Parrot fish: maintenance and care (photo)

Novice aquarists can not pass by the bright beautiful inhabitants of the water - parrot fish. Maintenance and care are within the reach of both experienced connoisseurs of this matter and amateurs. It is important to understand that this is not about parrots from the Pacific and Indian oceans. These large individuals reach a length of twenty-five or more centimeters and live in coral reefs. The article is devoted to hybrid parrots.

These creatures appeared about thirty years ago. During this time, they have become incredibly popular. This is due not only to appearance, but also to unpretentiousness in leaving. It is interesting to observe individuals; they are not aggressive and create architectural compositions at the bottom. How did these attractive aquarium inhabitants come about?

Origin history

Parrot fish

Parrot fish appeared in 1991 as a result of the work of Taiwanese breeders. Hybrids were bred by crossing several species of fish. It is assumed that not without South American cichlids. But no one will say for sure. The hybrid was called the red parrot.

These vibrant aquarium inhabitants are very popular around the world. What is so attractive about them?


Fancy Parrot Fish Mouth

The length of an adult parrot fish is eight to fifteen centimeters. The body is oblong, oblate on the sides. The head has a non-standard shape, which with its bends and small mouth resembles a beak of a parrot. Hence the name of the fish. The eyes are medium, placed on the sides and slightly convex. Their pupils are large and dark, and the iris is light, often bluish.

The most common color is orange-red or yellow. However, there are blue, raspberry, green colors. There are even among them albinos. The fins have the same tone as the whole body. When choosing, it is important to consider that pets with a rare color have reduced immunity.

Some owners complain that individuals of blue and other colors lose their color over time and turn red. Typically, the body of the fish discolors from severe stress, illness, sudden changes in life in the aquarium. But these animals may lose color for another reason. The fact is that aquarium pets created in Asia have interesting colors due to eating special food. It consists of peeled shrimp and plant components. If you stop giving such food, the fish will begin to lose their color. The situation is aggravated by strong lighting. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce its intensity and find a suitable feed.


Parrot fish in the store

A hybrid tank from Taiwan should be at least seventy centimeters long. For a pair of fish, the optimal volume is two hundred liters. Care must be taken to cover it with a lid or net, as they are capable of jumping out of the water. Why do you need a large aquarium?

Parrot fish are very active. They need to swim a lot. But a lot of light is not required. They are comfortable in light darkness. In a large tank, not only Asian creatures can live, but also other types of fish.


The content of the parrot fish provides for a water temperature in the range + 22-26 ° . Its acidity should be seven units, and its hardness - six to fifteen units. Thirty to fifty percent of the water should be replaced once every seven days.

Water should have a small flow, so aeration pump will not be superfluous. And since these fish are often malnourished, you should take care of a good filter. It will maintain cleanliness in the aquarium.

Aquarium fullness

Dark Ground Parrot Fish

The small red parrot does not require special plants, a certain design. It is important to cover the bottom with soil from small stones. Pets like picking their noses. With the help of the mouth they build their nests. Therefore, waking up and seeing specific shelters at the bottom, one should not be surprised. It is better that the soil is dark in color. This will show pets more clearly in contrasting colors. In addition, the water in the aquarium will be darker than with a bright bottom.

The pebble layer should be at least five centimeters. You can plant densely growing algae, put coconut caves. The remaining jewelry depends on the wishes and fantasies of the owner. The main thing is to save enough space for free swimming and admiring individuals.


As you can see in the photo, the parrot fish always stands out with its unusual mouth. Because of it, an animal can only absorb a limited amount of food. The fact is that it is not disclosed in sufficient volume. However, this does not stop the fish from overeating. Therefore, in case of obesity, it is better to arrange hungry days.

They should be given live and dry food and vegetation as food. List of possible products:

  • bloodworm;
  • shrimp
  • zucchini;
  • cucumber.

It is allowed to use finished feed from manufacturers. So that the color of the fish does not fade, it is necessary to give them food with carotene.

Representatives of cichlids are indifferent to algae, so you can not worry that they will be eaten by them.


