PHP switch case selection construct

Condition and choice are key language constructs. Correct decision making is the basis of a high-quality algorithm and clear, understandable code. Correct design of the algorithm and the correct use of comments are related to stability and reliability factors.

switch case php

Modern programming is still not without rigidity. Once written code can adapt to changing the conditions of a task only with the help of a competent specialist. But still, the level of code mobility is determined by the qualification level of its author.

Selection Design Syntax

switch case PHP , . , HTML. 'bold' 'italic', 'strong' 'i'.

Author's example is not a picture

. 'font'.

, .

'break' , 'return'.

PHP: switch case

, , 'switch'. 'case' 'default', , 'case'.

. 'case' ':' 'break'. 'break' - . , 'case'. . , '=='.

Author's example is not a picture

'case' , , 'default' , 'break' 'case', , .

PHP: switch case . 'break'.

, , 'break', , . '$x' 1 'break', = '-one--two--default-'.

. switch case. PHP , case.

php switch case

. , CSS. switch case PHP , . , . , .

php switch case multiple values

switch case. PHP , . . . , : switch case PHP , , - , .

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