Prevent abortion and its consequences

Having a baby and being a mother is the most important happiness in the life of every woman. Or not everyone? Maybe this is what explains the fact that all a large number of women have an abortion. According to some reports, every third woman in her entire life at least once resorted to this procedure. The meaning of this terrible word is understood by each of us, but faced with an unwanted pregnancy, many still decide to get rid of the child, no matter what it costs. But what about maternal feelings and all that?

Abortion has long been a part of our lives. It is he who comes to the rescue when it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy, in other words, to kill a child. And although such a procedure has not been canceled by law, everyone is afraid of it: those who follow the trend of increasing birth rates, the one who is going to have an abortion and the woman who decided on it. Abortion and its consequences are familiar even to teenage girls. But no matter how they explain to women the undesirability of such an outcome of pregnancy, abortion from this does not decrease.

According to statistics, abortions are most often done by young women and adolescents. The reasons for this can be very different: a loved one left, has not yet walked up, too early, etc. But can everything that happens in life prevent you from having a baby? It’s stupid to take the life of a small creature just because a lot of money has not been earned yet, that there is no housing and that it is very difficult to raise a child without a father. Personally, I believe that resorting to abortion should only be done when there is a medical indication. Yes, it happens that doctors forbid a woman to give birth for any reason. But here everything must be well weighed and not chopped off the shoulder. And everything else, so that life does not throw us up, cannot become an obstacle to the birth of a child.

And yet, no one can forbid a woman to have an abortion yet. If she did decide to take such a desperate step, then she should remember that abortion and its consequences are really a depressing picture. When pregnancy occurs, the body adjusts itself to the process of bearing a child. But when the whole process is interrupted due to abortion, the body comes in shock. Failures in his work are a common occurrence. For example, menstruation after an abortion stray from the schedule, they can be plentiful and painful, but also not regular. Every woman should know that after an abortion, she may no longer have children. In addition, there is a great risk of catching any infection, disrupting the hormonal background and generally losing the meaning of life. Abortion and its consequences should be clearly explained to every pregnant woman who decides to get rid of the baby. In addition, the doctor should try to do everything so that the pregnant woman changes her mind. But if a woman insisted on her and had an abortion, she should still be under the supervision of doctors for some time. Allocations after an abortion in the form of blood are a signal that something went wrong. Without delaying tomorrow, you need to urgently see a doctor.

There is an opinion that the earlier an abortion is made, the lesser the consequences from it. In fact, abortion and its consequences are not in any direct dependence on each other, so it is difficult to say exactly when the outcome will be most favorable. Yes, it is best to have an abortion on a short time, but no one will guarantee that everything will be successful. All existing types of abortion (medical, mini-abortion, medical) pose a threat to women, and illegal, so-called criminal abortions, in most cases fail.

So you want a woman to learn to value life, and not only her own, but that child that she carries under her heart. Nothing in this world can be compared with motherhood, and even large sums of money, alas, cannot replace it. Of course, there have been, and will be, abortions, but still I want to believe that they will become much smaller.

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