Mix "Bellact Comfort": reviews of mothers with experience as a help to beginners

If mommy does not have the opportunity to breastfeed her newborn baby, she has to turn to different mixtures for help. Often the path to the right choice is long. But in the end, he is the only true one. "Bellact Comfort", reviews of which contain a lot of useful information about the mixture, and there is the very right choice.

Not only delicious, but also healthy!

Food for a small child should be healthy, satisfying and not leading to unnecessary rashes and other troubles. The mixture of "Bellact Comfort" (reviews of it indicate that it is one of the best) is absorbed by peanuts very well due to protein hydrolysis. The information that is presented on the package fully corresponds to the result that is obtained shortly after the start of the use of the mixture. And this is what was promised: colic and constipation are reduced, digestion is easy, immunity is strengthened, the baby’s growth and development are maximally optimal.

Mix Bellact Comfort

District pediatricians often advise on an ongoing basis to feed the little ones either Bellactom Immunis or Bellactom Comfort. Parents choose the first name because the mixture is one and a half times cheaper than the second. But Immunis doesn’t suit everyone: children have a small rash because of it. Therefore, it is better not to take risks, especially if the baby is allergic.

How to make a mixture?

First you need to boil water. Then cool it to a temperature of 40-45 ° C. Pour 90 ml of water into a clean bottle and pour three tablespoons of the dry mixture (without top). Close the bottle and shake it in an inclined position until it is completely dissolved. Now heat the finished mixture to a temperature of 37 degrees. Drop on the back of your hand to check if you can give it to the baby.

How to make a mixture

Here it is, a mixture of Bellact Comfort. Reviews about her provide a lot of information that will be useful for young mothers who are just entering a wonderful way of raising a child. And this information will be very helpful.

How does it work?

Nutritional value. The mixture "Bellact Comfort" (reviews contain many words of gratitude to the manufacturers) is enriched with minerals and vitamins. Weight gain in babies is normal.

Getting rid of colic. If the peanut suffers from colic (usually this happens with those babies who are breast-fed), his mother can transfer him to Bellact Comfort. According to reviews, for newborns with such problems, this is just a gift. Parents write that the mixture not only solves problems with colic, but also relieves constipation. Even if the colic does not completely disappear, their duration and frequency are significantly reduced. Moms understand that this is already a huge achievement, because colic is painful for both kids and adults.

Eliminate constipation. After the kids begin to eat this mixture, in most cases they pass constipation. The chair is daily, from two to four times a day. Such as healthy babies should be.

Kid drinks mix

No regurgitation. They stop after using the mixture. Even if they were not or were rare, as a preventive measure, the mixture is perfect.

The absence of allergies. This mixture is transferred to babies who have allergic reactions to food. Thanks to Bellact, the problem is solved almost instantly and never returns.

In conclusion

We must dwell on one important point, which, however, is not so scary. The Bellact Comfort mixture, which we reviewed in this article, has a specific bitter taste. This is due to the fact that the protein is hydrated, that is, split. Indeed, babies can sometimes refuse to eat. Perhaps because they catch the difference with other mixtures and at first they do not like the bitterness. But over time, they get used to the unexpected taste. By the way, to speed it up, it is not necessary to starve the kids. It is enough to change the transfer scheme to a new mixture.

Well, in all respects, Bellact has proved to be excellent. The mixture can be advised to all mothers. It normalizes the work of the intestine, ensures the full growth and development of the baby. In addition, quite budget - approximately 220-240 rubles per pack. And hostility to a specific taste can be overcome.

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