Innovations today penetrate the most unexpected spheres of life. No wonder they apply to pets. If ten years ago a harness for cats was considered something out of the ordinary, today almost every owner of a mustachioed pet has a similar thing. However, if you purchased this device recently, it’s difficult to decide for yourself how to put it on your pet, how to calm the animal, where to wear a leash. Therefore, let's deal with all this together!
What is it?
The whole structure is a thin, interwoven straps. These are two closed rings wrapping the body of the animal in the neck, tummy and converging on the shoulder blades. In many designs, there is a dividing tape between the forelimbs. Look also at the examples of harnesses for cats in the photo.
The product can be supplemented with puffs that help regulate tightness. Also in the area of the blades there is a carabiner for attaching a leash. This arrangement is important for baleen-striped - their neck is more fragile than that of dogs.
Why do you need a harness?
The main reason for buying a harness for cats is the safety of the animal. Taking out, releasing a purr on the street, we sometimes open before the pet deadly dangers - infections, other animals, inappropriate behavior of some people. A simple harness will help protect against this - the cat will not leave you for a long distance, it will always be in the field of view, you can protect it if something happens.
In addition, a pet who loves to walk on her own, with a harness on a walk, will not run away from the owner, she will not have to search unsuccessfully. This leash also makes it more convenient to transport the animal to the cottage, to exhibitions, to the veterinarian, and so on.
When to start accustoming a cat to a harness?
The most optimal age is 2-3 months. Kittens quickly get used to everything new, perceiving it as a necessary attribute of their life. I must say that their adaptation process is much faster.
But there is nothing complicated if you want to accustom an adult animal to the harness. It will take only a little more time and patience - yours and cats.
How to choose a good harness?
First you need to find the right harness for cats:
- The best material for the product is nylon or cotton. But leather harnesses are too hard for cats - they are best used for dogs.
- See that the item has a soft felt pad on the side where it will come in contact with the hair and skin of the animal.
- Only buy a product that is adjustable with straps and puffs.
- Be sure to try on a purchase on the beast (how to put on a harness on a cat with step-by-step photos we will consider later). Between the straps and the body of the animal there should be a distance of not more than two of your fingers.
- The most suitable strap width is 1.5 cm.
- Included with the mount on the body (the harness itself) is a leash. It is best to choose options with a length of about 2 m. If possible, get a roulette-leash.
- All fasteners should be lightweight, with a comfortable clasp - not very tight, but not loose.
- If you plan to regularly walk the animal, then you should buy two types of harnesses for cats. In the warm season - the usual of cotton or nylon straps. For the winter - a harness-jumpsuit, which will additionally warm your pet in the cold season.
Types of harnesses
Today in pet stores the following samples are presented:
- "Eight". These are two rings of straps, interconnected by a jumper on the blades, to which the leash is attached.
- H-shaped model. The same "eight", only having an additional jumper between the front legs.
- V-shaped model. Forms the contour of the given Latin letter on the animal’s chest with straps.
- Overalls. Looks like a suit, but with an extra leash on the carabiner. This model is the easiest to put on, it is impossible to get out of it, it is perfect for animals with sensitive skin. One minus - in the summer the cat in the jumpsuit will be very hot.
How to wear a harness on a cat?
Do not worry - the procedure will only puzzle you the first time. Next, you get used to putting on a harness on your pet quickly and almost automatically.
So, how to put on an H-shaped harness on a cat:
- First, unfasten the leash from her. Otherwise, it will just bother you, get confused.
- Locate the first closed ring on the device. You need to put it on the neck of the cat so that the carabiners are at back level. If there is a strap that will pass between the front legs, then it should be at the level of the breast.
- Then throw a second closed ring around the beast’s neck.
- Pull the first along the body through the front legs to the cat’s tummy. It is important to make sure that the paws are each on its side from the strap separating them.
- As a result of these actions, one ring of the harness will be slightly lower than the neck of the beast, and the second on the tummy. On the breast between the legs is a dividing strap.
- Did you do it? The hardest part is behind. Now with the help of puffs and carabiners, adjust the density of the taxation on the harness of the cat's body. Tighten if the straps are loose. Otherwise, if the harness squeezes the body, interferes with movements, slightly open the ribbons.
- The last step is to fasten the previously removed leash with a carabiner. That's all!
The "Eight" is put on much easier - in its rings, like in the sleeves, the front cat's paws are threaded. The connection with the carabiner is held above the back.
How to put on a harness quickly and correctly will also tell the video further.
How to accustom a cat to a harness?
For the animal, the device that you put on it is a reason for great stress. Naturally, if she spends some time in a stupor, shock, she will try to remove the harness from herself. Therefore, before going out into the light, you must definitely wear a harness at home several times so that the animal gets used to it. In no case do not drag the cat by the leash! Let her line up herself in a new "outfit."
In order for the animal to get used to the harness faster, we recommend that you stick to the following recommendations:
- Do not put on a purchase right away. Put her on the floor, let the cat sniff.
- After a couple of days, you can start training fitting. Do not forget to calmly speak with the animal, caress it, do not make abrupt and discomforting movements.
- Trying is best done before meals. You can simply thank the cat for your patience with your favorite treat. So her harness will be associated with something pleasant.
- Do not leave the animal in the harness of the house alone! It should always be under your supervision.
- Try to show the cat that there is nothing wrong with her new “clothes” - play with her, invite him to run, walk around.
- To begin to control the direction of the cat’s movements is only when she starts to feel comfortable wearing the harness.
- The first places to walk are quiet, deserted, without animals.
- Do not think that teach a cat to run after you on a leash, like a dog. With purr this, alas, will not work. Be prepared that you will walk after the cat on walks, and not vice versa.
Now you know which harness is best for your pet and how easy it is to put on. We recommend that you approach the cat with understanding, take into account its fear and perplexity in front of a new subject.