24 day cycle: signs of pregnancy, symptoms and sensations, reviews

For the vast majority of women, childbearing issues are very relevant and welcome. Not every woman can easily become pregnant and become a mother. In most cases, you have to work diligently to achieve this goal, painfully listening to your feelings in search of signs of a successful conception. And this is a difficult period, when suspicions have just arisen, and until the very moment of confirmation - the most psychologically difficult, full of hopes and fears of mistakes. Meanwhile, there are many ways to check whether a pregnancy has come, only for this you need to know at what period some signs of pregnancy occur.

Stages of pregnancy and signs inherent in them

signs of pregnancy on the 24th day of the cycle with a 30 day cycle

Most women cannot say for certain which day a child could be conceived. For this reason, the starting point of the last menstruation is taken as the reference point. After 5-6 weeks, by characteristic signs, it is already possible to confirm with confidence whether conception has occurred. The first weeks of pregnancy almost do not manifest themselves in any way, since the embryo penetrates into the wall of the mother’s uterus only 7 days after fertilization. This action may be accompanied by mild bleeding. Already from the 9th day of fertilization, which corresponds to approximately 24-25 days of the menstrual cycle, the embryo begins to produce chronic human gonadotropin - hCG. As a result of the activity of this hormone, the restructuring of the systems and organs of the mother's body occurs:

  • blood volume gradually increases;
  • heart and kidneys begin to work more vigorously;
  • there is a restructuring of the endocrine system.

All these changes do not pass without a trace. Therefore, many women begin to notice changes in the work of the body even before the delay of menstruation occurs. So if you are attentive to your feelings and well-being, you can see convincing signs of pregnancy on the 24th day of the cycle.

Primary symptoms

There are many signs that clearly indicate pregnancy. All of them can occur in different women in various combinations, depending on the state of their health and individual characteristics of the body. Most often, signs of pregnancy on the 24th day of the cycle are as follows:

  • excessive drowsiness and fatigue, because during pregnancy, blood pressure decreases and leads to body fatigue;
  • lowering the level of glucose in the blood;
  • pains pulling in the lower abdomen;
  • scanty spotting is possible;
  • increased tenderness of the mammary glands - the result of the production of prolactin;
  • minor changes in the normal diet: craving for certain foods may appear;
  • the appearance of a metallic taste;
  • high odor susceptibility;
  • noticeable deviations from the norm of ordinary behavior in emotional terms: manifestation of resentment, tearfulness, hysteria, moodiness.
Is it possible to get pregnant on the 24th day of the cycle with a 30-day cycle

The main signs of pregnancy on the 24th day of the cycle

Many women, being in the initial stage of pregnancy, already from the 23rd day of the cycle begin to notice the first manifestations of the symptoms of early pregnancy. During this period, their smells begin to manifest brighter, morning nausea occurs, and in some cases vomiting. If the pharmacy pregnancy test is sensitive enough, it can already give a weak reaction in the second strip, because with every day you live, the level of hCG also increases. The chest begins to ache, the nipples are filled, even a slight touch to them becomes very unpleasant and painful. The same exact signs of pregnancy on the 24th day of the cycle. They have not yet become noticeably tangible, but continue to confidently gain strength. At this stage, all changes in a woman’s physical condition are akin to those characteristic of PMS syndrome:

  • painful pulling sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • severe emotional vulnerability;
  • regular headaches;
  • slight nausea.
signs of pregnancy on the 24th day of the cycle with a 26 day cycle

From day 23 of the cycle, scanty discharge of blood can begin, similar to the onset of menstruation. If one or more of the above symptoms are available, basal temperature in the rectum should be measured. This procedure is best done as soon as you wake up. With temperature readings above 37 degrees, most likely pregnancy occurs.

As the fetus ripens, new symptoms and signs of pregnancy appear on the 24th day of the cycle with a 26-day cycle. By the onset of 26 days, the period of the next menstruation is approaching. For this reason, most women experience pain in the lower abdomen, still light, pulling, a little nausea appears and emotional malfunctions may begin to manifest. Many women sin on PMS, but in fact - this is the beginning of the restructuring of the body, the mode of its work is changing, it’s just that the hormones of pregnancy have not yet fully worked. If at this stage a pregnancy test is done, then the second lane will already look more vivid and confident.

Reliable signs

There are more reliable signs of pregnancy on the 24th day of the cycle with a 28-day cycle. The main one is that with a steady regularity of the menstrual cycle, menstruation should begin already on day 28. If she did not appear, then this is a sure sign of a successful conception. At this time, according to obstetric standards, the fetus has already reached four weeks of age. At this stage of its development, clearer manifestations of some indicators of successful conception are likely. These signs of pregnancy on the 24th day of the cycle with a 28-day cycle may be as follows:

  • persistent nausea;
  • periodic motion sickness when traveling in transport;
  • sharp intolerance to odors;
  • feeling tired and drowsy;
  • increased appetite and others.

But all of them can be present both in full and absent altogether, and this depends entirely on the characteristics of the organism of each particular woman.

