What is the best time to do 3D ultrasound: results, photos and reviews

Ultrasound diagnosis is included in the list of procedures provided by the obstetric pregnancy support program. This is the most informative and safe method that currently has no alternative. Having learned about the condition of the developing fetus, parents can satisfy their curiosity and make sure that the baby is born healthy.

Characteristic features of 3D ultrasound

The specialist voices the result of ultrasound

Like standard diagnostics, three-dimensional research is based on the penetrating power of ultrasonic waves. A two-dimensional image allows the doctor to get valuable information and make a medical report, but it is of little interest to future parents.

The term “3D” indicates that the image conveys not only the width and height, but also the depth of the object being studied. Thus, a color image of the embryo is displayed on the screen, which can be recorded on a disc and left as a memory of the first meeting with the child. It is important to understand how long it is best to do 3D ultrasound and keep in mind that this method is not a substitute for standard diagnostics. Volumetric scanning allows you to study in detail the external structure of the fetus, and conventional ultrasound reveals pathologies of the development of internal organs.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

3D ultrasound procedure is becoming increasingly popular. This is due to its undeniable advantages:

  • greater informational content compared with conventional scanning;
  • an accurate definition of external developmental pathologies, such as congenital clefts of the upper lip and palate, better known as “cleft lip” and “cleft palate”;
  • obtaining a three-dimensional image of the internal organs, allowing at an early stage to track possible deviations;
  • the ability to evaluate the functioning of the cardiovascular system of the embryo;
  • assessment of the emotional comfort of the child by his facial expressions: a smile indicates good health, and a grimace of pain or lethargy indicates the presence of certain disorders;
  • accurate sex determination at any position of the fetus;
  • with multiple pregnancies, only 3D ultrasound can provide reliable information about the development of children;
  • photography allows parents to see the baby well, to see his smile.

The procedure has some disadvantages:

  • relatively high cost;
  • increased study time;
  • if a woman gained weight during pregnancy, the image quality will be reduced;
  • if the baby turns his back, he will not be able to make out his face.

Does the procedure harm the child

The term for 3D ultrasound during pregnancy

Ultrasonic radiation is able to penetrate the human body. For this reason, many expectant mothers worry that the baby will be harmed. It should be noted that data on the destructive effect of ultrasound were obtained as a result of the use of amplified sound waves. Such power is not used during the study.

Experts say that an ultrasound performed in accordance with all the rules does not harm either the mother or the embryo. According to WHO, it is considered safe to undergo four ultrasound examinations, and for less than 10 weeks, the procedure should not be performed without urgent need. In many modern clinics, 3D ultrasound is not done without the presence of an appropriate direction. Experts refer to the conclusion provided by the US FDA agency, which does not allow the possibility of additional ultrasound sessions solely for the peace of parents. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor conducting a pregnancy, who will be able to recommend how long it is best to do 3D ultrasound, and will write a direction.

Purpose of scanning depending on the term

Three-dimensional image of a sleeping embryo

In the prenatal period, ultrasound monitoring is carried out as planned. The terms are determined by the obstetrician-gynecologist observing the woman, guided by medical standards:

  1. From 5 to 8 weeks, you can establish the presence of pregnancy, make sure that the fetal egg is firmly fixed to the uterine wall, and the embryo is viable.
  2. From 10 to 14 weeks, ultrasound allows you to determine the exact period of conception, indicate the estimated date of birth and obtain data on the conformity of the development of the child with the norms.
  3. From 16 to 23 weeks, a specialist can exclude the presence of malformations in the embryo, monitor the formation of vital organs, and check whether the size of the baby meets the established deadlines.
  4. From 30 to 32 weeks, the procedure is carried out in conjunction with dopplerography. This allows us to draw a conclusion about the general development of the fetus and its motor activity.
  5. Monitoring before birth is necessary to identify previa, to monitor the health of the embryo and its body weight.

What is the best time to do 3D ultrasound during pregnancy?

