The presence of an infinite number of animals existing on the wonderful planet Earth makes our own life journey richer.
Representatives of the animal world delight us with their grace and beauty, surprise us with strength, speed, agility. They are the natural decoration of our planet and need love, care and protection.Unfortunately, in our world there are many things that threaten the life and future of many animals: excessive consumption of natural resources, destruction of habitats, thoughtless interference in the ecosystem and simply indifferent, and sometimes cruel, attitude to our four-legged friends.
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Summing up the activities of mankind over the past centuries, scientists are forced to state the inconsistency of the existing principles of the relationship of people to the wild. Due to thoughtless and ruthless extermination, whole species of animals, billions of living creatures, have disappeared. Mankind will have to realize the fact that animals are precious in themselves, and not just those that are useful, and the sooner this happens, the better. In the end, as Professor Jean Dorst points out in his book Before Nature Dies, man has many objective reasons to strive to preserve the wildlife around him. The scientist claims that the animal world can be saved if people love him even for the fact that he is beautiful. Perhaps it is Animal Day that aims to remind people of the importance of preserving the living creatures of nature around us.