Browse breeds of hunting dogs with photos, names and descriptions

The history of specialized dogs originates in the distant past. Since ancient times, humans have tamed dogs, turning wild animals into their helpers, and later began to breed more advanced breeds, endowing them with certain qualities (depending on use).

italian marriage

Today we will introduce you the breeds of hunting dogs - with photos and a description of the features of each of them. Some of them are well known to Russian hunters and ordinary lovers of four-legged friends, others are unknown to many novice dog breeders. We hope that the information presented in this article will be useful not only to hunters, but also to all animal lovers who dream of having a smart, loyal and devoted companion for keeping in an apartment or in a house.

Hunting dogs: breed groups

Today in the world there are about a hundred breeds of hunting dogs, but about thirty of them are widespread. Many rare varieties are known to Russian dog breeders exclusively by photo in specialized publications and names.

Some four-legged helpers are common in the territories of individual countries where hunters actively use them. And outside of these states, such breeds are known only to a narrow circle of specialists. In many canine publications you can find a description of the breeds of hunting dogs with photos. Dog handlers divide them into several fairly numerous groups.

Pointing dogs

A group of dogs that are used in hunting birds with a gun. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they freeze in the rack, discovering the prey until the moment when the owner fires.


Hunting dogs for bullying a beast without using a gun. This name can be translated as “dexterous”, “fast”. These are hardy animals that freeze at the sight of game in a stance, and then develop tremendous speed in pursuit of prey.


Peaceful and friendly creatures that are smart and attentive hunters. These cute dogs cleverly track the tracks of game.

italian spinon


Small universal hunting dogs. After tracking the prey, they freeze in the rack. These little hunters have quick wits and a sharp sense of smell.


Long-haired hunting dogs used since the 19th century. Animals are smart, friendly, immensely devoted to the owner and very reliable. Almost indispensable helpers in hunting birds.


This group has many breeds. Such pets track their prey by smell, and then chase it to a dead end or drive it to the hunter.

Small terriers

Burrowing, short-legged dogs. Indispensable when hunting small rodents.

Large terriers

In France and the UK, these animals are recognized as the best hunters for burrowing inhabitants. Fast-moving and attentive, they are able to track prey by smell.

And now we would like to dwell in more detail on some groups and introduce you to some representatives of hunting breeds of dogs. With photographs, such a review will be more complete, and therefore illustrative materials will also be presented to the attention of readers.


And we will begin our acquaintance with the largest group. The hounds are incredible stamina and sharp sense. These animals are able to chase the beast, without slowing down, at a distance of about a hundred kilometers. Etching dogs were the ancestors of these breeds. They were used on the hunt back in the Middle Ages. According to dog handlers, the characteristics of the hounds are anger, viscosity, obedience.

Viscosity is the main quality of hounds. This is what they call the amazing perseverance of the four-legged hunter in the search for prey and the ability to instantly find a trace when it is lost (chipped). There are about thirty species of hounds. The most common of them are:

  • basset hound;
  • Beagle
  • bloodhound;
  • foxhound;
  • ridgeback.

Basset hound

One of the most charming breeds of hunting dogs. Many regular readers of canine books are familiar with the photographs of these handsome men. Basset Hound is a reliable assistant hunter with a gentle and calm character and an unusual appearance. But if such a pet does not like something, he can become stubborn and naughty.

breeds of hunting dogs with photos

This is a tireless and hardy hunter, but unusual and very pretty appearance, turned them into very popular decorative animals. Representatives of the breed need long walks with physical activity over long distances.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

A rather large and muscular dog, which has proven itself in the hunt for large animals. A distinctive feature of this breed is a large wool spot that grows in the opposite direction from the main coat.

breeds of hunting dogs with photos

Pointing dogs

This group of dogs began to be used as hunting several centuries ago. Representatives of the cops have a great instinct. Having found the game, the animals freeze in place, showing the owner their find. At the command of the owner, the dog scares the bird and makes it fly out for a shot. Quite rarely they are used when hunting small animals.

breeds of hunting dogs with photos

Italian marriage

All existing European Pointing Dog breeds share an Italian ancestor. Her second name is Italian marriage. This is the oldest breed of cops. It is divided into two types: Lombard and Piedmontese marriage. Harmoniously built dog, with well-developed muscles.

Marriages are short-haired animals. Their coat is shiny and thick, on the ears and head shorter than on the body. Color is white with spots of various shapes, light or dark brown. There are individuals of coffee-piebald with speckled color, a symmetrical mask on the face is welcome.

italian marriage


Another Italian breed. Italian spinon is a large gundog, which according to the classification of the International Film Festival is classified as a griffin. This is a universal hunting breed, characterized by the ability to work confidently in the forest, as well as in marshy areas.

