Пропадает звук в "Яндекс.Браузере" - возможные причины и способы решения проблемы

Many PC users complain that they lose sound in the Yandex.Browser. This browser is popular in Russia. But he, like all other computer software, cannot be insured against crashes and malfunctions. So what should I do if the sound on my PC suddenly turns off when working with Yandex.Browser? What could be the reasons for this phenomenon? Should I fear this failure?

sound disappears in Yandex browser

Causes of problems

It should be noted right away that the studied problem usually does not cause trouble. Only in rare cases does it indicate serious problems with the PC. Missing sound in the browser can be returned pretty quickly. The algorithm of actions will directly depend on the situation.

Why does my browser lose sound? Among the most common causes are:

  • lack of connected speakers;
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  • .
  • .

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sound does not work in browser Yandex


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sound lost in Yandex browser what to do

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why did the sound disappear in the Yandex browser

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sound disappears in Yandex browser YouTube

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why does the sound disappear in the browser

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  2. browser://plugins.
  3. Enter.
  4. Shockwave Flash.
  5. "".

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Adobe Player

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  2. Adobe Flash Player.

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sound was lost in the Yandex browser on YouTube

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If the sound fails, it is recommended:

  • check the sound card;
  • replace PC sound card;
  • change columns;
  • make sure the hardware connected to the PC is compatible.

If all of the above tips did not help restore the sound, it is better to take the computer to a service center for a complete diagnosis. Masters will quickly determine the cause of the phenomenon studied and suggest ways to eliminate it. For example, replacing a faulty component.

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