Original cat nicknames for cats and cats

The acquisition of a pet carries with it no less responsible task than the purchase of a scratching post, toys and a crib - this is the choice of a name. As they say, as you call a ship , it’s sailed, so choosing the right nickname turns into a real test for new owners. Choosing a suitable nickname for a pet is a real art that requires answers to such questions: what should guide you in choosing a name, what is the right name for a cat or a cat, is it worth giving your imagination a walk, or can you get off with Murzik? Properly selected cat nicknames not only 100% reflect the essence of the pet, but can also say a lot about its owner.

How to choose a name?

In fact, choosing a future name for a pet is a very exciting experience, because names can be either existing or fictitious, of Russian-speaking origin or foreign, and many other options. It all depends on the work of the imagination. People name pets in honor of countries and cities, favorite actors and musicians, cartoon characters and famous politicians. There are a great many options, it is only important that the nickname is liked not only by the owners, but also by the cat itself. Funny cat nicknames are especially popular, as they give a smile and cheer up.

red kittens

What to be guided by when choosing a nickname?

Many are of the opinion that choosing a name for a pet should be based on its breed. That is why the most unusual and original nicknames of the most exotic breeds. Often in the pursuit of the most original name, the owners invent such nicknames that they themselves are not able to reproduce later. The nickname should be harmonious and not cause difficulties when repeating it.

The easiest way to choose a name is for those who are preparing to buy a cat in advance, but it often happens that until the last moment the owners do not know who will take home - a cat or a cat. Therefore, the choice of name is postponed until later. Many people are sure that in the name of the pet must be present hissing consonants, but this is not at all. Cats perfectly perceive any sounds while hissing is often associated with unpleasant emotions. This is because such harmonies are used in those words and sounds that the owners say when they try to scold the pet.

A dozen years ago, everyone around was Vaska and Murka, after all, these nicknames were the most popular and remain so to this day. But now, when thoroughbred cats are no longer a sign of luxury, but live in every second house, the names are becoming more sophisticated. And even ordinary “curs” get the most original and aristocratic nicknames.

How to choose a nickname based on the breed?

Nicknames, invented long before the pet appeared in the house, sometimes do not take root, so it’s better not to think about it in advance, because when you look at your new family member, you will immediately understand everything. It may turn out that he is not the magnificent Archibald, but the real clumsy Fedya. Often the breed obliges to some rules. Of course, a kitten picked up on the street can have any nickname, be both the Emperor and Vaska. Another thing when it comes to expensive thoroughbred cats, which are acquired in order to participate in competitions, because the nickname of future champions will be pronounced, possibly for the whole world. In this case, the owners will have to work hard.

If your pet is a potential champion and will participate in competitions, then professionals advise when choosing a name based not only on what you like or sound beautiful, but rather rely on the names of your ancestors. In this case, the nickname depends on the names of the parents, as well as grandparents. The main task of the nickname of the future champion is to introduce the pet as a representative of a noble, purebred family, and not a beloved Murzik or Stepan.

cat for a walk

What to call purebred cats?

There are several rules that are used when choosing a name for a particular breed:

  • Representatives of the oriental breeds, Siamese, Persian, Arabian and other cats, names with an oriental shade are suitable. You can call a cat like this: Sakura, Bagheera, Barcelina, Aurora, Vanilla, Aphrodite and so on. The most important rule for choosing a name in a foreign language is to find out the translation in advance so that there are no awkward situations.
  • The most diverse nicknames are given to Persian cats, which are very suitable for such simple names as Toffee or Laska, Madonna, Persia, Jacqueline or Clarice. Often the owners rely on the character and behavior of the pet.
  • Cat nicknames for the British are often associated with persons of royal blood - Victoria, Josephine, Francesca, Elizabeth - and will be great options. Take a look at the history of England and you will find an unthinkable amount of delightful names for your cat.
  • Egyptian and Thai cats are suitable names that reflect their origin. If you suddenly decide to name your pet in honor of some ancient Greek god, do not be too lazy to ask what actions he or she differed. You can opt for names such as Zeus, Athena, Prometheus or even Hercules.
  • In addition to royal names, the cat names for British boys can be exactly English human names. Pay attention to such simple and easy to remember names as Nick, Tom, Lily, Harry, Joan.
  • British cats and English words are also suitable for Scottish cats. Pay attention to cat names for Scottish girls like Bella, Millie, Reddy, Whitey and so on.
  • Restless representatives of American breeds can be named after cowboys. Nicknames should be extraordinary, bright and cheerful to reflect the character of the cat and the spirit of America.
  • Persians are also recommended to be called in the oriental style, however, representatives of this breed are so cute and fluffy that they require calling them somehow fellow.

The more exotic the breed of a pet, the more original its name should be. When choosing a name, consider the following principles:

  • breed features;
  • the country in which the breed was bred;
  • the appearance and color of the pet;
  • the purpose of the pet, in addition to affection and care (it can be a pet for exhibitions and competitions, further breeding and so on).