The Italian spinon has a hard, dense coat that fits tightly to the body and thick skin that protects the dog when working in shrubs or tall grass. The large size gives the dog special charm, it also affects the leisurely work. Animals are endowed with a sharp scent, but they do not have an explosive temperament. They work thoroughly and carefully comb the territory. As partners, the Italian spinons become very kind and faithful. They love children, are non-aggressive to other animals and feel great in the family. With physical exertion and a long walk, they feel comfortable in a city apartment.

italian spinon


Unlike other breeds, greyhounds have a dry physique, long muscular legs and the ability to develop tremendous speed (up to ninety kilometers per hour). Greyhounds catch the game and immediately kill it. They are greedy for prey, reckless and pursue the beast with bitterness. In Russia, hunting with greyhounds has always been considered the favorite entertainment of the nobility.

Afghan hound

In this category we want to introduce you to one of the most beautiful dogs in the world. The Afghan Hound, whose breed description is included in all cynology guides, looks like an aristocrat. This is a serious, but rather difficult dog for owners. She needs a lot of exercises, time-consuming grooming, reasonable discipline to keep the animal's hunting instinct under control.

Afghan hound breed description

This greyhound hails from Afghanistan. In her homeland, large animals were hunted with her - leopards, antelopes. The dog came to the West at the end of the XIX century. Afghans are difficult to educate, often it takes more than one year to fully socialize a pet. And the fault is the stubbornness of the animal.


Previously, all burrows were called terriers. The purpose of this group is the work of driving the beast out of the ground. Larger dogs, usually hounds, should catch up with the prey and track it, but the terrier, no matter how tall it is, should not be inferior to its brethren in running speed. Theoretically, this is true, but in reality, normal dogs actively work both in tandem with a hunter and in a pack with hounds.


Without exaggeration, this is one of the best and most ancient burrow dogs. There are many versions about the origin of these animals, but official information connects these dogs with Germany. A feature of dachshunds is a moderate spite, in comparison with terriers, in which aggression towards the beast is welcome.

rabbit dachshund

FCI distinguishes between three varieties of the breed:

  • Standard.
  • Longhair - these are animals similar in structure, which differ in the structure and length of the coat.
  • Rabbit - a small dachshund, weighing up to five kilograms, there are short-haired and long-haired varieties. Today distributed as a pet. Companion rabbit dachshund is a cheerful and friendly friend, responsive to care and care.


Since ancient times, hunting huskies, or, as they were previously called, northern withered dogs, are irreplaceable and faithful helpers of man. The origin of this oldest group goes to primitive fossil dogs: a peat jackal-shaped spitz and a wolf-like dog. For the tribes that inhabited the vast forest territory, these dogs were a necessary tool for hunting, the main means of subsistence. The huskies classification was developed by the famous dog specialist Dmitrieva-Sulimova. Based on this classification, breed standards that are currently valid have been approved.

german langhaar

Russian-European Laika

This versatile dog is suitable for hunting almost any animal, but its best qualities are demonstrated in hunting for a bear, wild boar, wolf, game birds and fur animals. You should not seek obedience from representatives of the breed: a non-initiative husky will not be useful in hunting.

West Siberian Laika

With competent training, this dog can be used in the hunt for any animal. From puppyhood, the owner should accustom his pet to obedience, because excessive self-confidence of a husky when meeting a serious opponent can end tragically.

At the same time, excessive rigor in training is also unacceptable. In this case, the dog may lose interest in hunting, become inert and uninitiated. Hunting Laika - a universal dog. It can be used on all types of hunting. Especially common hunting for a badger with a husky. The best time to do this is September. The badger at this time feeds abundantly and goes far from its hole.

badger hunting with husky

Hunting a badger with a husky starts in the afternoon. A dog prowls through the forest, occasionally catching the eye of a hunter. In the evening, when everything falls silent, an inviting bark is heard. When it gets completely dark, you hear someone snorting and attacking a dog. In the light of the flashlight, a badger is visible - an ashen-gray beast, almost white, with an elongated muzzle. He violently fights off a four-legged hunter, sometimes turning into an attack. A hunter who can take prey alive or shoot it completes its work.

