Home Economics Lessons: How to Pat a Faux Leather Jacket

Often the joy of acquiring a coveted jacket or cloak is overshadowed by the discovery of folds on them. They arise as a result of long storage of a garment when folded. Especially strongly visible are such irregularities on the sleeves in the elbow bends, on the shelves in the armpits and waist. Is it possible to correct such defects at home? How to pat a leatherette jacket is described in this article. With the help of what materials and devices it is possible to remove irregularities from the surface of this material, we learn below.

how to pat a faux leather jacket


Option number 1 . This is the fastest way to pat a dermantine jacket. Roll up the towel. Turn out a leatherette product on the wrong side. Wrap it around a towel so that no areas of dermantine are visible. Iron with an iron, heated to a temperature of 30 degrees, iron products without stopping the sole of the appliance for a second. Pump the roller all the time. Thus, the folds will be steamed and straightened.

Option number 2 . To perform the artificial leather treatment procedure using this method, examine the information on the label that came with the product. If the steaming function is enabled, then feel free to get to work. Hang the jacket on a hanger. On the iron, turn on the vertical steam function. Try to process a small area of ​​leatherette first. If there are no problems, then steam the product completely. After the procedure, leave the jacket to cool and dry completely.

By the way, if you are interested in how to iron a leather jacket with an iron, then this method is also suitable for processing products from natural material.

how to pat a leatherette jacket

Coat hanger and water

Find a suitable hanger under the width of the product’s shoulders. It is important that it fits exactly in size or is slightly smaller. A larger hanger will pull off the sleeves at the base (in the place where they are sewn to the shelves) and deform the jacket. Spray the product liberally from the spray gun with clean water. Leave it to dry at room temperature. Make sure that there is no draft or sudden temperature changes in the room that adversely affect wet material. As a result of this procedure, the wrinkles are smoothed out as the product dries, for approximately 12 hours.

Steam bath

This method of how to iron a leatherette jacket can be used when there is no iron in the house with the function of vertical steaming. Hang the product on a hanger above the bathtub. Pour boiling water into the basin and place it under the jacket. Water vapor rising up will affect the artificial skin, as a result of which the bumps will be smoothed out. The liquid in the basin, of course, cools quickly, so the procedure will need to be performed several times. But it can be done differently.

how to iron a leather jacket

At night in the bathroom, draw in very hot water and leave a coat hanger with a jacket over it. Close the doors to the room itself until the morning. Such a "sauna" will certainly contribute to the fact that the leatherette product will become smooth and beautiful.

Damp weather

This way of stroking a leatherette jacket can be called the most natural. It consists in the following. In wet weather (rain, fog) put on a piece of clothing made of faux leather, put on yourself and go for a walk. The external environment will moisturize the material, and on the contrary, heat will come from your body. Again, a greenhouse effect arises around the jacket, as a result of which the folds are smoothed out. Using this method, do not get carried away by long walks so as not to catch a cold.

how to pat a dermantine jacket

"Miracle remedy" homemade

Experienced housewives who have tested this method say that this drug smoothes wrinkles and bumps on the surface of dermantine and other similar materials very quickly and efficiently. How to pat a leatherette jacket this way?

First, we prepare a solution of clean cool water, 9% table vinegar and a conditioner for washing clothes. You need to take them in equal proportions (1: 1: 1). Hang the product on the shoulders above the sink or bath. Pour the prepared product into the spray bottle and spray the jacket from it. Do this especially carefully in places where the folds are large and deep. In just a few minutes, you will see how the surface of artificial leather becomes more even and smooth. Leave the treated item to dry. If after the procedure light spots or stains remain on the surface of the dermantine, wipe them with a damp rag.

The most reliable and effective way to pat a faux leather jacket

Dry cleaning is the place where your wardrobe item made of leatherette will be returned to its ideal condition, namely it will remove wrinkles and dirt. Having paid a fairly small amount of money, you will get a beautiful clean product. Masters of their craft will perform the work efficiently and professionally.

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