The eyes of cats are very sensitive. Due to this, they have a unique feature - to see in the dark. Due to the special structure of the retina, the cat’s pupil reacts sharply to lighting - it expands in the dark, almost closing the iris, or narrows to a thin strip, preventing light damage to the eyes.
But there are situations when the pupil remains dilated, regardless of the light. What are the causes of dilated pupils in a cat? Let's try to understand this situation.
Cat pupils normal
The pupils of a cat are always dilated at night, regardless of their internal state. This reaction helps the animal see better in the dark. Surprisingly, cats can even catch the light of stars.
One of the causes of dilated pupils in a cat is physiology, or rather estrus. If the pupils are constantly dilated in the animal during this period, then this is the norm. This reaction of the body manifests itself in hormonal changes that occur in this period in the body. At this time, the expansion of the pupils is accompanied by signs of the sexual cycle - a loud meow, pressing to the floor with the tail up, frequent urination and constant licking.
Stress, overexcitation, fear, aggression are also the reasons for the cat’s dilated pupils for a long time, regardless of the light. Experts say that cats see everything in slightly blurry contours, and when an animal is alarmed or scared, it intuitively looks around, trying to see the sources of danger.
The reason for the cat’s dilated pupils in this situation is adrenaline, which is produced whenever the animal is in an excited state. In addition to dilated pupils, such nervousness can be accompanied by hissing, flattening of the ears. It is enough for the cat to calm down, as the pupils "relax" and again become dependent on light.
Perhaps the owners know another reason for the cat’s dilated pupils. At the time of running, active games, jumping, trying to catch some animals, the pupils of the cat are dilated. The animal needs to clearly see its potential prey, as well as measure the distances between objects. This is a completely normal reaction to the production of active adrenaline. After the end of the games, the state of the pupils will return to normal.
Cat dilated pupils after surgery
This condition should not worry owners. Indeed, the cat's dilated pupils after anesthesia do not respond to light for some time. After a day, their condition returns to normal. Veterinarians recommend leaving the animal in the clinic to monitor recovery after anesthesia for two to three hours. In severe cases, the period of stay in the clinic is determined by the veterinarian.
After castration, the cat's pupils are dilated during the day. The animal after anesthesia may have vomiting, severe weakness. You can pick it up from the clinic in an hour.
Eye diseases
If a cat, which is at rest and under normal lighting, has one or both pupils dilated, this indicates some kind of pathology in the animal’s state of health, which should alert the owner. Be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian, because there can be many reasons that caused this condition. Only a specialist can determine them and make a diagnosis.
It must be understood that the fact of dilated pupils in an animal is not so terrible as the lack of reaction to light.
In this disease, the cat's dilated pupils do not respond to light. This is a serious reason to visit a veterinary ophthalmologist. The causes of the disease can be not only in the eyes themselves, but also in problems with the nervous system, in particular, pathologies of the optic nerve or brain. This condition can lead to blindness if the cause is not timely eliminated (if the pathology is treatable).
The causes of the disease include:
- posterior uveitis;
- retinal atrophy;
- dislocation of the lens;
- glaucoma (closed angle);
- brain tumors (rare)
- cerebrovascular accident;
- atrophy of the optic nerve;
- increase in intracranial pressure;
- violation of the blood supply to the eye.
Lack of coordination of movement, dilated pupils, vomiting
Such symptoms are often associated with cat poisoning. The dilated pupils in this case are provoked by such toxins that cannot be neutralized on their own. The source of intoxication can be medicines, poor-quality or poisoned food, poisonous plants.
Consequences of injuries
On the cornea when scarring injuries appear turbidity of varying intensity. Because of this, light of insufficient intensity enters the retina. Beyond a damaged cornea, the pupils reflexively expand more to catch more light to improve vision. Although there is a reaction to light, but it is very weak, and it seems that the pupils are constantly dilated.
Pain syndrome
When the animal is in pain, its pupils are dilated. Cats almost never meow when they are in pain. If your pet moves a little, purrs loudly, sleeps in some unnatural poses, his gait becomes constrained, and his pupils are dilated, then we can assume that the reason for this condition lies in aching pain (stomach or kidney colic, heart pathologies, tumors, infections )
In cats in old age, the pupils always look more dilated than in young animals. They practically do not become narrow, like clicks. With age, the perception of light also worsens, but the overall response to light does not decrease.
The disease develops against a background of damage to the lens and is accompanied by an increase in intraocular pressure. Glaucoma is diagnosed only by a specialist. Symptoms include clouding of the cornea, enlargement (dropsy) of the eye, and dilated pupil. Treatment is aimed at reducing intraocular pressure.
Retinal atrophy
This disease is common among pedigree cats. It is inherited. The disease progresses rapidly and the animal goes blind. The main sign of the onset of the disease is constantly, even in bright light, dilated pupils in a cat, the animal does not see well first in the dark, and then in daylight. Unfortunately, there is no effective cure for this disease.
A disease in which there is complete or partial clouding of the lens of the eye. As a rule, this occurs in the elderly animal due to vitamin deficiency, diabetes or injuries. The main symptom is a blue-gray pupil. Treatment is carried out only by a surgical method, but in the early stages and for prophylaxis, Gamavit and Phytomines are used.
Due to external influences or with vitamin deficiency, inflammation of the eyelids develops. Specialist consultation is necessary to determine the type of disease. Blepharitis is simple, meibomian, which is characterized by inflammation of the sebaceous glands on the eyelids, ulcerative. The main symptoms of the disease include: a thickening of the eyelid, scratching around the eyes, pus crust on the surface, dilated pupil, the cat is tormented by severe itching.
First of all, the animal's eyelids are freed from crusts with a solution of soda and oil. Vaseline oil is most effective for softening. Eyelids are treated with brilliant green and yellow mercury ointment. As an adjuvant therapy, the daily diet is enriched with “Phytomines”.
Such inflammation of the eyes is divided into subspecies: allergic, arising from the ingestion of a foreign body, infectious. It is manifested by liquid discharge from the eyes, often purulent, general anxiety of the animal, photophobia, the formation of crusts after sleep.
Pupils can both strongly narrow, and pathologically expand. With such symptoms, it is very important to provide timely assistance to your pet, independently, but under the supervision of a veterinarian. Cat's eyes are washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or "Miramistin." Then instill drops of "Iris". If crusts appear around the eyes, they should be pre-soaked and removed with a moist cotton swab. Then the lacrimal canal is rinsed abundantly with drops of Iris or Neoconjunctivitis. The procedure is repeated three times a day until recovery. The course of treatment lasts ten days.
For conjunctivitis caused by infection, the veterinarian prescribes antibiotics. As an adjunct to the treatment of moderate and mild forms of the disease, you can use “Phytoelite” hygienic lotions as well as medicinal herbs to wash your eyes.
Pet owners need to know that to maintain the visual acuity of their pet and strengthen its immunity, veterinarians recommend enriching the diet with mineral components and vitamins. For this, you can use special feeds or introduce phytomineral dressings.
To summarize
Pupillary dilatation in cats can be due to physiological factors, as well as serious disorders in the body. Therefore, do not rely on the fact that the disease will pass by itself. Show the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible. He will help you get rid of many serious problems as soon as possible.