Red Parrot Compatibility

Parrot fish are calm and peaceful. Exceptions are males during spawning. In order to settle them with other pets, it is worth getting a fairly spacious aquarium. No need to settle neighbors of small sizes to them. They can be eaten. And a poorly opened mouth will not become an obstacle in this. Small are considered individuals up to five centimeters. Therefore, it is better to keep neon in a separate aquarium.

They get along well with frogs, but there are species of amphibians that can eat their floating neighbors. Then the cichlids will already be a victim.

List of the most suitable neighbors:

  • catfish of medium and large sizes;
  • medium and small sized South American cichlids;
  • Arovan;
  • haracin fish.

A flock of red parrots living in a separate spacious aquarium looks very impressive.


A large flock of parrot fish

If the conditions of detention are fully suitable for the parrot fish, it will live for about ten years. It is quite resistant to the main diseases of the inhabitants of the aquarium. However, for many years, no problems can be done. So that the fish does not get sick, she needs the right care.

If dark spots are visible on the pet’s body, it is necessary to clean the soil and also change the water in the tank. This will reduce the content of nitrates, which are the cause of unnatural spots.

If one of the fish sank to the bottom and began to swim less actively than the others, it should be deposited in a separate tank. Methylene blue, half a tablet of Metronidazole, half a gram of Kanamycin should be mixed with its water. Water needs to be changed daily, each time adding medicine. The cichlid should recover in five to seven days.

Possible infection with ichthyophthyrius. On the body of animals a white coating forms in the form of grains that resemble semolina. First of all, change the water and rinse the filter. Then, Kostapur medicine is placed in clean water. The dosage must be looked at the instructions. Usually it is twenty-two drops of the drug per forty liters of water. It is necessary to turn off the lighting so that the components of the medicine do not decompose. The procedure for changing the water and adding drops should be repeated daily until the traces of the disease disappear. Although the manufacturer recommends adding drops every other day. But it all depends on the severity of the disease.

One day you can see how a fish swims upside down. This is probably a swim bladder affliction. It arises from malnutrition. Get rid of the problem will allow the feeding of pea seeds once a week. Before that, they must be cleaned. It is also worth watching that the pet does not overeat.

Gender differences

You can distinguish a male from a female parrot fish (photos are presented in the article), looking at the following signs:

  • Pink border. During spawning, a fringe of pink color appears on the gills and throat of a male.
  • Anal tubercle. In the female, it has a pear-shaped shape, while in the male it resembles a cone.
  • Sizes. Usually, males are slightly larger than females. But they must be the same age and kept in the same aquarium.
  • Caudal fin. Males have pointed ends on this fin, and females have rounded ends.

Owners who hold parrot fish of both sexes are certainly interested in learning how to breed them at home.


Yellow parrot fish

At the beginning of the article, it was mentioned that pets are hybrids. They are obtained by crossing several species. Many aquarists do not abandon attempts to get offspring at home.

They increase the temperature of water to +27 ° C. Then instinct wakes up in parrot fish (cichlids). One and a half year old pets are preparing for spawning. They build nests in the ground by digging holes. Sometimes the female even lays eggs, but this all breaks off. What is the reason?

Unfortunately, males are barren. Therefore, producers grow new individuals only by crossing. But at the beginning of spawning, there are advantages. Most experts say that fish begin the breeding process only if all conditions are met. So, everything suits them in the aquarium, and the owner is doing his job.

The only place where these amazing fish are created is Southeast Asia. From there they are transported to other countries. Breeding firms keep the whole process a secret. They want to remain monopolists in this matter. That is why it is impossible to know exactly what types of cichlids are involved in crossbreeding.

Some owners of aquariums claim that female parrots lay eggs, which are fertilized by males of akara. As a result, fry are hatched from eggs. Checking such information is difficult. However, this gives hope to many aquarium enthusiasts.

It is interesting that hybrids acquire their bright color only by the age of five months. The fry are gray-black in color. So manufacturers assure. Therefore, if the fry obtained at home are also gray, do not despair. Maybe you need to wait. Of course, the result is not quite red parrots, but no less attractive fish.

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