The dog’s nickname consists of two or three syllables and display some features of the character or appearance of a particular dog. Therefore, before entering it into the pedigree of your pet, you need to seriously consider all possible options. After all, it will be fundamentally wrong to call the Chihuahua Cerberus, and the cop - Mickey or Tishka. In today's publication, brief descriptions of the most popular hunting dogs and nicknames that are optimal for each of them will be presented.
The birthplace of this breed, originating at the end of the XIX century, is Germany. Cortals griffins, stichelhaaras and poodle pointers took part in its formation. The official breed standard was adopted in 1924.
Drathaar is a fairly large dog, whose height is 55-70 cm, and the mass varies between 25-35 kg. On a proportional head with an elongated muzzle, thick eyebrows and a beard there are hanging, low-set ears and dark small eyes. The high-legged, lean body of the animal is covered with a stiff, tight-fitting awn under which a waterproof undercoat is hidden. As for color, the standard allows the existence of densely brown, rarely speckled and black individuals.
Drathaaras are smart, flexible and contact dogs, endowed with excellent working qualities. They have a highly developed hunting instinct, which leaves a certain imprint on their character. These self-confident dogs are distrustful of outsiders, but not prone to causeless aggression. Choosing a nickname for a hunting dog of this breed, you need to consider all these features. It should not be too long or diminutive. Little Drathaar can be called Andy, Harty, Dart, Nord, Joy, Fabby, Alta, Gretta or Frida.
The exact origin of these dogs, whose homeland is considered East Germany, is still a secret. The first references to similar animals are found in manuscripts dated to the 13th century. By the end of the XIV century, these gray dogs were actively used by the noble French for hunting bear, deer, wild boar and other large animals. They were recognized as an independent breed in 1896, and until that time they were actively shown at exhibitions as mestizos.
Weimaraner is a rather large hunting dog, growing up to 57-70 cm at the withers and weighing 25-40 kg. On a proportional head with a weakly pronounced occipital protuberance, a long muzzle and strong jaws, there are rounded amber eyes and wide hanging ears reaching to the corners of the mouth. The harmonious body with a flat top line, convex ribs and a moderately sloping croup is covered with short or long wool of light, dark or silver-gray color.
Weimaraners are outgoing and active dogs that get along well with children. They get along well under the same roof with other pets and are not prone to causeless aggression. Sometimes they show persistence and stubbornness, which should be reflected in their nicknames. Weimaraner hunting dog can be called Iris, Gaston, Don, Jerry, Lizzie, Isis, Dina or Betty. It is important that the option you choose is as exclusive as possible, short, sonorous and easy to remember.
Germany is considered the birthplace of this breed, the history of which began back in the 17th century. It was bred by crossing English and Spanish pointers and used for hunting on water and on land. The breed received official recognition in 1930 and has not lost its popularity since then.
Kurtshaar is a beautiful, harmoniously built dog, growing from 52 to 65 cm at the withers and weighing between 23-35 kg. On an elongated head with powerful jaws and a slightly convex forehead, there are dark eyes and highly set hanging ears. Stretched body with a deep chest, a flat back and a muscular neck, covered with short, stiff coat of brown, chocolate or black color with white spots and specks.
Kurtshaar is a sociable and good-natured dog, poorly enduring loneliness and in need of close interaction with the owner. He is endowed with high intelligence and good at training. This breed is not suitable for the role of a guard and all attempts to develop protective qualities in it can negatively affect its psyche. The nickname for the hunting dog Kurzhaar needs to be selected taking into account all the above characteristics. Ideally, representatives of this breed are suitable for such options as Yard, Edwin, Zeron, Haggis, Urchi, Norton, Daisy, Country, Sunny, Trixie and Sherry.
Afghan hound
A lot of legends are connected with the origin of this breed. According to one version, it appeared in the II century BC. e., as evidenced by papyri and tapestries with the image of long-haired dogs, similar to modern Afghan hounds. In Europe, their existence was known only in the middle of the 19th century thanks to British officers who brought them to the territory of England. The first breed standard was adopted in 1925. Since then, it has been repeatedly corrected and finally established only in 1987.
The Afghan Hound is a majestic and graceful dog, growing to 63-74 cm at the withers and weighing 23-27 kg. On an elongated head with an elongated muzzle there are beautiful dark eyes and hanging, well overgrown ears. Lightweight, athletically folded body with a flat top line is covered with luxuriously thick wool of almost any color. The standard does not allow the existence of pied and spotted individuals.
The Afghan Hound is a cheerful, energetic and kind dog. She is very hardy and needs regular long walks. She has a very developed hunting instinct. In the city, it is better not to let her off the leash, because, carried away by the pursuit of the intended prey, she develops such a speed that it is impossible to catch up with her. Choosing a nickname for girls of hunting dogs of the breed of Afghan Hound, you need to consider their eastern roots. The best options will be Jasper, Derse, Nega, Divna or Konika. The male can be called Sayan, Valdai, Yakhont, Nayan, Arkhan or Anchar. Of course, if you wish, this list is easy to expand with other, no less aristocratic names, but they should all be short and easy to pronounce.
Russian canine greyhound
These dogs have a very long history. Their images were found on frescoes dated to the 11th century. According to some reports, they were bred specifically for dog hunting. The breed standard was developed in 1888 and has not changed much since then.
Russian Borzoi is a strong, elegant, high-legged dog, growing up to 65-85 cm and weighing 35-50 kg. On a long, narrowed head there are dark slanting eyes and small mobile ears. The stretched body with a voluminous rib cage, a strong lower back and thin elastic skin is covered with thick soft wool of different lengths. As for the color, it can be pinto and spotty.
