Fragrance "Herringbone" - an eternal classic for a car

More and more people who have received a car license are starting to spend a lot of time driving their cars. It is understandable: mobility is one of the most important qualities of a modern person. Using a car, you can catch it almost always and everywhere. That's just for this you have to literally live in a car. Drink, eat, listen to audio books and music, learn about the latest events in the world, smoke, and even sometimes - sleep in the car.

Which car freshener to choose?

From the operation of the interior, which is not always gentle, the inner lining of the car absorbs all odors like a sponge. They are not always pleasant. Over time, it becomes clear that you can not do without a special flavor.

Christmas tree in the car

The most budgetary will be the Fir-tree flavoring in the car. This modest baby is probably familiar to all drivers and passengers. Her affectionate name is "stinker." The Fir-tree flavor looks like a silhouette (very primitive) of the tree of the same name. Consists of a porous base impregnated with an aromatic composition. The herringbone car flavor may have different odors. The most popular are β€œThe Smell of a New Car” and β€œVanilla”.

The design of such a freshener is discreet. This allows you to suspend the Christmas tree fragrance on the rearview mirror without fear. Such a "stink" practically does not distract the attention of the driver while driving. Also, thanks to this method of fastening, the car flavor does not spoil the panel of the car or its other parts. The fragrance does not need to be torn off each time with an effort, with a shudder, noticing how the malicious attachment point leaves eternal traces on your favorite car. According to the type of "Christmas Tree", many types of cardboard flavors having a different silhouette began to be produced. But the principle of operation of these products is similar to the principle of the Fir-tree flavoring - the same cardboard soaked in aromatic ether.

Different Christmas trees

The duration of operation of the freshener will be no more than two weeks. Although after this time, the suspension is still in its place for a long time - it pleases the owner with the appearance. "Fir-trees" have a good assortment of designs. Some of them are very worthy - they can play the role of color therapy when there is a uniform gray (or white) landscape around, and before your eyes there is a bright and cheerful Fir-tree fragrance.

Blue christmas tree

The price of products allows you to stock up on them for the future (remember the period of aromatization), so that at any moment you can change it to a more recent model. Storage of a cardboard freshener also does not seem difficult: a stack of such "stinks" can be packed in the glove compartment of your car for a very long time without weathering.

More flavorings

Auto Panel

In addition to the herringbone flavoring, there are other car fresheners. They can be made in the form of helium balls or mounted under the car seat with Velcro. There are products that can be placed in a cup holder.

Fresheners having a liquid inside are created in the form of a container attached to the car’s air duct.

Cretaceous flavors. These products are made in the form of a washer, inside of which a substance similar to chalk is hidden. It is the source of aroma.

While you are reading this article, in the world, perhaps, many more advanced products are being invented for aromatizing a car interior. However, "Herringbone" will remain a dearly beloved flavoring for many car owners for many years to come.

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