Karelian Like

Unpretentious in content, a small obedient dog with a developed hunter instinct and the presence of outstanding watchdog qualities. Usually used in hunting for fur animals (otter, squirrel, mink, marten), as well as small game. Some representatives of the breed remained prone to corral large animals. Purebred Karelian husky is currently a fairly rare breed.

burrowing dogs


This is a group of gun hunting dogs. Their tasks include finding and bringing the black game to the hunter. They are combined in group VIII according to FCI classification. These animals are distinguished by ease of training, rare intelligence and versatility. Six breeds of retrievers are recognized in the world:

  • Nova Scotia
  • Labrador;
  • curly-haired;
  • straight-haired;
  • Chesapeake Bay
  • golden (golden).

Chesapeake bay retriever

These are independent and strong animals, characterized by endurance and possessing special qualities: like ducks, they are able to stay in water for a long time, even ice. After bathing, it is enough for them to shake off just once - and they remain almost dry.

The size of the chesapeake bay retriever allows it to be used in hunting water game, mainly in the swamp. It works effectively in reeds and grass. These dogs quickly find game to raise ducks at a distance of a shot.

Chesapeake bay retriever

Rare breeds of hunting dogs: langhaar

Three species of hunting universal breeds with the only difference - the length of the coat - were bred in Germany. The German langhaar is a long-haired dog, the drathaar is a semi-long dog, and the kurtshaar is short-haired. However, langhaar was and still remains little known even among specialists. This dog is practically not mentioned when listing the German cops. Most likely, the appearance of the dog played a bad service: this German cop really resembles a setter. The similarity is noticeable even in the photo.

german langhaar

The appearance of the langhaar is the embodiment of nobility, and behavior demonstrates high intelligence. The dog is endowed with excellent sense of smell and hearing, can use its natural skills both in work and in games. Today, these dogs are increasingly bred in Germany as pets.


According to dog handlers, the ideal hunting dog is a drathaar. The description and characteristics of the breed suggest that this animal quite successfully combines the functions that different hunting dogs are endowed with. This is an amazing animal, capable of disciplined and steadfastly tracking down game, pursuing it for a long time along the most difficult terrain, without attacking fear (even a wild boar) or quietly and very carefully searching for it and in a silent stance to "demonstrate" the prey to the owner.

Drathaar is able to get out and very delicately serve the shot duck, even if for this he will have to swim a long distance in completely icy water.

drathaar description characteristic

Shikoku (koti-inu)

One of six Japanese hunting dogs from the cynological registry of the country. This breed is quite rare even in its homeland, and outside it it is practically unknown. It was bred back in the Middle Ages for hunting wild boars and deer in the mountains. The fierce and almost wild species of Japanese shikoku is very reminiscent of the appearance of a wolf: it has the same fast and at the same time smooth movements, and its amazing jumping ability allows it to easily move around the mountains.

japanese shikoku

Shikoku are energetic and hardy animals. They are distinguished by excellent hunting characteristics. These dogs need daily, fairly serious physical activity while walking. They form a close relationship with the owners, provided that they have experience with similar animals. Shikoku are very smart and energetic, capable of quick learning. Owners note that their pets are carefully watching the owner and are always ready to work.

In relation to people, these dogs are friendly and obedient, but can be aggressive towards other pets, so owners need to be serious about early socialization.

Hokkaido (Ainu)

Hokkaido is a breed of dogs whose representatives are used not only as hunters, but also as guards and companions. Animals of medium size, proportional and strong physique. The backbone is powerful, the muscles are embossed, the lines of the body are clear. Hokkaido dogs are smart and smart, they are obedient and loyal.

Animals have great endurance and at the same time show dignity and nobility. A luxurious coat allows dogs to adapt to harsh snowy winters. Hokkaido hunting is exciting: they fearlessly fight with a bear weighing up to 350 kilograms. Recently used as companions, but can be quite aggressive towards strangers.

hokkaido dog breed

These active animals need daily rather serious physical exertion, otherwise all their indomitable energy will be directed into a destructive channel - they will nibble things, furniture, dig earth.

Breton epanyol

Breton epanyol breed is universal. Extremely thin scent allows representatives to conduct a quick search for prey. Having found it, the dog becomes a rack. Works great on water, gently bringing wounded animals. Epanole is tireless in work: he can hunt all daylight hours.

rabbit dachshund

As a rule, representatives of this breed are used in hunting for game birds. Partridge, quail, pheasant are considered the main work for this dog. Hunters note confident and close work in conjunction with the owner. As a companion, epagnoles are very affectionate and easy to train. But this dog does not tolerate rude treatment and raising the voice of the owner.

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