Do not forget that the chosen pet name will need to be pronounced often, so the name in any case should be harmonious and not cut the ear. No matter how exotic the breed of a kitten may be, it is nevertheless primarily based on personal preferences.

Persian cat

How to choose a nickname?

The name of a cat of an elite breed can not only be difficult to pronounce, but even consist of several words, however, an affectionate contraction should always be easily pronounced. Experts advise future owners to choose a nickname, which consists of no more than two syllables. Beatrice easily turns into Betty, and Francesca into sweet Chessy. For example, cat names for British girls in 90 cases out of 100 have English roots, so the names in the passports are complex and difficult to pronounce - here, without abbreviations, nowhere.

Unlike dogs, cats are not eager to respond to their name at every mention. If you are of the opinion that cats that include hissing are best suited, then it is not necessary to invent a bicycle, you can make a nickname yourself from two syllables with hissing: Zizi, Shusha, Zhuzh, Suzy, Chacha and so on. Such nicknames are simple not only for memorizing by animals, but also for pronunciation by the owners.

It is often noted that cats easily get used to names that end with the letter “and”. For example, it can be such cat nicknames for a cat: Issy, Mickey, Fanny, Lucy, Kitty, Molly and the like.

Original names

The modern world does not stand still, technology is developing, some gadgets are replaced by others. It even touched a pet nickname. After all, what about cats, even if the children are named after the iPhone and Microsoft. Recently, cats are often given names such as Winda, Galaxy, Esameska. And what about the important cat, whose name is Twitter, or the elegant cat named Toyota? In fact, car brands are an excellent field for choosing nicknames. Ferrari, Bugatti, Infinity - sounds good. Sports fans can raise their own personal Sharapova, Ronaldo or Tyson at home. Even cooler if your home will have its own Madonna, Lady Gaga, Beyonce or Adele. You can name a cat in honor of Leonardo DiCaprio, what if they call you to act in films?

Choosing a nickname is a very responsible matter, because it has the same meaning as a name for a person. The name should reflect the life and character of the pet. If the pet quickly gets used to the nickname and responds with pleasure to it, it means that the choice was made very successful. When buying a purebred thoroughbred cat, the newly made owner also receives a passport, which indicates that your pet already has a nickname. It depends on many factors, beginning with the names of the kitten's parents and ending with the characteristics of the nursery in which he was born. Therefore, if you got a plush Scot Frederick Archibald Kroksky, you can call him just Feday or Archie. Anyway, your pet will not remember the full name, and you’ll soon get tired of saying it yourself a hundred times a day.

Another field of thought is the geographical map. Perhaps in your life there is a city or a place that is of particular importance, but is too far away. So we found the perfect name for the cat. Moreover, a pet named Montreal or Barcelona will definitely be remembered by both friends and acquaintances. And for you, the name will have a special meaning.

In addition to a significant city, any memorable people or events in your life are perfect. You can even call a new family member his baby name, if it does not cause any unpleasant memories.

Cat owners are especially fond of nicknames associated with the heroes of their favorite cartoons and fairy tales. This will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in pleasant memories again and again, remember your childhood and smile a little more often. Cool cat nicknames for boys can be like Matroskin, Simba, Toulouse or even Thomas O'Malley from the cartoon Aristocratic Cats. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to delve into the depths of memories and choose the favorite cartoon or character.

Can't imagine your life without music? Then you are lucky, because you can assume that the name for the future pet is actually found. Classical music lovers will be pleased to have the homes of fluffy Beethoven or Tchaikovsky. Or let your Elvis Presley run around the house. Do not forget about your favorite actors, famous politicians, artists and writers. They are unlikely to be offended, and you will be pleased to repeat the name of your pet daily.

Recently, cat nicknames have become popular, based on holidays or significant events. It can be Millennium, Valentine, Holly. You can even name a cat in honor of the day of the revolution, but it’s better not, of course.

How to name a cat

What sounds should be in the name of the pet?

Experts note that cats perceive only the first three sounds, they do not understand everything else, so the emphasis should be on intonation, not the sounds themselves. Why is it generally accepted that cats love names with the letter “c”? That's because any cat responds to “xs-xs-xs”. In the UK, these sounds are known as “pus-pus”, in Germany - “mitz-mitz”, in the Baltic countries - “mitz-mitz”, etc. But whatever the name, if given from birth, then the pet will remember him too.

However, most often the owners give nicknames to their pets, based on the nature and habits of their pets. For example, no matter how trite it may sound, but a lazy, loving cat sleeping can safely be called Sonya. A hyperactive and restless lady can be called Russian cat nicknames such as Storm, Scratch. Arrogant and aristocratic animals perfectly accept the names of the great figures of science and art. Call the cat Mozart, and maybe he will do something great too.

What is the name of the cat based on its color?

Experts recommend that when choosing a nickname for a cat, do not rely on character traits. Indeed, in childhood, all kittens are playful and restless, and in the future turn into serious and respectable cats, which playful baby names are no longer in status.

Black, brown and gray cats are perfect names such as Black, Earl, Knight, Pirate, Gray, Mystic and even Porsche.

