The owner led the dog for a walk. The pet is active, runs and sports. Sat down on their affairs. The owner looked at the color of excrement, and grabbed his heart. The dog has black feces. The first thought is internal bleeding, running to the doctor.
Wait for a panic. Let's deal with the possible causes of this phenomenon.
What did you eat?
Owners, do you know that the color of feces depends on nutrition? Normally, it should be light brown to dark brown. Black excrement is a deviation from the norm in almost all cases. Except one: the dog ate raw meat or offal.
Remember: gave the liver in the near future? There may be black feces in the dog after taking the liver. This should not be scared. Everything is fine.
Are there any other symptoms?
If the dog recovered, and the owner saw the black color in her feces, it is too early to panic. Do you take a closer look at the pet, how does it behave? He rides a young horse, invites the owner to play, and with all his appearance shows how happy he is? Watch the dog throughout the day. How to eat, not sluggish. And be sure to pay attention to bowel movements during your next walk. If the black feces in the dog have not disappeared, take your pet to the vet.
Alas, the most common causes of black excrement are illnesses. It is important to know that two types of blood may be present in feces. Bright red and dark, black. The latter is the most dangerous, as it leaves the small intestine or stomach.
What are the main causes of black feces in a dog?
Worms. If you forget that periodically they must be driven out of the body of the dog, then these comrades will only be happy. They safely settle in the small intestine. And they begin to eat his mucous membrane. Naturally, they corrode to the blood. This very blood leaves the dog’s body, giving its excrement black color;
Enteritis. There are much more serious than worms. To begin with, there are two types of enteritis. Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and parvovirus enteritis. Dogs of small breeds are prone to the first. Inflammation occurs in the stomach and intestines, and black stool in the dog is its consequence. And the causes of this disease are not yet known. Either this stress affects the body like this, or a previous infection, or circulatory problems. The second type of enteritis is very dangerous for puppies and young dogs. If measures are not taken on time, the animal dies within 3 days;
Stomach ulcer. Dogs, like humans, have peptic ulcers. When the ulcer opens, it begins to bleed. As a result, the owner can see the black feces in the pet;
Foreign object in the gastrointestinal tract. It happens. The dog swallows something sharp, that’s the result. By the way, for this reason it is forbidden to give pets chicken tubular bones. And if the owner plays the "stick" with the dog, you should be especially careful not to let the pet swallow a sharp piece of the stick.
Symptoms of certain diseases
Why a dog has black feces maybe, we found out. And now you have to deal with additional symptoms of certain diseases.
Take the worms. The dog infected by them is sluggish. She has cloudy eyes, the pet refuses walks and games. But the appetite is just crazy. The dog eats everything he sees. She is constantly hungry. What should the master do? Buy pills for worms and give them to the dog.
Viral enteritis. This is an infectious disease, and you can protect your puppy from it by vaccination. Just remember: vaccination is not a panacea for all ills. There are also conditions for the content is important to observe. For example, the dog is fed correctly, and its separate place is equipped for relaxation. It began to snow, and the owners walked with the puppy at this time. And walked for a long time. The baby is wet, the immunity is weakened. And hello, enteritis.
How is it manifested, in addition to the fact that the dog has black feces? The animal is vomiting, feces streaked with blood clots. The dog is sluggish, lying all the time. She may have cramps. Refuses food and drink.
What measures should the owner take? Remember that the infection very quickly kills the puppy. Therefore, you must urgently call a veterinarian. Treatment is usually carried out at home. This is the setting of droppers. The faster treatment begins, the higher the pet’s chances of survival.
In case of gastric bleeding, the most appropriate decision by the owner will be to call a veterinarian.
If a foreign object enters the pet’s gastrointestinal tract, be aware that the condition worsens very quickly. Do not hesitate to visit a veterinarian.
Preventative measures
How to treat black stool in a dog? It all depends on the type of disease. If it is serious, then antibiotics and droppers are used. In this case, only the veterinarian prescribes treatment.
Frightening excrement is easier to prevent than to treat later. How to do it? Listen to our recommendations:
Do not feed your pet raw offal often. You can occasionally give. Boil them better, it will be calmer;
on time give anthelmintic drugs. Best once a quarter. Which pills are suitable for your pet, will tell the specialist whose dog is observed;
vaccinate a pet. Other owners believe that only a rabies vaccine is needed. This point can be argued. The infectious diseases described above have not been canceled yet;
If you notice that the dog is behaving strangely, do not delay the visit to the doctor. Yesterday, the pet was active, but today is lying and breathing heavily? You can not hesitate with medical help in this case;
When playing with your pet, be careful. Make sure that he does not swallow the sharp edge of the stick;
do not give the dog tubular bones. Never and under no circumstances. If you want to pamper the dog, give him beef sugar bone with rounded ends.
How to treat?
Warning about preventive measures is a good thing. But how to treat black feces in a dog?
It all starts with analysis. To make a diagnosis, feces are taken for a general analysis, the presence of infectious diseases and protozoa.
That's not all. The dog is prescribed gastroscopy. The procedure is not the most pleasant, to be honest.
Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract. It necessarily helps to identify both foreign objects in the declared organs and the presence of an open ulcer.
Clinical examination of the dog. Nowhere without it.
Only after all the manipulations the pet will be prescribed treatment. And the instructions of the veterinarian must be strictly adhered to.
If the dog has stomach problems, then she will be prescribed a special food. Accordingly, the owner must provide the animal with food for them.
It happens that the treatment does not help?
Alas, veterinarians are not gods. The same enteritis cannot always be cured. The disease develops too rapidly, and in its later stages nothing will help.
Therefore, as soon as the owner noticed black feces in the dog or puppy, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Especially when black feces are a “complement” to the traits described above.
The material describes in detail in which diseases black feces in a dog can occur. Some of them are extremely dangerous, others and it is difficult to name a disease. Let's just say symptoms that are easily eliminated.
How to prevent the appearance of feces, the color of which is alarming, we told. What you need to do to the owner, as soon as he discovers black blood in the feces, you now know.
We remind once again that one should not delay treatment if the dog’s behavior is not typical for her. She refuses food, looks lethargic, and there are all the signs of the disease.