At what period is it better to do 3D ultrasound of the fetus

This question is very worrying for young parents, especially those who are waiting for their first baby. Regarding the period at which it is better to do 3D ultrasound with a photo during pregnancy, experts are of the same opinion. To study a three-dimensional image of the child is best from 24 to 28 weeks of the prenatal period. This period is considered the most suitable for the following reasons:

  • fetal organs have already formed and moderate radiation will not adversely affect their development;
  • there is an opportunity to consider the facial features of the baby, determine its gender, to find out if the limbs are correctly formed;
  • due to its small size, the embryo can still move freely in the uterus, so it is more interesting to observe its activity;
  • the baby easily turns over, even if initially the child was located with his back to the sensor, there is a chance that he will occupy a better position in the research process;
  • the woman already feels the fetus move, and can choose the time of day when the baby is most active.

Medical indications

Patients often ask a specialist conducting a pregnancy on how long it is best to do 3D ultrasound of the fetus. The optimal time for the procedure is selected taking into account medical indications:

  • the risk of developmental pathologies in the embryo;
  • genetic predisposition to dangerous diseases;
  • identification of defects in the fetus;
  • surrogate pregnancy;
  • passing the IVF procedure;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • determination of the sex of the child.
Multiple Pregnancy Snapshot

In many institutions, it is allowed to undergo 3D diagnostics without a medical direction, so that parents can see their baby for the first time. It is believed that this allows future fathers to better get closer to the baby. It is important to independently monitor that the frequency of studies does not exceed the norm.

Necessary preparation

Before undergoing the procedure, you need to consult a specialist to find out how long it is better to do 3D ultrasound during pregnancy with writing to a disc. This will make the diagnosis as informative as possible. There is no need to specially prepare for the study. Since the uterus occupies a significant part of the abdominal cavity after 20 weeks of gestation, the fullness of the bladder will not interfere with visualization.

To facilitate the work of the doctor, it is advisable to avoid the use of foods that can cause gas accumulation 1-2 days before the procedure:

  • legumes;
  • black bread;
  • fresh fruit;
  • cabbage;
  • carbonated drinks.

Ideally, before an ultrasound, the intestines should be emptied naturally. With enemas, you need to be careful, squeezing the uterus can cause premature birth. Strong bloating may be a reason to postpone the procedure and consult a doctor who will tell you how to establish digestion and how long it is possible to do 3D ultrasound.


Wake up fetus

Having determined the period for 3D ultrasound during pregnancy, the patient must sign up for a diagnosis. The procedure is carried out in the same way as two-dimensional scanning - using a standard sensor. To facilitate the sliding of the device, the woman’s belly is lubricated with a special gel. Thanks to the special principle of moving the device, the computer can build a three-dimensional image based on the received data. Scanning lasts 5-10 minutes. Another 30–40 minutes are required to process the result.

The study will be informative only if the woman managed to find out at what period it is better to do 3D ultrasound. It is also worthwhile to understand that the baby can turn the back of his head towards the sensor.

Where can I do three-dimensional ultrasound

The necessary equipment can be found in gynecology and obstetrics centers, as well as in private clinics. Female consultation patients are offered only two-dimensional diagnosis. When choosing an organization, many expectant mothers go to forums and read reviews on 3D ultrasound during pregnancy. At what time is it better to do the procedure, the fair sex ask the doctor who is observing them.

The procedure may be part of a pregnancy management program offered by specialized clinics. In addition, the service can be paid separately. In this case, its cost will be from 1.5 to 4 thousand rubles. The price includes recording data on digital media.

Patient Reviews

Received Screening Images

The procedure of three-dimensional scanning is considered quite popular and more and more women are interested in how long it is better to do 3D ultrasound during pregnancy. Reviews of pregnant women indicate that the procedure guarantees prospective parents a lot of positive emotions. Especially if the study is carried out for a period of 24 weeks. At this time, the baby is already quite developed and you can examine in detail the features of his face, fingers and toes. Expectant mothers were especially impressed by the serene smile of the crumbs.

For women who care about the health of the child, it is important not only to get a photo for memory, but also to make sure that the baby does not have pathologies. Experienced specialists, having studied the data obtained, immediately call the approximate date of birth, explain how the fetus develops, whether there is a growth lag. Patients note that if ultrasound is performed in a free direction, the emphasis is on the features of the formation of organs and systems. Women who underwent the procedure in a private clinic were able not only to receive information about the health of the crumbs, but also to observe it. And photos recorded on digital media can be shown to all relatives and friends.

Three-dimensional ultrasound is not a health hazard. But you should not exceed the number of procedures recommended by your doctor.

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