PHP function file_put_contents (): secure data writing

The modern concept of the file system is focused on speed, efficiency and comfort for the developer. Many people remember the times when it was necessary to spend time and lines of code. Open the file, organize the reading / writing process, control the data exchange process, track problems and close the file correctly. All this is already in history.

In memory of the past, many languages ​​have retained classic operations for organizing data writing / reading processes, but offer much more efficient tools. In particular, the PHP function file_put_contens () is all at once: convenient, fast, practical.

Data row and file

In fact, it does not matter where the data is located. It should be stored in any process in any situation. The string, as a rule, is RAM, and the file is an external drive. A line in memory cannot be forever, but the file is always saved.

The properties and purpose of the PHP file_put_contents () function are obvious: transforming a string from active to passive: transferring data from online control to storage.

php file put contents

The logic of modern programming is extremely simple in terms of data usage. Everything active and relevant in RAM is available instantly. Everything that may be needed is stored on disk, in the cloud or on any other storage device in a file. What is a file, where is it located, how is it arranged - the developer is not interested. It is important that a string can always be quickly put into a file. It is of great importance that the line can always be extracted from the file and it will be the same as it was written.

PHP function syntax file_put_contents ()

The function has two parameters: where to write and what to write. The file name and data string are the two essential values ​​of the write function. You can use the third - flags and the fourth parameter - the context of the resource.

  • int file_put_contents (str.filename, [, int flags [, resource context]]).

The file name (str.filename) is the path and file name. If the path is not specified, recording will be performed at the location of the script or in the current folder. The data to write ( is a string. You can use the file name, which is not entirely correct, because first PHP will execute implode and merge all the elements of the array into a string, and then write.

php file put contents not working

Using the PHP function file_put_contents (), it is best to independently determine what is being written, rather than force the programming language to take part in the recording. The developer must control the data and processes himself, trusting the language only simple and obvious actions.

The logic of modern file operations

Progress in technical terms and the reliability of file systems is too noticeable. Everything works. The developer can count on the unconditional reliability of equipment and software.

php file put contents not working

The aforesaid does not mean that measures are not taken against technical failures, malicious code, and the likely actions of attackers. The code must be stable and secure - this is the rule of a professional developer.

As regards strings and files: situations when the PHP function file_put_contents () does not work, it cannot be. Modern technologies are not perfect, but they function stably and reliably.

For a good result, it is enough to control what you want to write, that is, the contents of the line. You need to know exactly where the recording will be made and to know how to read it back.

By using the PHP file_put_contents () function, the developer can be sure that the data string has been saved and can always be read in the form in which it was written.

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