The duration of a month's baby’s sleep is about 20 hours. During this time, the hormones of maturation and growth are activated in the baby’s body, which are produced precisely at rest. If the baby does not sleep, growth slows down. Why babies are not sleeping and how to solve this problem is described in our article.
Causes of Sleep Disorders
The baby, like an adult, needs a full sleep, for which it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions. A month- old baby does not sleep all day, which means that something does not give him rest. It happens that the baby is awake for a long time and falls asleep only when he is very tired. But very soon, unexpectedly for her parents, she wakes up.
Why is a month-old baby awake all day? There are many reasons:
- A wet diaper is the simplest and most common cause of baby anxiety. Not all modern diapers provide dryness after emptying. If when feeling the priests and backs there are no signs of leakage, this does not mean that the child is comfortable.
- Environment. It happens that a month-old baby does not sleep all day due to constant noise. There are children who fall asleep only in silence. If the newborn still does not respond well to sounds, then from the second month the baby's ability to respond to noise increases.
- Uncomfortable air temperature. A month- old baby does not sleep all day - a frequent situation in modern families. Many young parents are afraid to catch a baby, therefore they do not ventilate the apartment, they overheat it and thus overheat the baby.
- Increased activity. Baby can fall asleep badly after active games. It’s hard to calm him down, he continues to scream, move his legs and arms.
- The presence of health problems. An anxious state often occurs due to an upset digestive system, the development of neurological pathologies, etc.
- Adverse psychological situation in the family. Nervous tension, frequent quarrels affect the state of parents. The child subtly feels mom’s emotions and is overexcited.
- Teething. The growth of the first teeth gives children great discomfort and may be accompanied by pain. If a 3-month-old baby does not sleep all day, this may indicate the beginning of teething.
- Temperament. Sleep mode is largely dependent on the psyche of the baby. Children with increased irritability are difficult to calm down even with the timely elimination of the focus of excitement.
Medical Causes of Sleep Disorders
A month-old baby does not sleep all day? This is a signal for parents to see a doctor to determine the cause of this behavior. Sleep disorders are handled by individual specialists - somnologists. Also, the neurologist examines the baby for the presence of appropriate diseases. If neurologists have not found disorders of the nervous system, the baby is examined for birth injury. You can confirm the diagnosis after a series of examinations.
Violation of the functions of the digestive system often provokes the onset of anxiety in the baby. As a result, a month-old baby does not sleep all day and cries. Errors in feeding, improperly selected mixture, non-compliance with the nursing mother’s diet can cause colic, diarrhea, constipation, skin rashes. The most painful infants are colic. This condition occurs due to poor gas discharge. As a result, the tummy swells. With colic, the baby feels severe pain in the intestines that prevent him from falling asleep.
Sleep disturbance in infants can be associated with injuries and other diseases of the internal organs, because of which the baby feels pain. The main symptom, which indicates a health problem in the baby, is constant crying. If the baby does not sleep, but at the same time plays, there is no reason to consult a doctor.
Improper sleep
If the baby systematically sleeps poorly for all 24 hours, he gets used to this routine. Over time, changing your baby’s routine is even more difficult. Therefore, to accustom a child to the correct alternation of sleep and rest should be from birth.
Often, sleep disturbances occur through the fault of parents. Laying the baby at different times, using completely different lulling manipulations does not allow the child to develop an accurate sleep and wake regimen.
In order for the infant to learn to fall asleep at the same time, it is important to create a sleep facility. Despite the fact that the baby is still very small, his nervous system can already distinguish certain phenomena. For example, laying a child in the dark teaches the baby to fall asleep with the onset of night. He will know that night is time for absolute rest. And play and stay awake should be when it’s light.
Lack of sleep during the day
In infants, each month the duration of sleep during the day is reduced, and the wake time is up to 6 hours. At the same time, a night's sleep remains the same.
Very rarely, but it happens that a 2-month-old baby does not sleep all day. Typically, children of this age go on a rest regimen in the morning and afternoon. Some babies can sleep 3 times a day. It depends on the biorhythms of the baby and the conditions of his stay.
The task of parents who raise infants is not to overexcite the baby. It is important to consider that young children learn the world every second and get a lot of impressions. Therefore, excessive activity of adults affects the infant’s sleep. As a result, situations may arise that the child sleeps little during the day.
What to do to parents
Solving the problem of poor baby sleep is easy. This is the strength of every mommy. First of all, factors affecting the sleep of the baby should be identified. To do this, you need to check if the baby is hungry and everything is in order with the diaper. Perhaps the baby is short of milk and needs additional nutrition. Hunger can prevent a baby from falling asleep.
If a month-old baby does not sleep all day and night, this is already quite a serious sign, requiring the advice of a pediatrician. In this case, there is a high probability of health problems.
How much babies should sleep
Depending on age, the duration of sleep is from 20 to 12 hours per day. So, for a baby up to 2 months old, sleep is considered the norm, which lasts 18 hours. Infants from 3 to 4 months need a sleep lasting 17 hours for a good rest. At 5 months, it is advisable for the child to sleep up to 16 hours. A six-month-old baby can sleep an hour less. Already closer to a year, the child needs to sleep 12 hours a day.
How to provide babies with a healthy sleep
To improve the sleep of the baby, it is important to periodically ventilate the room and prevent the increase in room temperature. The most comfortable temperature for infants is 18-19 degrees Celsius. If the baby is hot, he probably will not be able to sleep and will be capricious.
Of considerable importance for sleep is evening bathing. Warm water soothes and relaxes the baby. Immediately after the bath procedures, the baby should be dressed in clean pajamas and fed. This sequence of actions is considered a mandatory norm for all babies and contributes to a deep night's sleep.
In order for the baby to sleep well during the day, he should be taught to fall asleep at a specific time, after feeding and replacing the diaper.