When to take the "Zodak" (drops): instructions for children and adults with allergies and rhinitis

Six months ago, the pediatrician always prescribed “Fenistil” and “Suprastin” medications during colds or before vaccinations. Now more and more often you hear about the medicines “Cetirizine” or “Zodak” (drops). Instructions for children and adults in some cases give various recommendations. Let's consider them in more detail.

zodak drops instruction for children

The drug is a clear or light yellow solution in a dark bottle and cardboard box. These drops are prescribed when a child or adult:

  • persistent or seasonal conjunctivitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • allergic skin rashes;
  • hay fever ;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • hives.

Dosage for children and adults

The drug "Zodak" (drops), instructions for children and adults, before use, dilute in a small amount of water, for example, in a tablespoon. It is better for children to then drink with sweet compote or tea.

Twice a day should be used:

  • five drops for children from a year to six years;
  • ten droplets to preschoolers and primary schoolchildren (six to twelve years old).

Once, best in the evening, no more than twenty drops are taken:

  • children from twelve years old;
  • adults.

These data are written in the instructions, however, the number of drops is prescribed by the doctor, which takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease.

Do not give medication to children under one year of age, pregnant and lactating mothers. Without a doctor, do not take people with chronic renal failure and the elderly. This is due to the fact that cetirizine in this category of persons is excreted not after five to ten hours, but after fifteen to thirty hours.

zhodak drops for children instruction

The drug "Zodak" (drops): instructions. For children and adults with kidney, liver disease

If a person has kidney failure, then taking drops is halved. For example, one-and-a-half-year-old babies and children up to six years old take two and a half drops, schoolchildren under twelve years old take five drops, and adolescents and adults - no more than ten drops. With liver disease, you can not use more than ten drops per day. Elderly people with healthy kidneys can leave the recommended dose in the instructions (twenty drops). However, we draw attention to the fact that the number of days for taking this drug is prescribed by the doctor.

The drug "Zodak" (drops for children) has been stored in the refrigerator for about three years. The price of the drug is not more than two hundred rubles. So this is the most economical medicine. In addition, these drops can be given to people with diabetes, as they do not contain sugar in their composition. But during treatment, you can not drink alcohol, theophylline and drugs that depress the central nervous system.

The drug "Zodak" (drops for children): instructions for adult behavior in case of overdose

zodak drops for children Price

With self-treatment or ignoring the doctor's prescription, an overdose is possible. Typical symptoms (severe headaches, weakness in the body, tachycardia, fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, urinary retention, lethargy) can occur when consuming fifty milligrams (about a hundred drops) already on the day of administration. In this case, call an ambulance. Specialists will rinse the stomach and prescribe treatment with activated charcoal. Do not leave the product in the public domain if there are children in the house.

Thus, without prescribing a doctor, do not buy the Zodak antiallergic drug (drops) in pharmacies. The instruction for children and adults describes a number of side effects from the digestive system and the nervous system. Allergic individual reactions may occur.

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