How to format a USB flash drive in FAT32 in various ways?

When copying large files, often untrained users have the following question: how to format a USB flash drive in FAT32? This simple operation can be done both by the system tools of the Windows 7 operating system itself, and by specialized software. Each of these methods will be considered in detail in the framework of the material brought to your attention. The article also gives recommendations on how to perform this operation on an OS such as Ubuntu.

My Computer Menu

The easiest way to format a USB flash drive in FAT32 is to use the My Computer shortcut. The order of the work is as follows:

  • How to format a USB flash drive in FAT32?

    We find this shortcut on the desktop. In some cases, it can be

    "hidden" in the Start menu.
  • « ».
  • -.
  • « ».
  • .
  • «».
  • « » «FAT32».
  • «».
  • «».
  • «».
  • .
  • .

. :

  • « ».
  • .
  • , .
  • «».
  • « » «FAT32».

, , . . , FAT32. – . , . :

  • .
  • .


How to transfer a flash drive to FAT32?

Another way to transfer a USB flash drive to FAT32 using the operating system is based on using the Convert.exe utility. The algorithm for its application is as follows:

  • Open the “Run” window by pressing the “Vin” key combination (the “Windows” logo is applied on it) and R.
  • Enter the command "CMD" in its field and click "Run."
  • Then at the command prompt we type “convert fl: / fs: fat32 / nosecurity / x”, where “fl” is the letter designating the drive.
  • After that we press "Enter".
  • At the end we close all the windows and everything is ready.

Pros of using this method:

  • Built in Windows.
  • No need to move files from the drive.

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How to format a USB flash drive for FAT32?

In addition to the operating system tools themselves, there is also specialized software. Using it, you can also perform such a procedure as formatting a USB flash drive for FAT32. An example is Partitionion Mijik. First you need to download this program from the Internet and install it on your computer. Then we connect the drive and run this software product. We select the USB flash drive and, using the disk utility menu, select the file system type and convert it. This method is best suited for advanced users, since you have to work with not quite standard software. For newcomers and poorly versed users, it is better to opt for one of the previously described methods.


, , « 7». Ubuntu « » ( «») gparted. . gparted . , . . , . – . « » , FAT32. .

How to reformat a flash drive in FAT32?

It’s best to use the “My Computer” window for such an operation as “format the USB flash drive in FAT32”. It is both simple and reliable. If you need to save information, then you just can not do without the Convert.exe utility. But this is true for users who work with Windows 7. But with Ubuntu it is recommended to use a program such as Disk Utility. It is installed by default in the basic configuration.

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