How to swaddle the baby right?

The question of whether to swaddle a newborn baby or not, remains very relevant. Previously, it was necessary - in the maternity hospital, a newly minted mother was taught this procedure from the first days, since it was believed that a tightly wrapped baby sleeps harder. Now, progressive parents from the first days prefer to wear the child "in an adult way": it is not a problem to find sliders, underpants, slips and other wardrobe items for babies in children's stores. But for many, swaddling remains a necessary and useful procedure. Why?

how to swaddle the baby right

Every young mother needs to know how to swaddle her baby correctly, because in many cases there is no better way to calm the baby before going to bed. In the womb at the time of birth, the baby is very tightly "wrapped" in the uterus. He is used to this situation, and so he feels protected. Therefore, in the first months of life, some children can fall asleep only when they are swaddled. In this state, the child cannot reflexively wave handles and thus frighten himself or wake him up. So swaddling has its advantages. The downside is that the development of such babies can occur somewhat more slowly than their unfolded peers.

A young mother needs to know how to swaddle a baby correctly, also for the reason that sometimes this is the best way to calm a naughty baby. With colic or gas formation, this method can also slightly alleviate the suffering of the child. In principle, this is a simple matter, and with a little training, any woman can cope with it. So, how to swaddle the baby right? First you need to prepare a place where the baby will be - do not put the baby on a bare surface or on those things that adults use.

How to swaddle a baby? Now we will tell. Before swaddling, you need to put on a table a clean blanket, a plaid or a sheet. And already on them it is necessary to put a detailed diaper. On it, approximately in the center, it is necessary to lay the baby so that his neck is still on the fabric, but the head remains free. Then the upper left edge of the diaper must be tucked tightly under the baby’s right barrel so that the handle is firmly and evenly pressed to the body. And the upper right edge, respectively, also turns around and is on the left side. Then you need to take the bottom of the diaper and tuck it up so that its edge is approximately at the level of the baby’s chest. Now the lower edges tightly wrap around the child - first one, and on top of the other, which is then tucked over the edge. As a result, the baby is tightly wrapped, can not swing its arms and legs, but it is not transmitted by the cloth of the diaper.

how to swaddle a baby with his head

Sometimes you also need to protect the baby’s head from environmental influences. If you don’t have a hat at hand, then you can completely do without a diaper. Of course, this method does not protect the baby’s head so tightly. But, for example, at home, after water procedures, it will allow you to keep warm and not overheat your child. How to swaddle a baby with a head? The easiest way is diagonal. To do this, put the diaper on the table with one corner up. A child is laid out on it 15-20 centimeters below the edge. Then the side corners are wrapped and pushed under the baby’s barrel, as described in the first method. And the lower part is bent up and fixed at the intersection of the sides with a pin, or simply pushed inside. The upper corner of the diaper in this case is a kind of hood for the baby.

how to swaddle a baby

There are actually a lot of ways to swaddle a baby correctly. These two are the simplest. But they are quite enough for your baby to sleep peacefully and feel protected.

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