At what age can pea soup be given to a child? Rules for the introduction of peas in the diet of a child, recipes

The menu of the child must include dishes from legumes . The process of their preparation is quite simple, the dishes are hearty and healthy. Legumes have a whole range of useful and nutritious elements, they normalize the intestines, remove toxins.

at what age can pea soup be given to a child

But parents often ask, at what age can pea soup be given to a child? The baby’s body is very sensitive, and some products can be administered starting strictly from a certain period.

Useful properties of peas

Parents need to consider how old pea soup can be for their child and how it can be useful. The main value of peas is that it contains a large amount of vegetable protein. In addition, peas are rich:

  • essential amino acids;
  • starch;
  • fats;
  • vitamins C, B, H, PP;
  • beta carotene;
  • natural sugars;
  • micro and macro elements;
  • antioxidants.

at what age to give pea soup to a child

Pea has a positive effect on the formation of the brain, nervous system, the work of the heart and blood vessels. But pediatricians often limit the use of this bean product by children. This is due to the fact that peas are quite difficult to digest and can cause bloating and increased gas formation. Therefore, it is the pediatrician who monitors the development of the baby, will help the mother and give recommendations whether the child can pea soup, at what age.

When to start introducing into the diet

At what age can pea soup be given to a child? Practice shows that doctors do not recommend giving pea soup to children in their first year of life. A child at this age has not yet fully mastered the main types of complementary foods. It is forbidden to give children dishes with peas under the age of six months, because the digestive system of the baby is still weak. At this age, the introduction of pea soup is fraught with diarrhea and indigestion. Even at 9 months, when the baby has already mastered many new ingredients, doctors do not recommend introducing peas.

So, at what age should pea soup be given to a child? Doctors recommend introducing a bean product into a child’s diet at two years of age. By this age, the baby’s digestive system has already adapted sufficiently to non-dairy products, and the body begins to absorb all the necessary micro and macro elements. Thanks to the proteins contained in peas, the baby will develop correctly and harmoniously.

How to introduce peas in a child’s diet

Doctors recommend starting to administer fresh legumes. This also applies to peas. So it’s better to digest it and will not cause the baby to swell.

when can pea soup be given to a child

When can pea soup be given to a child? When the baby gets used to fresh peas, soup with peas should also be introduced. At first, the child should be given no more than two tablespoons of soup. Then the portions are gradually increased.

Proper preparation of pea soup

Homemade recipe for pea soup involves the use of smoked meats. The child will eat such soup already at an older age, the pediatrician will again advise at what age it is possible. A pea soup should be prepared for a child of two years old, following the following rules:

  • Before cooking peas, it should be soaked for 12 hours.
  • Pea soup for kids is prepared on a vegetable broth or on meat. The meat for the soup is chosen lean. Soup is cooked on the second broth, which means that after the meat has boiled for the first time, the broth must be drained. Then they cook for another half hour, periodically remove the foam.
  • All vegetables that go to the soup should be fresh. It is better to take potatoes, carrots and onions.
  • Before giving the child soup, you need to grind it in a blender. The baby's body is not yet fully grown, so it’s easier for him to digest mashed soups.

What ingredients can not be used

It is forbidden to put in pea soup for children:

  • Smoked ribs. Despite the fact that this ingredient is the main component of soup for adults, it is not put in the children's version.
  • Meat with high fat content.
  • Spices and seasonings. You can put a little salt in the soup.
  • Bouillon cubes.

Delicious pea soup recipes

Peas are useful in their own right. But to make the soup tasty and rich in vitamins, you need to add other vegetables and meat to it.

Mashed soup

To prepare this soup you will need one carrot, one onion, peas - 200 g and a spoonful of butter. If peas are used in dried form, then it must be soaked overnight. Cooking method:

  • After the carrots and onions are sliced, they are placed in a small skillet with butter. Vegetables should be a little lowered. But do not fry!
  • Then the vegetables are placed in a pot with peas, pour water and put on the stove. Instead of water, you can use vegetable or chicken broth.
  • After the soup is ready, it is ground with a blender.

Can a child pea soup at what age

Yum-yum soup

To prepare this soup, you will need three medium-sized potatoes, 500 g of chicken, onions and carrots, one each, peas - 200 g. Peas should be pre-soaked. Cooking method:

  • First, boil the chicken stock.
  • Then the chicken is taken out and put into the broth peas. Cook an hour.
  • Next, add potatoes, carrots and onions. Carrots with onions can be lightly lowered in a pan. Cook for another 20 minutes.
  • 10 minutes before readiness, return the meat to the saucepan.

at what age can pea soup be given to a child

This soup goes well with homemade croutons of white bread.

From what age can a child make pea soup, will it be two years old or later - only mom will decide. She knows better the taste preferences of the baby and the features of his body. It is important to monitor the child's reaction to the new dish. If he eats with pleasure, then you should continue feeding. In the case when the baby turns away and does not want to eat, it is better to wait a bit and offer him pea soup at a later age.

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