The guest of our review today is the cdr extension, than opening it - a topic that we need to disclose. For users who are accustomed to working with standard Microsoft Office files, this “flying guest” can cause some trouble. At first (until you find a program that works with this type of file), many users who open this file with standard office tools fail. Our UFO task, called the "cdr extension", is made understandable and accessible for viewing and editing. And, believe me, this is quite within our power.
, . . cdr . , Corel . - – (CorelDRAW).
. , .
«», cdr? , Corel () – CorelDRAW. , . – cdr .
cdr - . (Corel Paint Shop Pro). cdr .
, CorelDRAW: CorelDRAW. .
«» . , , cdr ? , .
- ACD Systems Canvas. , «» cdr. «» - CorelDRAW 8 . . , , Corel, ACD Systems Canvas .
, cdr, Adobe Illustrator. , , . 9.0 cdr : cdr 10 . «, , » .
cdr , , , () - .
, ( ): , «» , , . .
, cdr, , . cdr CD-. Apple iTunes . ( ).
The "magicians" that can open cdr, we examined. Now one thing remains: to find a file with the cdr extension and put your knowledge into practice. Good luck!