Pregnancy poisoning: what is the danger, treatment and possible consequences

The work of the female body during the period of bearing a child occurs in extreme mode, because its main goal is to maintain and develop the fetus. The health of the expectant mother at this moment is very fragile. And poisoning during pregnancy harms both the mother's body and the baby. In this case, the main thing is to quickly take measures and undergo a course of treatment.

Pregnancy poisoning: what is the danger, treatment and possible consequences

Frequent poisoning

During pregnancy, a woman lives her usual life: until a certain period she works, constantly goes to public places, uses transport. Girls in position are no different in this respect from the others, therefore the reasons why poisoning occurs, like everyone else:

  • Medicines
  • Poisons and toxins that enter the body with food.
  • Gases
  • Industrial and household chemicals.

Frequent and common poisoning during pregnancy is food. In addition to us, bacteria and microbes love food, both harmless to the body and very dangerous. The digestive system at this time is prone to food poisoning.

Pregnancy poisoning: what is the danger, treatment and possible consequences

Types of Poisoning

Breaking into the digestive tract, dangerous microbes begin to live there: eat, multiply, and, as a result, secrete toxins that poison the body. The most common and dangerous diseases include:

  • Botulism. Active and hardy microbes called "clostridia botulism." Since they do not need oxygen for life and the development and development of poison, the habitat is canned food, milk, fish, sausage and mushrooms. By the way, mushrooms can cause the greatest harm, especially when poisoning during pregnancy in the early stages, since the toxins contained in them, can cause terrible harm to the child, because they have the ability to penetrate the placenta.
  • Salmonellosis. You can get infected through infected eggs, it is believed that this disease can be infected only by eating chicken eggs, and quail is harmless. Yes, in the wild this is true, but today quail eggs grown on a farm are sold on store shelves, where quail can also get salmonella due to low immunity.
  • Staphylococcus is a common infectious disease caused by dairy or meat products. Infection occurs if the storage or handling standards are not observed or in case of contact with already sick employees.
food poisoning during pregnancy

There is no guarantee that you will not get any infectious disease, but the chance of infection will be much lower if you follow basic hygiene standards, boil foods when you can not eat previously unclear food suppliers.

Causes of poisoning

As noted earlier, the most common is food poisoning during pregnancy caused by staphylococcus. Products that are improperly stored in an unsuitable place for this, unpasteurized milk, or from an animal with mastitis, violation of sanitary standards of workers - these are all conditions under which you can get this infectious disease.

The main cause of salmonellosis is eggs that are raw or have not undergone sufficient heat treatment. With a disease, all digestive organs from the stomach to the colon are affected.

Sausage, milk, even vegetables and fruits (of exotic origin) can be carriers of an infection. Still for a long storage of products, chemicals are used that may be invisible, but not for a pregnant girl, and they are quite capable of causing poisoning.

Poisoning: what to do?

During pregnancy, the manifestation of toxicosis and poisoning occur completely differently. To prevent the serious consequences of infection, it is worth taking activated charcoal immediately. Do not worry, it is harmless at any stage of pregnancy for both the mother and the baby.

pregnancy poisoning

If poisoning is moderate or severe, gastric lavage is performed, but you should not do this unpleasant procedure under the supervision of a doctor. During washing, a pregnant woman is monitored: control of blood pressure and the baby. Self-medication can lead to premature birth, and even worse, to termination of pregnancy.

Gastric lavage greatly dehydrates the body, so you need to immediately restore the lost fluid. It can be tea, dried fruit compote or saline. When the pressure drops, it is recommended to inject caffeine. If vomiting does not stop, and dehydration only intensifies, the patient is injected intravenously with a solution of soda with salt. They can prescribe antibiotics, but in most cases it does not come to that.

After poisoning during pregnancy, what should I do? Of course, a woman in a position after this trouble will have to adhere to a diet: a couple of days only tea, broth and minimize the amount of food. The diet is gradually increasing: you can have some bread, crackers, a little light porridge, steamed cutlets.


There is a certain list of products that are strictly forbidden to eat during poisoning and when recovering from it:

  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks.
  • Various spices, seasonings or spices.
  • Dishes of different smoking.
  • Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard and any other sauces, spicy or not.

In case of mild poisoning, the expectant mother needs to consume light food, absorbent drugs and a lot of water, liquid. In a day or two, health will noticeably improve.

