Hemorrhoids in dogs: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Many doctors argue about whether hemorrhoids occur in dogs. Some experts are inclined to believe that inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodes is manifested only in upright individuals, so they exclude the appearance of such diseases in four-legged friends. However, the expansion of blood vessels in the anal region of the rectum in dogs is possible, although symptoms are extremely rare.

hemorrhoids in dogs

Disease onset

Hemorrhoids in dogs occur due to the expansion and further inflammation of the veins located near the anus. Inflamed nodes can be located both around the anal ring and inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids). The main reason for the appearance and development of hemorrhoids in dogs is considered to be stagnation, as a result of which hemorrhoidal veins are not completely released. Then the density of the venous walls decreases, which leads to the occurrence of seals (cones).

An ideal example would be a regular rubber hose. If you start pumping water at one end and damping the other end securely, then in a place that has the thinnest walls, a huge bubble will appear. The same thing happens with veins that accumulate blood in themselves. They gradually stretch, making the walls thinner, which after exertion leads to the appearance of blood cones.

Causes of hemorrhoids

dog hemorrhoids treatment

Various factors can provoke the appearance of this disease, in the same way as in humans. Each case carries an individual character. The main reasons may be:

  • Failure to comply with diet, excessively fatty foods, overeating.
  • Excess weight.
  • Physical overload.
  • Lack of physical activity, training.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Lack of trace elements and vitamins.
  • Dry food, which contains indigestible components of the canine organism, such as legumes.
  • Dehydration.
  • Imbalance of water and salt in the body.

A fairly rare disease that can appear in your furry pet can be divided into three degrees. Hemorrhoids in dogs are:

  • The first degree - a small cone on the mucous membrane in the anus.
  • The second degree is a cone-shaped seal with a ball at the tip.
  • The third degree is a bleeding wound or a burgundy blood sac protruding from the anus.

If you are just going to get a four-legged friend, then you should listen to the advice of specialists who recommend that you take extremely seriously the selection of a diet for a puppy. Failure of water balance can occur due to stressful situations, frequent changes in feed and irregular feeding. Puppies aged 4 to 7 months are most susceptible to changes in hemorrhoidal nodes, since it is during this period that they form bone and muscle tissues, and also comes the time of active growth.

dog hemorrhoids how to treat

No less dangerous are neglected helminthic invasions, which negatively affect the work of the intestines and stomach, slowing down the metabolism. It can also lead to the appearance and development of hemorrhoids in a dog.

Signs of illness

When hemorrhoids appear in a dog, the symptoms are the same as, for example, in a cat. Experts recommend paying attention to the fact that during an illness:

  • Feces become denser and drier.
  • The anus increases and flows.
  • In feces there are clots of blood and mucus.
  • The gait of the dog is changing.

Perhaps the dog will begin to rub backwards on the floor, grass, carpet, trying to get rid of discomfort and itching. However, most often, this behavior is observed in animals with worms.

it happens in a dog hemorrhoids

As soon as you notice the characteristic signs of hemorrhoids in a dog, you need to contact a veterinarian who will conduct a complete diagnosis of your pet. Only an experienced specialist will give the most comprehensive answer to what is happening in the body of the animal, and also prescribe the right treatment. Very often, people confuse hemorrhoids with hernia, inflammation of the anal glands or rectal prolapse.

Dog hemorrhoids: how to treat

Existing methods of treating hemorrhoidal nodes in dogs are practically no different from those used in humans. An important is the diet, which needs a thorough review and proper adjustment. In order for your dog to eat properly, you must:

  • Exclude foods leading to constipation from the diet.
  • Improve the digestive process by adding fiber-rich foods.
  • Cook easily digestible dishes.

These measures will help the animal to painlessly remove feces from the body, which will positively affect the reduction of the inflammatory process in the anus.

If the dog suffers from constipation, then castor oil can be added to the diet. The daily rate depends on the weight of the pet.

Longer walks in the fresh air will help speed up the healing process. Do not limit the pet in physical activity, as it is at this moment that his body stimulates the outflow of blood from hemorrhoids.

If medical treatment is taken into account, then the drugs will be the same as those used to treat people’s hemorrhoids. You can eliminate bleeding with candles from hemorrhoids, for example, "Relief". In order to strengthen the veins, venotonics are used - Venarus, Deltralex, Flebodia-600. They must be added to your pet's food.

Very effective are the procedures for douching and washing the rectum, which are done using an enema filled with decoctions of herbs. However, not every pet will be happy with such treatment. If your dog is categorically against using an enema, then you can simply treat the inflamed areas, thereby cleaning them from pollution. Otherwise, the area of ​​inflammation may increase.

Healing baths

is there hemorrhoids in dogs

In order to treat hemorrhoids in a dog, you can make baths for hemorrhoids, for the preparation of which herbs such as:

  • calendula flowers;
  • burdock root;
  • St. John's wort
  • yarrow;
  • sage;
  • pharmacy chamomile.

Using the bath, you can highlight the following advantages:

  • With inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodes, cold baths are made, which allows to reduce swelling and bumps (it is worth considering the fact that the solution should be only 3-4 degrees lower than the dog’s body temperature).
  • Almost every potion used in the bath has several healing properties, which positively affects the body, accelerating the healing process.


Having discovered hemorrhoids in a dog, the owners often use sea buckthorn oil, which is an excellent antiseptic and promotes the rapid healing of wounds on hemorrhoidal veins. It is necessary to soak a cotton swab in oil, and then place it in the anus. This tool is most effective at the initial stage of the development of the disease.

Better to do without experiments

dog hemorrhoids symptoms

If the above methods did not give the proper result or the disease is in neglected form, then you must urgently consult a veterinarian. Only a specialist can prescribe the correct treatment, as well as surgically remove hemorrhoids.

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