Other symptoms

ultrasound on the 24th day of the cycle during pregnancy

At the next stage, the next signs of pregnancy can be observed on the 24th day of the cycle with a 30-day cycle. These include:

  • The absence of menstruation at the scheduled time - on the 30th day of the cycle (amenorrhea). True, it can also occur as a result of any disease or malfunction in the genital area. Even the absence of menstruation can be associated with the onset of menopause or occur during breastfeeding.
  • An increase in basal temperature to a level of more than 37 degrees, which signals the presence of a successful conception. Measurements should be taken every morning to get reliable information about the presence of pregnancy.
  • The intensification of toxicosis, which is most pronounced precisely during this period, when the next menstruation was supposed to begin. At the same time, regular morning sickness, severe salivation, and vomiting may be present.
  • The manifestation of cyanosis of the sheath of the vagina and an increase in the size of the uterus can only be determined by a doctor when examined by a gynecologist.

How to distinguish early pregnancy symptoms from PMS?

Many women who want to quickly make sure that their efforts to conceive a child have been successful have a logical interest: how to distinguish pregnancy from PMS on the 24th day of the cycle. At such an early stage, all the symptoms are not particularly pronounced and are very similar to those that a woman monthly feels in the premenstrual period. PMS syndrome is a combination of various symptoms: physical, psychological, which occur before the onset of menstruation. Similar symptoms accompany an early pregnancy, when an already fertilized egg is introduced into the mucous membrane of the uterus. What is the difference in sensations?

Signs of pregnancy other than PMS:

  • urges to urinate frequently, caused by more active work of the kidneys, adapting to additional excretion of products resulting from metabolic processes of the embryo;
  • the occurrence of toxicosis, only with PMS it occurs a week or two before the event, and during pregnancy - during the absence of menstruation;
  • bloody minor discharge at the time of attachment of the fetal egg to the uterus.
signs of pregnancy on the 24th day of the cycle with a 28 day cycle

Additional studies to determine

To make sure that the nature of these signs is such that it clearly indicates pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct a number of additional studies:

  • keep a calendar of menstruation, thanks to which you can track the frequency of cycles, in the case of a delay of 1-2 weeks with a regular cycle, pregnancy is almost certainly present;
  • to investigate the level of hCG, which increases in the first stages of pregnancy;
  • to test, however, the second strip in the early stages may be weak;
  • make an ultrasound for the presence of pregnancy and this is the most likely indicator, indicating in favor of conception.

Features of ultrasound on the 24th day of the cycle during pregnancy

It is not recommended to do an ultrasound at too early a pregnancy, but starting from five weeks from the beginning of the cycle, when the fetal egg is visualized in the uterine cavity, it can already be seen. At this time, visualization is already possible, and at 7-9 weeks the fetal heartbeat is heard. At a period of 8-9 weeks, the embryo head is identified. But you can determine the most accurate gestational age by setting its coccyx-parietal size when measuring, and this can only be done after 6 weeks. The presence of several fetuses is detected by ultrasound at 5 weeks.

Can I get pregnant on the 24th day of the cycle

Pregnancy Safe Periods

Possessing detailed information about what happens on the 24th day of the cycle, if conception has occurred, you can pretty accurately determine whether this long-awaited event has already happened. But many women living an intense sex life and not planning yet pregnancy, are very concerned about the questions:

  • Are there sex-safe days during the cycle?
  • Is it possible to get pregnant on the 24th day of the cycle with a 30-day cycle.

For all their extreme relevance, a clear answer does not exist. After all, our mother arranged our nature so that it was impossible to answer these questions with confidence. The female body is designed so that during the reproductive state of the body, ovulation occurs monthly, that is, the egg is completely ready for fertilization. This occurs only two to three days during the menstrual cycle and they usually occur somewhere in the middle of it.

Theoretically, if the cycle is 28 days, then this event will occur on days 13-14, if it is 30 days, then on day 14-15. These are the most dangerous days for fertilization, and it would seem that at another time you can not worry about this. But life, as always, makes its own adjustments.

The safest days are those bordering with the time of the onset of menstruation - two before and two after. But these conditions, as well as the calculations based on them, turn out to be true only when there are no malfunctions in the menstrual cycles and they always pass regularly, without violating the schedule. In this case, with a cycle of 28-30 days, the highest combat readiness of the egg for fertilization falls on 12-16 days. In this situation, it is theoretically impossible to get pregnant on the 24th day. But the risk is always present, because many different factors can affect this - a cycle failure, various diseases, nervous breakdowns, taking certain medications and much more. So do not relax and be always on the alert.

How to distinguish pregnancy from PMS at the 24th day of the cycle

Reviews of girls

Many girls on the 24th day of the cycle, who assumed that conception had occurred, felt a slight nausea, pulling pain in the lower abdomen, urges to urinate frequently, regular headaches.

Girls note that for 24 days you can do a pregnancy test. For many of them, he showed the right result.


Now you know the answer to the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant on the 24th day of the cycle. We also examined the main signs of pregnancy at this time.

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