Today we will look at the premium tank, which will appear very soon in Word of Tanks. Namely, the Soviet heavy tank "Object 777", option II.
Now only the lazy have not heard of such an online game as World of Tanks (WoT). Some even played it. The Belarusian team Wargaming released a game that became an absolute hit, and in the shortest time. For this game, they even entered the Guinness Book of Records. WoT championships are held all over the world, and the amount of reward for first place in the championship is just off scale. WoT has many different tanks: from light to heavyweight.
One of the reasons for the success was the unusual setting of the game. Unlike other MMOs, it does not have magic, elves and other things, but there are brutal and powerful varieties of military equipment. Plus, the presence of self-propelled artillery and anti-tank mounts adds to the gameplay.
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1952 . «-8». , « 777» . ( ), . .
, , 1:10. . , . 1954 .
Wargaming - . « 777» World of Tanks .
. , «-4», , «-8». , . :
- -: 258.
- : 440.
- : 1995.
- : 13,233.
- : 720.
- : 390.
- : 850.
- : 0,374.
- : 2,88.
- : 850.
- : 49800.
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, . . -. , , . World of Tanks « 777» . .
« 777»
-, , Wargaming . .
, - « ». , - World of Tanks. , . – , « 777». - .
, Wargaming. , , . .
World of Tanks . «» . . . ( ) , . , - () . : , ? WoT. , . .
In the world of World of Tanks, with each update, more and more novelty. This is expressed in the balance of tanks, in the emergence of new technology and much more. The premium tank "Object 777" is likely to be available in the store and for money. For equipment of the tenth level, it has good parameters. Nothing is known about its price.