the fishing rod, which throws the float to the surface of the water. The user needs to click on LMB when the float begins to go under water.

Using a bug

Many users claim that completing the tasks of the fisherman, as well as fishing are the most necessary element in the game. Therefore, the craftsmen found a way that describes how to fish in the "Terraria" bug. The principle is quite simple and is based on the inclusion of autopause:

Fishing bug

  1. First of all, you need to go to a reservoir with a ready set for fishing, it is best to have dozens of bait with you.
  2. In the game settings you need to enable autopause.
  3. Throw a fishing rod and open the inventory (the game is paused). After that, using RMB, we throw out an item from the inventory.
  4. We repeat this action until the floats fill the entire body of water.
  5. We are waiting for the moment when most of the floats go under water and pull them out.

We increase the chance of catch

Performing tasks at the fisherman, users receive a reward that contains some useful attributes for the user. For example, fisherman equipment items that increase the chance of catching fish. Trophy devices that help you navigate the weather and display the chance of a catch. The fisherman's potion greatly facilitates the catch. Weather and time of day also affect the chance of fishing, so based on weather conditions, you can successfully complete the fishing process.

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