The drug "Liarsin" for dogs: instructions for use, dosage and reviews

Today it’s not a secret to anyone that dogs, like other animals, have diseases similar to those from which a person suffers. Fortunately, there are medications that help solve such problems. Quite often, the drug "Liarzin" is used for animals. It helps to combat metabolic disorders, with bronchitis, hepatitis, gastritis and many other diseases. This drug is one of the first homeopathic remedies in veterinary medicine, which is produced in our country.

General information

larsin for dogs instruction

It is well known to use the drug "Liarzin" for dogs. The instruction on its use states that only natural components are included. In appearance, this tool is transparent and colorless. It is packed in ampoules of 2 or 5 ml, as well as in bottles of 10 or 100 ml. The packaging always contains information about the manufacturer, address, name of the drug, its purpose, series, storage conditions and expiration date. Be sure to have the inscription "Homeopathic", "For animals" and "Sterile". Also contained in the package with the drug "Larsin" for dogs is an instruction that informs the buyer about this drug. This medication must be stored at a temperature of 0-25 degrees Celsius in a dark place. If all conditions are met, then this drug is suitable for three years from the moment when it was manufactured. However, as soon as the period expires, the use of the drug should be discontinued.

Pharmacological features

liarsin for animals

It should be noted that the tool "Liarzin" for dogs, the instruction to which states that it is a homeopathic preparation, normalizes vitamin, fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. The medication is able to restore disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and activate the body's defenses. In accordance with GOST, this drug can be attributed to the fourth hazard class. It has neither a sensitizing, nor a local irritating effect.

Application features

This drug is prescribed for many animals in order to normalize the metabolism, as well as to increase immunity in diseases such as gastroenteritis and gastritis. In the form of injections, it is administered intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The duration of treatment depends on the signs of the disease. However, attention should be paid to the fact that it should not be used for longer than a month. It should be noted that the drug "Liarzin", the use of which has no side effects, can be used with various medications. Its components do not accumulate in the body.

larsin for dogs reviews

Main components

This medicine contains arsenic, lycopodium, and phosphorus. They have been used for a long time in homeopathy, their effectiveness is obvious. Arsenic is a very valuable tool. It is used to treat so many diseases. Among them are skin diseases, problems with the heart, digestive organs, kidneys, etc. Lycopodium is the main constitutional remedy that restores the body's metabolic processes. It is used for diseases of the liver, intestines and skin. Phosphorus assists in the treatment of bone, nervous and cardiovascular systems. In combination with arsenic, it is a synergist that complements its action. Thus, “Liarzin” for dogs is a really effective tool, since it contains components whose spectrum of action is extremely wide.


larsin for dogs

Before using any drug, you need to find out how often to take it and for how long. Means "Liarzin" for dogs, the instructions for which are very detailed, has a specific dosage for each individual case. It should be noted that the medication can be produced in the form of tablets or in 2 ml ampoules. As a rule, injections are administered under the skin or intramuscularly every day twice until there is improvement. If the disease is chronic, then the drug is administered three times a week until a positive effect is manifested. However, it is necessary to consider a single dosage:

- for medium and large dog breeds - from 2.0 to 4.0 ml;

- for puppies, cats and small breeds - 0.5 to 2.0 ml.

This medicine also exists in tablet form. It is taken orally, and the dosage in each individual case is completely different. If the disease is acute, then you need to take the drug no more than six times a day until the clinical signs of the disease disappear. If it is necessary to achieve a certain result very quickly, then it is allowed to use the product with a break of 15 minutes for two hours. If the disease is chronic or there is a tendency to relapse, then you need to take it twice a day until there is improvement. It is also very important to pay attention to a single dose of the drug per animal:

- Large dog breeds can be given three tablets at a time;

- medium breeds - no more than two;

- puppies, cats and small breeds - no more than one tablet per day.

Do not exceed the recommended dose of the drug.

Reasons for creating a medication

larsin application

The feedback from experienced breeders will help to make the right decision on the use of Liarsin for dogs. Allegedly, this tool is quite effective and deserves the attention of consumers. But why did this drug come about? There are several reasons. One of them is the complete absence on the domestic market of homeopathic remedies that are able to normalize the pathological processes that occur in the body during aging. Among them can be called a deterioration in the excretory function of the kidneys, decreased immunity, metabolic disorders, liver detoxification and others. The reason that contributed to the popularity of this drug is its cost. After all, the bulk of homeopathic remedies is quite expensive, therefore, such remedies are not in great demand among buyers.

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