Cats of light colors are more suitable for cute names, for example, it can be Marshmallow, Marmalade, Vanilla, Snowball, Bun or Weasel.

Ginger cats often get nicknames that also depend on color, such as Ginger, Peach, Fox, or even Dried apricots and Pumpkin. There is such a sign that it is red cats that bring wealth and prosperity to the house.

A variant such as a nickname, depending on the time of year, month of birth of the kitten, is possible. They say it’s good luck. Especially such a nickname will fit perfectly if it matches the appearance. Why not call the white Angora cat Winter?

If so far no names close to your heart have arisen in your head, give the cat a title or military rank. Let the Colonel or General live at home. The main thing is that the name is fully consistent with the character.

name for kitten

The most popular nicknames are in honor of the favorite heroes of films and TV shows. Let your Batman or Sherlock settle at home. Of course, you can not bother at all and do not invent anything, but just call your pet Vasily or Murka. But do not forget that your pet is one, special and most wonderful, so take care to come up with an original name that emphasizes the individuality of the pet and will be consonant not only with appearance, but also with character. After all, according to signs, a good name will bring the pet a long and happy life.

It would be nice to call your pet a name that is consonant with the name of the owner. If you believe the signs, such a name will bring peace, mutual understanding and harmony in the house. Is the choice still difficult? Ask your friends and acquaintances for help, maybe their advice will save you in this situation.

However, the process of choosing a name should not be stretched for many months, because if you give the cat a name too late, then he simply will not get used to the nickname.

Nicknames for the British - Alfredo, Arthur, Christopher, Williams, Buckingham, Roby, Whiskey. Such English names perfectly emphasize both the breed and the origin of your handsome. The most popular names for British boys among residents of America are Scotty, Blue, Schotti, Stevie, Blue.

Lop-eared cats are distinguished by a sharp character, their arrogance and hardness. They are terrible jealous people who are very attached to their masters and are not going to share their man with anyone. The most beautiful cat nicknames for fold cats are as follows: Tai, Samson, Ruslan, Noah, Sapphire, Aquamarine.

Sphinxes are truly one of the most exotic representatives of the cat family. Their grace, elegance and even pathos deserve the corresponding nickname. Sphinxes mesmerize, bewitch and do not give a single chance not to look at them. Popular names for this breed are: Shai, Ra, Yakhmos, Balthazar.

Cat in winter

How does the color of a cat affect character?

Choose cats of black color, they bring good luck and, as practice shows, it is easiest for them to give a name. There are legends that black cats can “pull” diseases from a person and create a favorable aura in the house.

They say that the standards of affection and tenderness are cats with a gray color, and the names most popular for them are Gray, Nikki, Dymok, Smokey. According to statistics, gray cats are more popular than any other in the whole world.

Redheads are a symbol of joy and fun. Mischievous red cats are the brightest and most positive, and with all their appearance radiate kindness and happiness. Funny cat nicknames for saffron milk can be: Mango, Pikachu, Twinkle, Rudik.

White cats are the top of grace and nobility. And cats with white hair, multi-colored eyes are considered magic at all. They say that white cats have a special effect on children, charge the atmosphere in the house with happiness and love. The most popular names for snow-white kittens: Waity, Coconut, Zephyr, Sugar, Ray, Sun, Ice. The main thing is that the name reflects all the charm and kindness of the cat.

How to name a cat based on character?

All cats are different and have their own special traits in character, do not forget to rely on them when choosing a suitable name. Cats are very playful and, conversely, lazy, calm and restless, active and big lovers of food. Pay attention to the most striking character trait and let the imagination run wild.

Active and playful can be called cat names for cats like Storm, Hooligan, Barmaley and even Bandit. Calm and lazy pets will not complain about nicknames like Tsar, Barin or Bourgeois.

Name Perception Features

We must not forget about the features of sound perception. And if a person hears sounds in the range from 16 to 20,000 Hz, then animals catch up to 65,000 Hz. Therefore, first of all, the nickname should be short and easy to perceive, and not be distinguished by special originality.

how to care for a kitten

Disputes over which sounds should be included in the nickname are still ongoing. Someone says that they do not matter at all, while others advise choosing a name with the sounds “z”, “s”, “c” included in it. According to those who are negative about this rule, these sounds are associated with our favorites with a desire to scold for tricks. Indeed, it is curses that include such sounds. Another theory is based on the fact that these sounds are made by rodents, which is why they attract the attention of cats, making them alert and attentive.

Also, the name may include consonants such as "m" and "r", because it is precisely these sounds that cats make, which indicates their good mood.

But the experts recommend abandoning the letters "w", "w", "u", cats negatively perceive these sounds because they portend an alarm. Of course, over time, the pet will get used to any name, but it is important to choose a nickname that will cause extremely favorable emotions.

Choosing a pet name is one of the most important aspects of a cat’s life. No matter how sophisticated the nicknames in the passports may be, name the cat only as your heart suggests. And be sure to remember that the pet should also like the name, and this you will understand by its reaction.

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