Any chicken breeder first of all thinks about buying a bird that will develop rapidly, carry well and reach large sizes. After all, all invested money should justify itself. It is for this reason that Amrox chicken is so popular. In addition to high meat and egg indicators, the chicken has an original pleasant appearance.
Breed appearance
The ancestors of this breed were striped plymouthrocks. Breeders of Germany after a long and careful work brought this beautiful and profitable breed - Amrox. Hens perfectly rush throughout the year, while their weight allows them to be considered meat.
Many believe that the United States is the birthplace of this breed, and that it was brought into Europe only after the end of World War II. Amrox chickens were officially registered only in the middle of the last century, so it is probably difficult to establish their origin. It is well known that after the official recognition of the breed, the owners of personal farmsteads of many countries began to seek these birds. Amrox chicken owes all this to its productivity and sufficient simplicity of content.
The adult has loose feathers that are slightly ruffled - this gives the chicken a somewhat comical look. Stripes of gray and black on the feathers make the birds colorful and at the same time strict. The barely hatched chickens are covered with a black fluff. Only the bellies of the chicks are painted with white fluff. Amrox chickens, unlike males, have a light spot of fluff on their heads, so it’s very easy to separate the chicks by gender.
In adult birds, males have a less bright color. The head of the chickens of this breed is small, with a leafy fleshy crest, painted very brightly. The front area of the chicken and earrings are scarlet.
Eyes are brown, somewhat bulging. An elongated and voluminous body seems even larger due to several tousled feathers. Amrox (hens) have a strong, wide chest, their bones are dense, quite heavy. Chicken legs are strong, richly colored. The attention is drawn to the wide, fluffy tail.
Breed features
The undoubted advantage of the breed is its quick adaptation and weight gain. The breed of chickens Amrox is widespread throughout the country, because it is easy to maintain, and its productivity is very high.
In addition to the familiar version of the breed, there are dwarf amroxes. In addition to their weight - 1.2 for chickens and 1.5 for roosters - they are completely identical to representatives of a large breed.
The high survival rate of chickens makes it possible to raise chickens in the same amount in which they were acquired. Due to the high adaptive qualities, the mortality of chicks is practically excluded. The breed of chickens Amrox is convenient for keeping not only in villages and villages, but also in large cities. Content does not require a lot of space.
Few numbers
Of course, any house owner is interested in what indicators the breed of amrox reaches. Chickens weigh slightly more than 2 kg, while roosters can gain up to 3.5 kg. Maturity of hens of this breed comes already to 5.5 months. At the same time, the period of egg production begins, which lasts almost the whole year with small interruptions. A chicken produces 200-240 eggs a year.
In the second year of life, a drop in egg production was noticed, although not by much, but this can affect the profitability of chickens. An egg weighs about 58 grams. The eggshell is light brown.
Layers more often than not themselves lay their eggs over time. This makes it possible to get a new generation of chickens with virtually no hassle. Chicks fledge very quickly. Even an inexperienced poultry breeder can grow and maintain this breed, because amrox - hens are very viable and unpretentious.
Despite the undemanding chickens, we must not forget about hygiene standards. The humidity level in the chicken coop should not be high - this is practically the only thing that the amrox chickens will not be able to adapt to. It is necessary to regularly air the chicken coop in order to avoid the development of various diseases caused by mold and stale air.
You can disinfect the chicken coop floor with lime or peat. You can avoid the appearance of parasites in the feathers of a chicken by sprinkling ash mixed with sand on the floor. Bathtubs made of ash will be an excellent preventative measure: ash should be poured into a basin and put in a place where chickens walk. They will "swim", removing all parasites from the skin and feathers.
Chicken Amrox has a very calm character. She is quite friendly and sociable - during a walk the hens communicate with each other in a clear voice.
Chickens must be fed with crushed grain, cereals, finely chopped eggs. Over time, beets, carrots, greens, potatoes, and yeast are added to the food. Two-month-olds are given fish oil and corn. So that the chicks do not overeat, it is necessary to monitor the amount of food - overeating leads to unhealthy obesity.
Adult birds need to be fed in a variety of ways. The menu should include vegetables, herbs, cereals, dairy products. In a small amount, but daily it is necessary to give crushed eggshell - this helps to strengthen bones and enriches the body with calcium.
With the proper organization of feeding, the amrox chickens, the photos of which are given in the article, will feel great, quickly gaining weight and supplying the hosts with fresh, nutritious eggs. The meat of chickens of this breed is also very tasty, juicy and nutritious.
There are two main types of keeping chickens: walking and walking. The first view involves, as you might guess, the presence of walking or free walks. When the second species is kept, chickens are constantly sitting in cages. Of course, with stationary content, weight gain is much faster. With daily walks, chickens remain healthier, their egg and meat has more vitamins and other beneficial substances, and ultraviolet light has a beneficial effect on health.
Therefore, it is recommended to keep aproxes in houses with sufficiently large areas for walking. If there is no way to build a pen for chickens, it is quite acceptable to let them out for a walk in the garden, kitchen garden or courtyard.
When arranging a pen for this breed, you need to know that its representatives fly very low - no more than 1 meter. Therefore, the height of the fence at the corral can be only 1.5 meters. In addition, there is no need to make a roof from the net at all - it is unlikely that the chicken will fly over such a fence. Another feature of the breed - credulity - allows you to quickly and easily catch a chicken escaped from the pen.
Sometimes farmers say that amrox - a breed of chickens whose photos regularly appear on the Internet, causing lively discussions - sits poorly on their eggs, pecks them, or often leaves the nest.
In fact, all chickens are different. But still, most of the amroxes are excellent hens, and then croppers. Most chickens of the breed annually, or even twice a year, sit on their eggs. If the owners find that the birds are pecking eggs, this most often means that they lack calcium. In addition, when you give your pets eggshells, you must carefully chop them, so that the chickens do not get used to the fact that it is allowed to peck eggs.
The maintenance of amroxes does not require large financial costs, and if the feeding is organized correctly and the living conditions are suitable, it will not be difficult to get a strong and healthy bird that does not disappoint the hosts in terms of productive qualities.
Despite the fact that poultry farmers in Russia have already managed to evaluate this breed, it is quite difficult to purchase it in free sale. You have to buy chicks or eggs at farms, writing them through the Internet.
Currently, you can buy Amrox chickens at the following addresses:
- in the Sverdlovsk region, the city of Revda;
- by contacting LPH "Ryaba Kurochka".
However, the number of breed lovers is constantly increasing, therefore, it is possible to buy a bird at other addresses, which can be found on the Internet or on the forums dedicated to the breed.