The Russian canine is endowed with a very calm and affectionate disposition. This balanced dog is not prone to display aggression against strangers and is suitable for keeping in a city apartment. It does not have a specific smell characteristic of representatives of other breeds, and does not require complex care. This contact and social animal loves attention and affection. Since ancient times, they have been picked up by the corresponding Russian nicknames. Hunting dogs (boys) of this breed can be called Success, Bully, Jerk, Chernysh or Barin. For a Russian canine bitch, names such as Thunderstorm, Haze, Snowstorm, Luck, Turquoise or Dream are most suitable.
Irish setter
These animals were bred in the XVIII century specifically for hunting in the steppe and marshy areas. Ireland is their homeland, and among their ancestors are listed pointers, bloodhounds, water spaniels, English and Scottish setters. They were recognized as an independent breed only in the middle of the 19th century.
The Irish Setter is a beautiful, fairly large dog, whose height is 58-67 cm. On a proportional head with a well-defined occipital tubercle and developed eyebrows, there are small dark eyes and soft, low-set hanging ears. The harmonious body with deep narrow chest and slightly curved loin is covered with silky wool of different lengths. As for color, the standard allows the existence of only saturated chestnut individuals.
The Irish Setter is a hunting dog breed endowed with an active and peaceful disposition. He is very good-natured, energetic and completely devoid of aggression against a person. This highly intelligent dog gets along well with children and is able to get along under the same roof with other pets. The most suitable nicknames for the Irish can include such options as Tiffany, Lorna, Tina, Bonita, Agatha, Larsi, Just, Gordey, Gaston, Morgan or Bryce.
West Siberian Laika
This breed was formed over a rather long period. The entire process, in which Ostyak, Zyryan and Mansi huskies took part, ended in the 70s of the XX century. Initially, it was bred for hunting large animals, such as moose, wild boars and bears.
West Siberian Laika is a medium-sized dog growing up to 51-60 cm and weighing from 17 to 24 kg. It is easy to recognize by its beautiful head with dark eyes and triangular erect ears. The compact body of such a dog is covered with thick short hair, forming a magnificent collar-sleeve. As for the color, it can be brown, red, gray or white.
West Siberian Laika - a dog whose nickname should be selected taking into account its pedigree features. She is devoted to one owner and needs a specific training. Such a dog is not able to get along under one roof with its brethren and is prone to domination. She is not suitable for the role of a watchman and is not suitable for maintenance in a city apartment. The best variants of nicknames for dogs (boys) of a hunting breed of husky will be such names as Yasny, Tungus, Khazar, Sarmat, Zenith, Orion, Winter or Buyan. ZSL bitches are most often called Jasper, Yalli, Tory, Strela, Prima, Laura, Carmen, Istria or Alda.
Russian hunting spaniel
This breed of gun dogs was bred in 1984. English cockers and springer spaniels took part in its formation. The breed still has not received recognition from the International Kennel Federation. But this does not prevent her from enjoying enormous popularity among domestic hunters.
DEW is a small dog growing up to 36-44 cm at the withers and weighing from 14 to 18 kg. On the oval head with developed eyebrows and a convex forehead, there are long hanging ears and dark expressive eyes. The compact sturdy case is covered with soft wavy wool of a single color, two- or three-color color.
Russian Hunting Spaniel is a friendly, playful and unobtrusive dog, well trained. However, under certain circumstances, he becomes touchy and jealous. It is equally suitable for living in a private house and in a city apartment. And thanks to the light and non-aggressive nature, he will become an excellent companion. According to established tradition, the nickname for the hunting dog spaniel should be formed from the original Russian words. Such an animal can be called Black, Voiced, Bully, Buyan, Shutter, Bullet, Rada, Red or Gold.
Estonian hound
This breed originated in the XX century and has not yet received official recognition by FCI. Its formation took place in Estonia under the leadership of S. A. Smelkov. In the breeding process, local hounds, beagles and English foxhounds were used. The resulting dogs quickly spread throughout the former Soviet Union.
Estonian hounds are small animals, whose height is 45-52 cm, and weight does not exceed 25 kg. On a rounded head with pronounced eyebrows and a smooth foot, there are dark almond-shaped eyes and low-set hanging ears. The dog’s strong, dry body is covered with a short stiff awn with a poorly developed undercoat. As for the color, it can be black or brown-peg.
The nickname for a hunting hound dog should reflect its character. Most often, these fast-footed dogs with a sonorous, singing voice are called Lightning, Wind, Volcano, Thunderstorm, Laughter, Thunder, Harp or Flute.
Yagd terrier
The birthplace of these animals is Germany. They were bred specifically for hunting badgers, hares, foxes, and even wild boars.
Yagdterrier is a small dog, whose growth is 28-40 cm with a mass not exceeding 10 kg. On a beautiful pedigree head with an elongated muzzle there are dark oval eyes and small hanging ears. The compact case is covered with thick, hard wool of black or brown color with reddish tan.
Despite their small size, these animals do not get along well with other pets, require serious training and are prone to aggression against people. Carry, Tori, Darcy or Loki - this is not a complete list of how the name of the female dog hunting terrier is called. Nicknames for boys of this breed should also be short, sonorous and quickly pronounced. Best options for males are options like Zorro, Sirius, Rob or Argus. It is important that the chosen nickname reflects the energetic, active, cocky and stubborn nature of the dog.