The matinee is one of the most important criteria for full-fledged children's development. It forms the foundations of collectivism, discipline, as well as a culture of behavior; responsible for the moral education of children. Today we will talk about such an entertainment event as a matinee in kindergarten for Mother's Day.
Mothers Day
This holiday is usually celebrated on the last Sunday of November. He pays tribute to motherly work, care, love for his children.
The importance of acquaintance of children with this holiday is huge. In preschool educational institutions, he is celebrated to honor all mothers and grandmothers. This is one of the kindest holidays, calling to appreciate motherly love. Children at any age should understand that there is no one dearer and dearer than a mother. That only mom is always disinterested and open in her feelings. That only she will always come to the rescue. That mom is the most important person in the life of any person.
A matinee dedicated to Mother's Day is usually held in kindergarten on Friday (just before the festival itself).
Nursery group
Classes in such age groups are a certain responsibility, it is necessary to spend more effort on them than on any others, since children in the nursery group are from one and a half to three years. Of course, they still cannot really tell a poem or perform a song. Therefore, the matinee in kindergarten should be held in a day nursery with the active support of parents.
As options for event names, you can choose:
- "Next to Mommy."
- "Mommy's favorite."
- "Mother's day".
The scenario of the matinee "Mother's Day" in kindergarten should not be too oversaturated with the same type of activity. Children visiting the nursery group are at such an age that they quickly become tired of the same actions. Therefore, it is necessary to include in the plan of the event as many different games as possible, short tunes suitable for the occasion.
Moms at such an event will be not only guests, but also active participants. Teachers and educators need to pick up such games so that their result is an understanding by the children of the importance of their mother’s presence. An example would be the following games:
- performance of a children's song with movements (a mother actively helps her baby cope with the task, she performs all the dance movements herself);
- physical education "One, two, three!" (repetition after the tutor of the workout);
- Carousel game using satin ribbons;
- Step towards game (using body-oriented contacts).
First Junior Group
In this group, the children are already older, and they are subject to such elements of the event as reading poetry, performing a simple dance, small competitions.
The scenario of the matinee "Mother's Day" in kindergarten should not be focused on adults who came to the performance, but on the children. Everything should be pronounced in poetic form, as rhyming sentences are better perceived by young children.
The matinee in kindergarten for Mother's Day in the younger group consists of several types of activities:
- songs and dances to music ("Who loves us deeply", "Pies", "Mom");
- games ("Collect flowers for mom", "Round dance with mothers", "Musical train");
- a fairy tale game (for example, "Teremok", where the main roles can be played by parents).
The matinee in kindergarten for Mother's Day in the younger group should be held with the active involvement of parents, especially dads.
Second Junior Group
In this group, some children have already reached the age of four, and therefore there are more opportunities and options for games.
Here, the Mother's Day matinee in kindergarten will have not only goals to create a positive mood for children and instill love and respect for their loved ones, but also more individual tasks. For example, develop an expressive reading of poetry.
Now the teacher, along with the poetic narrative, can use prosaic speech. Dialogue between teachers and their pupils will be especially important (i.e., the former can ask questions, and the latter can answer them; all this within the framework of the script).
The guys can already fully perform musical compositions. As an example, you can offer songs such as:
- "Ah, what a mom!"
- "My mom is the best in the world."
It is also necessary to involve parents in the course of action. For example, mothers can take part in the competition "Find Your Baby" when they are blindfolded and they must touch to recognize their baby. This will bring a sea of positive emotions not only to children, but also to parents.
Middle group
A matinee in kindergarten for Mother's Day in the middle group can be held in the form of various contests. For example, “Mom and I are a sports family” or “Come on, mothers,” where in the first case both the parent and the child participate in the competition, and in the second case exclusively mothers.
Of course, before the competition there should be some introductory part where the children will give their mothers poems, songs and dances, and the teachers will talk about the significance of this big holiday, about the importance of mother in the life of every child.
The matinee in kindergarten for Mother's Day should only evoke positive emotions, so the choice of musical, literary and sports material must be approached very responsibly.
Senior group
This group, which is attended by children five to six years old. Before the matinee, a preparation phase is required, which lasts about a week. At this time, educators talk with the children about their mothers, touching on various aspects of life (professions, hobbies, favorite vacations, etc.). A large exhibition of paintings and crafts is also being prepared. As crafts, you can offer children from various materials (beads, stones, threads, ribbons, buttons, etc.) to make their mother’s portrait. This type of activity develops the imagination of children, as well as their creative potential.
The holiday itself can take place in different scenarios. The matinee in kindergarten for Mother's Day can be held in the form of a culinary duel, when the guys cook something with their mothers, and then put their dish out for the contest.
And you can attract dads and build the whole holiday in such a way that mothers just relax and enjoy the performance. To do this, you can use such contests as:
- "Good father" (dads answer questions about their children, mothers evaluate their answers).
- "Affectionate words" (to characterize mother and wife with different epithets).
- "Draw mom" (children paint a portrait, dads actively help them).
- "Karaoke" (performance of a suitable song for mom and wife).
Mother's Day party in kindergarten is a great occasion to give presents. Depending on the age of the child and his abilities, these can be:
- mother's portrait;
- do-it-yourself greeting card;
- beads from various materials (traditionally - beads, colored pasta, sequins, large beads, etc.);
- family applique;
- crafts reflecting love for mom (clay figurine, crafts from the gifts of the forest, etc.).
Gifts are given to mothers at the end of the holiday.