Influence on the child with staphylococcal poisoning

In acute or severe cases, poisoning during pregnancy can result in her interruption, which will be caused due to a decrease in blood pressure of a woman and dehydration of her body. But in 90% of cases it is possible to avoid severe consequences, and the recovery period is easy and painless.

Pregnancy poisoning: what is the danger, treatment and possible consequences

Later poisoning during pregnancy is treated in the same way as usual. The patient is prescribed a diet, sorbents and replenishment of the lost fluid. If the gestational age is more than 36 weeks, then you can no longer prescribe Magnesia, but other drugs that improve blood circulation in the placenta can be used.

Risk for the baby

The question that torments many expectant mothers is: "What is the danger of poisoning during pregnancy?" Over a long period, complications may appear that will leave a mark on the child:

  • Poor oxygen intake.
  • Exfoliation of the placenta.
  • The onset of labor is premature.
  • Slow development of the unborn child.
  • Bleeding in the uterus.
  • Inconsistency of the baby's weight and term.
pregnancy food poisoning

But do not worry ahead of time, this is only in the worst case. In a difficult situation, which is accompanied by complete intoxication of the body in conjunction with pathologies when bearing a child.

Dangerous botulism

Botulinum toxin poisoning during pregnancy can be fatal. At the slightest suspicion of the appearance of this infection in the body of a woman during the period of bearing a child, it is necessary to hospitalize her immediately. With this infection, leading methods of cleaning the body are used:

  • gastric lavage;
  • anti-botulinum serum;
  • enema;
  • sorbents.

In advanced forms, when nothing brings a positive result, the patient is prescribed penicillin antibiotics. For example, if there is a suspicion of pneumonia. Based on the medical results of checking the state of the body, prescribe funds to enhance and strengthen the immune system.

With unstable work, breathing is treated with oxygen, namely its input under high pressure. If there is a need, a tube is inserted into the trachea, but this option only occurs if the patient needs ventilation.

What can be done in case of poisoning?

In pregnancy after poisoning, do not immediately load the stomach with heavy food. Better to start with vegetable soups and broths. Sweet black tea is allowed, but in small portions. After a couple of days, you can cook stewed vegetables or low-fat, light cereals.

Within ten days after infection, it is strictly forbidden:

  • Soda.
  • Not thermally processed fruits and vegetables.
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Meat and sausages.

At the end of the recovery period, consult with a therapist about prescribing vitamins to you, because during the illness, the body not only fought with toxins, but also lost useful substances, which it now suffers from an acute shortage.

Poisoning is simpler and easier to avoid. This is of particular importance when you are responsible not only for your life, but also for the unborn child. Just on the fragile female shoulders, this share also falls out. It is much better to be careful:

  • Check the composition and expiration date before purchase.
  • Do not try homemade salting or canned food.
  • Thermally process fruits, vegetables, meat and any other products.
  • Do not continue to eat if the taste bothers you with something.

And most importantly - at the first signs of food poisoning, do not sit idly by, but contact the clinic. Remember that you are responsible not only for yourself.

poisoning during pregnancy: what is the danger, treatment and possible consequences


The incubation period varies from half an hour to a day. The disease begins abruptly and suddenly, when it seems that everything is fine. After a certain period of time, after eating poor-quality food, you can notice the following symptoms of poisoning during pregnancy:

  • vomiting
  • nausea;
  • Pain in the pit of stomach;
  • gas, bloating;
  • temperature;
  • diarrhea.

In some, food poisoning is not accompanied by a fever. But, of course, a deterioration in well-being is noticeable: weakness, pale skin, palpitations. The temperature does not exceed 39 and is noticeable no more than 24 hours.

Different pathogens of the disease have different symptoms. For example, staphylococcus is a frequent debilitating vomiting and pain in the stomach, the stool is not broken. Possible deterioration of health, loss of consciousness and the appearance of seizures.

Clostridia is a loose stool with blood. The condition is critical, there may be a malfunction of the spleen, liver, heart or lungs. Chills, dizziness, fever, and mild condition.

Klebsiella is a pungent diarrhea. Weakness, which, along with loose stools, lasts up to 3 days, and fever.

As a result, it will not be out of place to repeat that poisoning during pregnancy adversely affects not only a woman, but also a child. Take care of yourself and be attentive to your health.

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