Death in "Sims 4": how to kill children and adults

The Sims series is known for its realistic approach to portraying a wide variety of life situations. Death was no exception. At the same time, characters can die both naturally, for example, from old age, and by chance. The second option, as a rule, depends on the actions of the player himself. In other words, the user can independently decide the fate of virtual little men, solving not only ordinary affairs, but also the circumstances of death.

For several years now, fans of the series have come up with various ways to kill their Sims. And, no matter how contradictory this may sound, today we will try to deal with this topic in more detail. So death in Sims 4. How to kill children and adults? Below we will talk about the most popular ways to send your sim to the other world.

Fire death

How to kill a sim in Sims 4?

One of the most popular ways to kill your virtual ward in The Sims. Any culinary ignoramus can arrange a fire if he begins to cook something on the stove. This usually takes several attempts. By the way, in a fire you can kill children. How does it work in Sims 4? It is enough to place the child at the right time in the right place, and the flame will take care of the rest (but we recommend taking the child to the orphanage). And yes, itโ€™s better to get rid of any fire systems, otherwise the fire will be quickly extinguished.


In The Sims 4, the ability to drown your character appeared with the update. A fairly simple way that works on the first try. We send the sim to swim in the pool, and then build a fence to block any exit. After that, you have to wait.

How to kill children in the Sims 4 using the pool? Just like adults. By the way, drowning is the second and last way, in addition to the fire from which Sims children can die.

"Sims 4": how to kill children and adults

Electric shock death

Another reliable way to get rid of your ward in "Sims 4". How to kill a sim with a deadly discharge of electric current? To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  • The sim must be a complete layman in mechanics. Any progress in the skill will complicate the task.
  • We get home several stereo systems (a dozen or a little more will be enough). Turn them all on at once.
  • Stereo systems are guaranteed to fail in a few days, so you have to wait.
  • Finally, we send the sim to repair the damage. If you gradually move from one broken stereo system to another, sooner or later our sim will certainly shy away with a fatal shock.

Congratulations, you have become a professional killer in the world of The Sims! And in what ways do you like to send virtual men to the next world?

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