Why does the hamster bite? What hamsters do not bite

Many people like hamsters. These funny and easy-to-keep funny pets can bring a lot of positive emotions to the life of an adult and a child. Alas, sometimes the owners have an important question: why does the hamster bite? His aggression may seem completely unreasonable and scare the owners. We will try to find the answer to this difficult question.

Unusual atmosphere

One of the most common reasons for the manifestation of aggression is an unusual stop. Very often, hamsters bite in the very first hours after they were brought from the pet store. In such a situation, you should not even think about why hamsters bite when you pick them up. A new environment, unfamiliar odors, a separation from the usual team of brothers - all this plunges the unfortunate hamster into a state of real stress. Well, the only protective reaction available to the rodent in this case is just a bite.

A hamster for a reason nibbles a cage

How to avoid this? In fact, it’s quite simple - equip the animal with suitable housing (a feeding trough, a drinking bowl, and a house, where you can hide and get used to the changed environment) and wait a few days. Of course, I want to play with a new pet as quickly as possible, but still it is better to be patient a bit so as not to obscure the familiarity with the pet with an act of such aggression.


However, sometimes experienced owners who have been in possession of a rodent for several months ask the question why the hamster bites. A very common reason is ordinary fear. Do not forget: this pet is not very smart and rather weak. In the wild, the only way to survive in a dangerous situation is a lightning attack of a potential enemy. Without this habit that became a reflex, hamsters would simply die out many years ago.

Make sure that you did not scare the hamster, did not provoke it yourself to aggression and bite. A variety of things can frighten him that seem very ordinary to you: a sharp unfamiliar sound, a changed situation (installing a new house or wheel, changing a cage), sudden grabbing your hands. Do not forget - each of these situations can be perceived by the hamster as critical, and without hesitation he will put into action small, but very sharp teeth.

Unusual hand smell

Another fairly common problem that can provoke a hamster that has been living in your family for many months, knows and loves all its members, it's the smell. Possessing not the best eyesight (in thick grass or underground, it is still not very useful), they can boast of a wonderful sense of smell. Therefore, the smell that you do not notice, for him it seems quite distinct. And the scent that you rate as harsh may seem disgusting to him.

Red eyes are a sign of Campbell's hamster

Of course, it will not be possible to protect yourself from this 100%. But if the hamster has bitten you, try to analyze the situation - didn’t you cut the garlic shortly before the attack, didn’t you get lotion or perfume on your hands, or did you use scented soap. Usually, if the smell is familiar, then it will be associated with the owner and will not cause a hamster panic. But if you suddenly decided to change the soap with strawberry flavor to a mint analogue, this can confuse the hamster, make you think that it was not the beloved owner who took it out of the cage, but a completely unfamiliar stranger. In such a situation, from his point of view, aggression is not just justified, but the only right decision. However, he can bite in the opposite situation - for example, if you rub the carrots in the kitchen and decide to take the hamster in your arms. Feeling the smell of your favorite treats, the rodent may well decide to try your finger and taste.

Overgrown teeth

Experienced owners are well aware that dzhungariki hamsters, like many other breeds, have constantly growing teeth. Therefore, you need to constantly grind them. In the cage must necessarily be suitable twigs (preferably from fruit trees), mineral stones or suitable roots. The hamster will gladly bite them, grinding his teeth to an acceptable size.

Strongly overgrown teeth

If he does not have such an opportunity, then his teeth can grow so much that he can not close his mouth or eat. In this case, without the help of a veterinarian, a rodent is doomed to a slow and painful death. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that in the absence of suitable objects for grinding your teeth, your pet begins to gnaw at everything that he reaches. And your fingers or your loved ones will not be an exception.

Campbell's evil hamster

Dzhungariki hamsters are one of the most beloved and popular species of rodents. Many beginners buy them in order to gain experience - it is very simple to maintain them. But it soon becomes clear that they are aggressive - they can attack at any time, without any provocation. In this case, it is highly likely that the not too experienced (or not too honest) seller handed you Campbell's hamster.

Typical jungar

Unfortunately, the breeds of hamsters that do not bite do not exist in nature - they would simply die out if they could not fight back. But you can’t say about aggressive breeds for which you cannot bite a person who regularly feeds them and plays with them. And the most vicious are Campbell's hamsters.

It is rather difficult to distinguish them - for this you need to know several signs.

Start should be the shape of the body. If you look at the dzhungarika from above, it resembles an egg - rounded and elongated. But Campbell is more likely associated with the eight - there is a waist, but in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and hips there is a noticeable thickening.

The strip passing along the back is narrower among the dzhungars. And with Campbell's hamsters, it is wider and reaches the forehead.

The former are lucky owners of smooth, dense fur. In the second, the fur is more ragged.

How to solve the problem

We have already explained why a hamster bites - be sure to take these tips into account to reduce the risk of repeated aggression.

Stone for grinding teeth

You can also give several recommendations that reduce the likelihood of getting bites:

  1. Do not pick up a sleeping or sleeping hamster - asleep, he may just not figure it out and bite you.
  2. Not all rodents like it when they put their hand in their cage even for games - let the hamster go out through the open door and only then pick it up.
  3. Having touched any products (both loved by a hamster, and sharply smelling), be sure to rinse them thoroughly - preferably without the use of soap or gel with a pungent odor.
  4. Do not pick up your pet unexpectedly. First, say a few words so that he understands that you are nearby, which means that no danger threatens him.

Having taken this information into account, you will probably no longer be wondering: "What should I do - does the hamster bite?"

What to do if a hamster has bitten

If the rodent still bites you, and to the point of blood, you should not panic. This can greatly scare him, violate fragile trust, which will lead to an increase in the number of attacks.

There is nothing to fear here - unlike wild hamsters, pets almost never carry dangerous diseases. Rinse the wound with cold water, treat it with brilliant green or iodine and bandage it.

Only respect

Of course, punishing a hamster for a bite - screaming or hitting - is by no means possible. Remember: a bite is almost never accidental. Usually you provoke the hamster yourself without even realizing it.


On this our article comes to an end. Now you know how to wean a hamster to bite. Such knowledge will allow him to live in your family for the entire time allotted to him, not overshadowed by any mutual claims, grievances and aggression.

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